Chapter 020. The Book of Death

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Because he missed the opportunity to feed Xiaobai Wang in the morning, during lunch, Shi Baimeng had to fight hard to perform well in front of Xiaobai Wang.

Milk and after-dinner desserts were explained to the servant in advance. On the dinner table, sometimes only Bai Meng and Xiao Bai Wang, Shi Fu and Shi Bai Jin did not return at noon.

At that time, Bai Meng insisted that even if it was unsuccessful, he should let Inno slowly get used to his own existence and behavior. He sandwiched several dishes in a small dish and placed it next to Inno's rice bowl.

Suddenly, Yuesao, who was standing on the side, suddenly looked in amazement, and she looked down at her for unknown reasons. Then Bai Meng's expression was dull.

Xiaobai Wang's chopsticks took away the dishes in the small dish and ate them.

eaten! ?

The success came too suddenly, and she was a bit unprepared.

Huh? Wait, did this idea happen to you last time?

After Shi Baimeng recovered, he stared at Ino with a scorching gaze, only to see that he was slow-moving, indeed eating the dishes in the small dish!

"Nono!" I couldn't help shouting at him.

Then the surprise came again.

The little white king looked at her without hesitation.

Although after looking at it for a second and finding out that she didn't have anything to say, she turned around.

But this short one second alone was enough to make Shi Baimeng's heart burst into arrogance.

"Bring the steamed egg!"

Yellow orange orange smooth steamed eggs arrived, Shi Baimeng took a spoon to feed Ino.

Ino raised his head and looked at a pair of obsidian bright and shining black eyes, and his curvy eyes were filled with soft and joyous joy.

Shi Baimeng was so nervous that she thumped until the first steamed egg was fed successfully. She was so happy that she could not help but gurgled twice.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, once the beginning is successful, the back will be smooth.

The joy of Shi Baimeng was expressed directly on the face, and the small face seemed to shine.

"Miss, let's eat first, otherwise the food will be cold." The maid reminded aside, "Let us come."

"It's okay, it's okay." When Bai Meng refused to look back, how could such a good thing as feeding Xiaobai Wang be given to others.

The servant couldn't laugh or cry, how could she look at the attitude of the young lady just as they wanted to grab her beloved rag doll?

After feeding a bowl of steamed eggs, Shi Baimeng still had a little bit of meaning. In order to balance the nutrition of Xiaobai Wang, he did not continue to disturb his meal time. He picked up chopsticks and ate quickly.

Finally, within the time frame when Xiaobai Wang finished his lunch, he also got the lunch.

After the meal, he successfully fed Xiaobai Wang a glass of milk. Seeing that Xiaobai Wang walked to the sofa, Bai Meng went upstairs and took down his painting tools and sat next to Xiaobai Wang.

The two villains do their own things, the atmosphere is unexpectedly harmonious and warm, and the servants at home do not consciously lighten the voice of the conversation, so as not to disturb them.

Time passed unconsciously, Shi Baimeng stretched his legs and feet, and then looked at his work.

The Q version of Xiaobai Wang in the doctor's suit was caught in the hand by Q Baijin wearing a demon suit, and a speech frame was next to Q Baijin in the devil's hood. "The baby is so tender and tender, is it cooked or steamed? What?"

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