Chapter 042. Mengmeng's booty

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Four days later.

Aunt Yi was talking to Shifu, and a small ball rushed to her side, holding her hand.

Aunt Yi looked back at her son and smiled and just asked him what was wrong.

From the mouth of Xiaobai Wang, "Mom."

Aunt Yi smiled dumbfounded. What she wanted to say was stuck in her throat. After a while, her voice trembles a little, "Little dough, what are you calling me?"

Bai Meng didn't think of chasing him afterwards. After teaching Xiao Bai Wang for so long, he wanted him to call Aunt Yi's mother unsuccessful.

It's just that this is the reason that makes Shi Baimeng look a little weird.

At this time, Aunt Yi didn't notice the strangeness of the girl in the back. She picked up Ino and held it in her arms. "Mother's Nono, you call again."

Xiaobai Wang's usual calm tone, "Mom."

"Eh!" Aunt Yi's eyes were red.

While sitting beside him, the father looked at them with emotion.

It can be seen that Yi Miao doesn't care on the surface, but she really longs for the child's closeness.

Shi Baijin's voice came from behind, "Stinky boy, dare to run before training."

It's too late to stop Shi Bai's dream.

Aunt Yi, who was moved, found her son grasping himself more tightly, and lost his speed anxiously, "Mom."

Aunt Yi smiled softly with tears, "Well, Mom is here."

Xiaobai Wang pursed her lips.

Aunt Yi couldn't understand it, Shi Baimeng understood it, and opened her eyes. Little White King is brewing words!

Perhaps it has been too long to speak in reality, and Xiao Bai Wang's thinking is very sensitive, but it is still not so simple for him to express it in his mouth.

Therefore, in addition to the few words that are used to speaking, Xiaobai Wang either said nothing or said briefly. If he wants to speak a longer sentence, he has to think about it for a while.

In the process of brewing, the small indifference was almost ruthless, and it seemed that it was extremely unpredictable and misunderstood, thinking that he was thinking about something profound.

Sure enough, Yi Yi misunderstood, looking at his son with expectation and compassion.

Shi Bai dreamed of whether to interrupt, and could not find an excuse to interrupt, saying that it might make Aunt Yi more misunderstood.

Xiaobai Wang brewed well, raised his eyes, and spoke seriously.

"Mom, a good boy should study hard every day, learn more pinyin and more arithmetic, recite texts and read ancient poems. Don't scold people, make no noise, fight less and play nonsense."

Not only did Aunt Yi stay, but Shi Baimeng also stayed.

She didn't expect that Xiaobai Wang could brew such a long paragraph in one breath.

Wait, this passage sounds familiar.

A second later, Shi Baimeng looked at Xiao Bai Wang in a daze.

She remembered, wasn't this a paragraph in the tutu learning machine?

Not only did Xiaobai Wang memorize it, he even imitated Tutu's toned tone.

It's no wonder that Aunt Yi has lived in town.

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