Chapter 040. Want to eat~

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Aunt Yi acted swiftly, quite like a cold-blooded queen.

Some people in the village originally thought that since the child was okay, it would become a big thing and a little thing, and advise Aunt Yi not to be too hard-hearted.

As a result, Aunt Yi said that there were other children involved in the incident. It is reasonable that those children were also accomplices.

Such a sentence made the persuaded villagers shut up, fearing that the mother who protects the calf would ruin the Central People.

In fact, the tiger is too young, at the age of six or seven years, according to the minor protection law, as long as the little white king is killed and safe, find someone who can fight the lawsuit, really no one can take him.

It's a pity that Grandma Huzi didn't understand the law, and under Aunt Yi's deliberate intimidation, she even secretly took the tiger all night... and ran away!

As for where they ran, no one knows yet.

It's certainly not too good for one old and one to leave the familiar residence and escape away.

This also came to an end. Aunt Yi went to visit Grandpa Shi and Grandma Shi.

Probably in the case of Ino, Grandpa Shi also felt that he had a responsibility, and his attitude towards Aunt Yi was okay. Grandma Shig used the pretext of cooking to see her in the kitchen.

Aunt Yi explained to Grandpa Shi that she would enter Shifu's company, and said seriously and generously that she and Shifu had absolutely no personal affair and would not have any development in the future.

After listening to silence for a long time, Grandpa Shi did not leave her to eat at home, nor did she say anything against it.

On the day she decided to go home, Shi Baimeng and Grandpa Shi grandma phoned farewell, and when Grandpa Shi mentioned her gift, it was still in the room.

Shi Bai couldn't dream: "What gift?"

Grandpa Shih, "Your uncle gave it to you."

Shi Baimeng was in a good mood, and did not say no, sweetly said: "The little cousin is still in the grandfather's house? Let the little cousin take it for me first, and come home to play with me someday."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Baimeng held Xiaobai Wang's hand and happily took the car.

Originally planned to travel for three or four days, because the accident of two children was delayed to a full week.

This also accumulated a lot of official duties for Shi's father. As soon as he returned home, he went to the library to have a video conference.


Shi Baimeng took a strawberry cake from the refrigerator. When he saw that the door of Xiaobai Wang's room was not closed, he went straight in.

"Nono, call her mother, look at my mouth, mother, mother."

In front of the little white king, Yi Yidun taught a serious son to speak.

It's a pity that his son didn't give face, and he didn't respond when he looked down at the robot.

Shi Baimeng thought, Aunt Yi would be more patient to teach the coax a few times, and then saw the gentle mother a second ago, grabbed the robot in his son's hand.

Shi Baimeng: "..."

The little white king raised his head and looked at his mother silently.

Aunt Yi "huh." Shaking the robot in his hand, "Little dough fights your mother? Come, look at my mouth and say mother."

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