Chapter 016. Glad it broke

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When people concentrate on one thing, time always passes quickly and silently.

There are already several Q version of Xiaobai Wang in Shi Baimeng's small paintings, each with different postures, from sitting to standing and sleeping.

Don't put down the brush until you feel your hands are sore.

Looking at her work in the picture book, Shi Baimeng felt cheerful and regretful. If it wasn't for the child's lack of energy, she still had many inspirations in her mind.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Ino Mengwa, who was beside him. This regret was easily dispelled.

The deity is in front of his own eyes. Isn't it time to think about painting in the future?

This mercilessly shamelessly described Ino around him as an active "accompanying" himself.

"Nuo Nuo, do you look like you?" When the finger holding the pen was not so sore, Shi Baimeng immediately sent the small book to the eyes of Ino's eyes, looking forward to it.

The praise of others is far more exciting than the recognition of the deity.

Perhaps the power of that piece of milk with strawberry cake was indeed true. The disturbed Inno did not ignore Shi Baimeng's treasure.

He glanced condescendingly and blinked.

Obviously one action hasn't changed much, how did Shi Baimeng believe that Ino had seen it? Because Inno's action to dismantle the robot clearly stopped.

Shi Baimeng looked at Xiao Bai Wang's eyes instantly softly, full of love.

The next second, Ino's chubby hand pushed the edge of the picture book and pushed out of sight.

He saw that the continuous movement of the push was very smooth, as if he hadn't watched it seriously, and it was purely an obstacle that affected his sight.

When Shi Baimeng's loving eyes suddenly turned into grudges, he looked at Inno for a long time, and then he said: "Hehe." This laugh can't even cover the deep sweetness of the little girl's natural sweetness. With good intentions.

Asking a painter how to retaliate against someone without using blood, of course, uses his own source.

Shi Baimeng looked at Ino with a smile, then lowered his head and rubbed his red little finger, and various pictures hung in his mind, for example, tied the Q version of the little white king wearing a small bellyband to the chair, holding a small leather whip What is it?


Although I imagined it was very cool, but it was forgotten.

How can she blasphemy her life like this.

Shi Baimeng's pink forehead curled up irresistibly.

When she was caught in inspiration, she didn't notice for a moment. Inomenova next to her side turned her head inadvertently, and her eyes fell on her.

Immediately after the little shoulder paused, it would show a more transparent blue-blue eyes slightly widened, as if surprised by the expression of the little girl next to him.

The emotion in this eye is weak, coming and going quickly, and has been concealed again without being discovered, and turned into a deeper blue.

Inno looked down and touched the new member robot that had been reassembled.

Silly dreams are as happy as they are broken.

Dr. Nono can no longer praise her.

During dinner, Shifu and Shibaijin did not return, but made a phone call.

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