Chapter 048. I Miss You

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During one morning class, Bai Meng was absent-minded.

She forgot when she left from Xiaobai Wang's dream yesterday, but she still had a little impression of the last few words that Xiaobai Wang said.

I didn't understand when I was confused last night. When I woke up in the morning and had been thinking about it, I began to taste it.

--Xiaobai Wang said he wanted to eat, actually meant to miss her (feed)? Because going to school makes the two separate, the time for getting along is less, so Xiao Bai Wang is sulking to ignore people!

In the classroom, Shi Baimeng was thinking about how to coax back to Xiao Bai Wang, and there were two class teacher's lessons. Like Bai Meng, she asked her to answer the question four times in a row and was answered accurately by Shi Bai Meng every time.

The head teacher raised his eyebrows and said to Shi Baimeng, "Don't be distracted during class."

Shi Baimeng nodded obediently, what to do or what to do after sitting down.

After seeing the head teacher this time, she didn't ask her to answer the question again, which meant she was free.

Bai Xiu's eyes were even more admired when Xiuxiu next door looked at it.

Her little friend is really super cool!

Xiuxiu pestered her chin and thought that it would still be possible to study well. The privileges are really great. She also wants to be like Mengmeng.

He gave birth to Xiu Xiu, who was wide-eyed and listened carefully to the class teacher.

Five minutes later, Xiu Xiu headed down and learned Bai Meng's posture while studying, covering his head and muttering: "I heard my head hurts, this is Ji Ma Ma's digital spell, oh oh oh~ terrible Now, Xiuxiu is going to be read as a fool."

There is such a teasing companion who is reading the scripture next to him, and Bai Baimeng's mourning mood can't be maintained for long.

Until the end of the four classes in the morning, when the bell for school lunch break sounded, Bai Meng grabbed the bag and ran out.

"Mengmeng, where are you going?" Xiu Xiu's long legs caught her with no pressure.

Shi Baimeng responded to her, "I'm not going to lunch at school anymore. You go alone."

Xiu Xiu followed her, "Where are you going?"

Shi Baimeng couldn't get rid of her, and after running out of the school gate, seeing Xiu Xiu still stubbornly followed, and said directly, "I'm going to see my brother."

"I know!" Xiu Xiu's eyes glowed, his face full of curiosity. "It's your cutest brother in the world!"

Shi Baimeng: "..." Without mentioning this, we are still good friends.

Now in her second year of elementary school in Class A, all the classmates already know that she has the cutest younger brother in the world. Later, after being successfully submitted to the school journal by the Chinese teacher, her article that blows up the 100-word rainbow fart of Xiaobaiwang The composition has risen to be known to all elementary schools.

"I'm going too, I'm going to see Mengmeng's brother." Xiu Xiu grabbed Shi Baimeng's arm.

Worrying about the waste of time like this, it's too late to go back and forth. Shi Baimeng said to Xiu Xiu: "You can go with me, but you have to promise me that you are not allowed to move my brother's foot after you go, and you must not scare him."

"Okay!" Xiuxiu agreed quickly.

Shi Baimeng stopped a taxi and went to St. Dean Kindergarten with Xiu Xiu.

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