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"Myra where is your head, stop daydreaming this has salt in it not sugar!" Gretel bursts loudly making everyone outside the glass cabin stare at her back.

"I'm sorry I'll go get a new one", Myra blabbers taking the coffee from her hand and rushing back to the kitchen ignoring everyone's stare. 

Putting the cup on the counter she sighs, hot tears fill up her eyes falling down. It has been a routine for her mess up's, from the morning everything is going downhill for her. From printing out wrong fifty page document, mishap to the sugar and salt mix up. Everything has been a big chaos. 

Although she thought that maybe Gretel would be slightly understanding and lenient like she was the first day but guess Cruella de vil is real.

Who would've guessed that few days back she was fighting bad guys and risking her life rather than making boring printouts and coffee. Now she was back to being just Myra, no code names, no unexpected missions and especially no need to stay awake 24/7 thinking someone might kill you.

She questioned herself of how did she do it the first time? Maybe previously when she switched her life it was more easy. Also maybe the fact that last time, she immediately had found Austin and later the perfect job on its own. Now all she had was a broken heart from a guy who she knows won't come back and a job where everyone thinks she has slept with the boss because even after missing the past days she still had the job. Even Gretel was shocked to see her today. 

Alistair, I and Siena with Angeline had already decided to keep the kidnappings and everything under the rug. But when you don't give people the answers of the questions they desperately want, cooking rumors is all that is left with them. Apparently when Myra went missing Siena had gone to Alistair thinking maybe he would help her however when Alistair got to know about Javier's involvement he made her take a step back.

Even so after being told to keep away Siena's curiosity rose making her search for her best friend on her own. That is what attracted Javier's attention towards her and Alistair was forced to kidnap her. 

"If you are done daydreaming Gretel is still asking for her coffee", Crystal, an old employee who also thinks that Myra doesn't deserve to be here gets her back to reality. Wiping her tears immediately she takes the new cup of coffee to her. 

"Thanks", Gretel says without even looking up. When Myra starts to leave Gretel adds, "You've been called to Mr. Mitchell's office for some work". Hearing the word work in a different tone Myra shakes her head and goes out to Alistair's floor. Great now Gretel thinks I'm sleeping with Alistair too! she thinks

"Hey best friend why do you look like you've been hit by a bus?" Suddenly Siena enters the elevator.

"Maybe because I have!" She replies with a wry lip. 

"What happened?" Siena immediately straightens herself and asks.

"Well apart from having a bad day and being called an office slut because rumors are that I've been sleeping with Alistair. Also to add more on this Gretel thinks that those rumors are true too, so nothing new honestly!" Myra rolls her eyes. 

Suddenly the thought of Myra and Alistair being together gives a bad taste to Siena's mouth. "Are you?" 

Myra gives her a look, "Are you shitting me right now Siena!" 

"I meant do you have feelings for him, he is a handsome looking man", Siena adds making Myra's frown deepen more.

"Good what is wrong with you Ena! He's Angeline's son which makes him practically my bother for God's sake....and if you remember correctly I was trying to get you both together so why would I even think about him, also when I'm already in love with a dumb ass man  who is undergoing some shitty mindset of not deserving me how can you even think of that?"


"Yes oh" Myra squeals.

"So why do they think that way then?" Myra narrows her eyes at her. Siena automatically understands and replies, "Never mind I even asked that".

"What is going on with you babe? Are you alright?" Myra asks softly this time. 


"But enough about that where are you going?" Myra asks as the elevator doors open. Siena takes a step out beside, "Right where you are."

Amanda's evil smirk welcomes them. "If it isn't the slut and her sidekick", She says looking at both of them.

"Well and if it isn't a bitch!" Siena replies smiling.

"Whatever....what are you looser's  during here?"

"Not here for you at least", Siena rolls her eyes.

"Myra", Myra looks behind to see who was calling her.

As she turns back her heart exhilarates and anger fires in her. Standing before her was the man who just few days back was the reason of her cries and self doubt.


"What are you doing here?" Siena beats her to the question.

 "Oh good, now that you all here!" unknowingly cutting the tension in the area Alistair abruptly says. Siena's eyes moves towards him, the grey suit jacket with casual white T-shirt.

"Why is it good?" Siena gives him a bored expression.

"Ms Ellis I am in no position to give you any answers. Now if you're questions are over I want you all to please follow me", Alistair states and moves towards his room. 

Myra instantly remembers the first time they were here the only difference was Siena was coming along inside his office and there was an extra person who she was still reeling his presence.

"Myra how are you?" He whispered when they were all inside the office making her glare at him.

"Better than you are!" She exclaimed bringing her sight back to Alistair who just asked them to sit around the conference table. 

"Okay so now that we are settled I would like to introduce you all to each other", Alistair says making Myra think that the man and her don't need an introduction they were quite familiar with each other.

"No need Mr Mitchell", Siena bluntly says.

"And why is that Ms Ellis?"

"Be..." Siena is about to speak giving him an explanation but stops herself when she looks a scowling Myra.

"Nothing", She quiets herself down.

"I thought so...now if you'll let me finish. I would like to introduce you to our new Architect for a new project Mr Austin Sanders."

"And Austin I would like you to meet  Ms Siena Ellis and Ms Myra Lane."

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