Chapter 038. Do you know witchcraft?

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Shi Baimeng opened her eyes and saw the white ceiling. Her right hand was very cold. She turned her head and saw that the infusion tube was connected to her hand.

The brain was so tired that I always felt that something was missing, and I couldn't remember what it was.

The door of the ward was pushed open, and the people coming in were Shifu and Shi Baijin.

The two's faces were bleak, but as soon as they came in, Bai Meng's eyes opened, and the faces of father and son burst into surprise at the same time.

Shi Baijin: "Mengmeng, you wake up!"

Shi Baimeng was stunned. Was it necessary to exaggerate?

She didn't just have a fever, but it was a little more severe until she fell asleep.

The memory before the coma gradually recovered. Shi Baimeng sat up, "What about Nono?"

The answer was that when my father came along, "I found it and went to the hospital for examination. There is nothing wrong with my body."

Shi Baimeng was relieved, "Then..."

Shi Baijin interrupted, "When I woke up, I was thinking of a stinky kid. Is he capable of witchcraft?"

Her brother stared at her face with suspicion and touched her head with one hand. "Why don't you ask yourself."

Shi Baimeng took his hand away, "I'm okay, the rain and fever will soon be cured."

Shi Baijin's face was not good, he said in a deep voice: "I don't wake up for three days!"

Shi Baimeng froze, thinking that Shi Baijin was cheating her to play, and went to see Shifu's face again, and found that this might not be a joke.

No wonder they looked so strange when they entered the door.

A child who has a fever and coma for three days does not wake up, which can really scare his family.

Shi Baijin felt that this kind of intimidation was not enough, and then said, "The doctor can't find out why."

"Bai Jin." Shi father asked him to say less. These things were told to Mengmeng. Mengmeng may not understand it. What if I think I have any problems and I am afraid of what to do.

Shi Baijin did not look at Shi Father, and said to Shi Baimeng: "Therefore, there is a hidden disease in dream dreams, and it is not allowed to be sick in the future. Do you know if you are sick?"

"..." turned out to be a deliberate intimidation of her, and warned her not to come again. Shi Baimeng thought, this time really scared dad and brother.

"Got it." Shi Baimeng satisfies her brother's inferior performance, cooperating to make a frightened expression that will be very obedient and obedient.

Shi Baijin nodded with satisfaction.

Shi father rang the bell, let the nurses and doctors come in, and then performed a physical examination for Wake when he woke up.

During the whole journey, Bai Meng was very cooperative. The doctor summarized the examination results and had a low fever, but his body was fine.

Both the father and son were relieved and not satisfied.

Shi Baimeng looked at it and thought that these three days must have scared them enough.

When I recalled my memory before my coma, Shi Baimeng had already guessed that this abnormality was related to forced dreaming. After the dream of the last slag uncle, she felt strangely tired because she was slag for the first time. Uncle's dream, and make their own dreams to guide each other.

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