Chapter 074. Amazing time as a teenager

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20xx, May, 1st.

The show of the school uniform with a red Young Pioneers ribbon buttoned on the sleeve of the school uniform, leading the team members to arrange the inspection site, under the hot sun, she wiped a sweat, and she looked up and saw the flow of people coming from the teaching building.

Staring in astonishment, Xiuxiu pointed at them and said in surprise: "What are they doing?"

Whenever they met in a meeting, the students didn't dawdle, everyone wanted to step on to sit in the back, and they could also play on the phone and chat without being noticed by the teacher.

The young pioneers look at me and I look at you with a blank expression.

A tall, thin, flat-headed juvenile team member who watched the extremely energetic team came running over, raised his hand and shouted, "Sister Xiu, the president is back!"

Xiuxiu gave a shock, grabbed Zhang Mao and shouted, "Really?"

"Cough cough cough." Zhang Mao jealously looked at the show, which was half a head taller than himself. "They said that the president will participate in the flag raising ceremony when he comes back, and he will perform shows!"

Xiuxiu let go of him, and left a sentence, "You guys take the place first." Then she ran away.

While running, Xiuxiu called, but no one answered the ring until the end.

She turned on the chat group on her mobile phone and found that every group in it was very lively. You could see the messages displayed in it without clicking on it, all of which were related to Shi Baimeng.

It's really back! !

Xiuxiu opens a group of friends with the least people.

Wu Xiu Wei Me: Mengmeng is back? Who knows where she is? I called and no one answered. [Crazed][crazed]

The fat tiger sniffs the rose: here should be @言若[wit]

Xiuxiu's eyebrows trembled, hum! I knew I was cut off by this guy again!

Wuxiu only me: @言若 Give me the dream! ! !

Yan Ruo: So noisy.

Xiuxiu is sure that this dead guy must have blocked the group after returning this sentence.

She glanced at the time, and went to the bedroom of Building No. 2 violently.

The dormitory in Building 2 belongs to the classroom dormitory, which is generally a separate dormitory.

In bedroom 203.

Yinuo set the phone to do not disturb mode and put it in his pocket, lowering his eyebrows to look at the girl lying on the bed.

The fifteen-year-old girl bloomed at first, exuding a sweet smell from head to toe.

Half of her face was buried in the soft bedding, and her porcelain-white skin was covered with sleeping powder, without the slightest blemish. A seaweed-like black light grew and fell, and a faintly breathing lips clung to it.

Yinuo stretched out his hand to lift this strand of hair away, his fingertips inevitably touched the soft skin, and his eyes fell on the slapped lips.

He watched for two seconds, then slowly put the strands of hair down in the group, without retracting his hand, and moved back to the top of the place...


Two fingers pinched Xiuting's nose.


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