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"Hello there, Ms. Lane!" The evil smirk plastered on his face. His face held a different emotions than before.

Myra immediately looked at Siena who had the same shocked expression as hers but the only difference was the hurt made her feel more guilty because she was the one who even planted the idea of them being together.

"I thought you were better than this Alistair", Myra says disappointment strong in her eyes. Every time, she had been right about people yet in this same room there were two people who made her question that, first it was Tayler and then now Alistair.

"Well you thought wrong", smirking he replies.

"How does it feel to get betrayed precious?" Javier grins. This only angers Myra more but this time she just sits back tightening her fist. 

"Why no comeback, precious?" he further adds still she keeps quiet.

There was a silence surrounding the whole room. Tayler stayed quiet thinking what was going on and so did Nikita, Tony, Ondreaz, Nate and Addison, everyone having no clue as to what to say so all they did was sit quiet and watch the drama that was unfolding in front of them. There was Myra who felt guilty yet frustrated for trusting Alistair and that she should've done a background search on him. 

Suddenly during this silence the one person who stayed quiet the longest spoke, "I knew you were too good to be true!" All eyes move to Siena. She had been quiet the longest, her voice and face held nothing. 

She looked, differently at Myra and spoke with a hint of anger, "This is what I was talking to you about and yet you were constantly hell bent on thinking that he was just like the world portrayed him to be!" 


"Don't Myra, guys like him have the tendency of fooling people but what they don't know is that they will show their true colors sooner or later", every word hit Alistair, still he stayed quiet. 

Siena's eyes moved on him. From the moment he had entered he didn't have the guts to actually look at her, somehow that made her more mad. The truth of him being behind her kidnapping and wanting her friend, made the hate for him ignite more. 

"C'mon say something Mr Mitchell don't you have more lies to tell?"

Finally Alistair looks at her, her body shivers from his sight. As he took steps closer to her, his eyes were stuck somewhere on her body. She looks down to see where his eyes were, the bandage.

But why did he looked like he cared for one minute? Wasn't he supposed to be happy that she got hurt?

Even though her mind was telling her that she was right about him being the bad guy somehow her heart made her confused seeing the expression on his face.

His voice echoed in the room, "Who did this?" Pointing at the bandage.

No one spoke a word. This caught Myra's attention why would he care about such wound and as if Siena heard her. The words came out,"Why do you care?!"

However the reply doesn't come instead another question is raised "Whoever did this come forward now or when I catch you it won't be good for you!"

Myra taunts, "How come a roaring elephant became a mice suddenly!!"

Dylan hisses under his breath, glaring at Myra takes the same knife so that she could see and shut up. Instead the whole action was seen by Alistair and without another word, takes long strides towards him. In a flash, he takes the knife from Dylan's hand places a cut on him the exact same place where Siena was bandaged.

If it was anyone else, the cut would've been a flesh wound however all those years of training and isolation payed up for Alistair in making the cut more denser and deeper.

The silence in the room was replaced by painful screams coming from Dylan, who was now crouched on the floor begging for help. Alistair smiles at the blood pooled around and spoke with firmness, "I gave you an order and if that is too much to ask, you can all be next!" The men surrounding the room chilled at the tone.

"Well that's my boy", Javier spoke with proud.

Dylan looked at Mosaic, the man to whom he gave his loyalty and served him with his life, did not even utter a word when he layed there suffering.

A shout comes from Siena, "A bastard will always be bastard even if he wears a mask."

Alistair retorts, "You should be happy that the man who gave you pain is laying in his own blood."

This only angers her more, "That was not happiness for me. I will only be happy once the man who put me in this, endure the same pain and that is you!"

"So seeing me in a pool of blood will give you peace?"

"Nope, but seeing you torture in pain will give me the utmost satisfaction."

"I will love to see when you bite back your own words", he smirks.

"Now if you both are done with the pillow talks can we focus on the matter at hand meaning finishing our enemies", Mosaic smiles.

"Yes I am...." Javier returns the sinister smile.

"Wait, wait gentlemen why are we in a hurry?" Alistair remarks but
"Aghh", Dylan's screams once again making Alistair realise that he was still laying in pain.

Alistair looks at two of the men seeing Dylan's heavy body, "Take him and fix him up he is ruining my mood!" The men step forward and without a spoken word picking up the injured man they leave.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Mosaic raises his eyebrows at him.

Alistair glances at his watch then answers looking at him, "Don't you want to torture Phantom? Make him feel the same pain that he made you go through. I mean yeah you got his girlfriend."

Myra immediately interrupts, "ex girlfriend..."

Alistair gives a look but continues shaking his head, "Yes...thank you...ex girlfriend but did you actually make him go through the same pain that you went through when you lost your legs"

"No!" Mosaic smashes his fist on the handle of the wheelchair.

"And uncle don't you want to make Phoenix go through the same torture you suffered in jail?"

Siena sat confused at his words. This man just seconds ago ordered men to fix the man he hurt and now he was talking about torture. Talk about being bipolar.

Hearing this was like Christmas bells ringing in Javier and Mosaic's ear. So instantly nodding their heads they reply, "Yes!!"

Again he glances at his watch and looking back replies, "So you got to wait."

"How much longer? What are you going to do?" Mosiac asked again.

Not just them but everyone else in the room had the same confused thoughts running up in their head.

Javier adds, "Again I ask son. What are we waiting for?"

"Just a little surprise!" Alistair voice roars.

Everything happens in a blink of an eye. The windows get smashed, guns ringing in the air. Armed men wearing bulletproof jacket entering through the gates, from the sky. Aiming their lasers on the bad guy.

"Everyone freeze!" A voice authoritatively reverbs through the warehouse.

Alistair smiles without a hint of fear  and speaks, "Hello mother!"

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