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Silence surrounded Myra only the sound of a light beeping was coming from next to her.

As she tried to fully open her eyes, still the blurred effect was there. "Myra!" A figure loomed over her.

She tried to remember the name of the man whose voice was so familiar to her. Opening her mouth she tried to say something but only air came out.


She spoke yet her eyes were starting to close itself.

"Doctor!" The man yelled. Next thing she know is a white figure coming closer to her. "Nurse the injection", He orders.

""N...." She forces herself hard to say but a feeling of someone pricked her skin making her fall back in her dreams.

"No one asked you to stay here!" Siena shouted at the man standing in front of her.

When the man didn't budge and only glared at her, she added. "Why are you even here? She doesn't want you here so you can go. Leave! You were never good in the first place why the whole act of sympathy here?" Siena loud bursts makes.

"Siena I care for her maybe that is why when I saw her body laying on the ground my soul left my body", He puts his head down.

"As if you didn't know what she did, before she met you. Isn't that why you left her?" Siena asks crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"You know the real reason why I left!" He stood tall.

Siena immediately pipes in, "See she doesn't want you here! Thank you for bringing her here but now leave please. I don't want her to get more upset when she wakes up. She had already suffered enough in these past few days."

"I will when I am fully assured that she is fine", He explains.

"I'm sorry but the two of you fighting here is not good for the patient. She is required to rest for a better recovery. I need one of you to leave", A doctor fair chin, chiseled jaw his built hidden under the coat stood at the entryway of the room with a pluck card in his hand. Siena shifted her gaze from the handsome doctor.

She spoke, "I am her best friend so probably the one non related should leave."

"Sir..." The doctor began looking at the man but he interrupts him. "Don't worry I am leaving."

Looking at Siena he continues, "But just tell me when she wakes up please". He leaves.

Sighing she sits besides Myra holding her hand. "I'm sorry you had to see all that."

The doctor with a thin lip nods, "It's alright that happens"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude but I thought Dr Sam was her doctor?" Siena asks frowning yet definitely didn't mind the change of a fifty year old man with this man in his mid twenties. She never knew that you could become doctors in such young age.

"Actually it's been a tiring day for Dr Sam today, so I thought I'll fill in for him. He has given me all the details about the case. I hope it isn't a problem with you?" he asks. Even his voice sounds like honey she thinks.

Stop gawking he asked you a question! Her subconscious yells at her. Shaking her head mentally she replied, "No it's alright until and unless Myra becomes well."

"Don't worry Ms..."

"It's Siena...." Smiling she replies.

"Don't worry Ms Siena, there is nothing to worry about. Maybe because of any past incident Ms Lane's body has been adapted to quick healing. Now we'll just have to wait till she gets up", He explains.

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