[25] Right

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"And then I told him everything," I sighed to Tom. Sat besides him on the plane ride back home. Billie had just finishing yakking up his brains in the bathroom of the plane as he sat back down angrily.

Billie Joe was sat besides an old man on the plane, who Billie claimed 'Won't shut the fuck up with his bastard snoring.' And not next to me. I looked over at him pouting sadly as he pulled the same expression. The both of us feeling sorry for ourselves we wasn't sat besides each other and annoying one another.

I was telling Tom about how Billie knew everything. Even about how I felt towards him, that was until I got distracted pulling sad faces at Beej.

"And what did he say when you told him you loved him?" Tom asked as I quickly turned to look back at him.

I looked around cautiously. Our mothers a few rows behind laughing and smiling to each other, Billie sat across the aisle muttering and scowling to himself.

"He told me he loved me back... and for the moment I refused to believe him. I thought that maybe he didn't realise how strong of a word love was and if he was really and confidently sure that was the right word to use describing his feelings towards me. Or maybe he just said it back to keep me from feeling embarrassed. But he insisted so damn much that he knew now for sure he loved me...and then he kissed me." I confessed, wanting to look honestly anywhere but at Tom. In fact, I turned away from him after finishing my last sentence as I looked over at Billie. Still looking angry, as he carried on attempting to wake the gentleman besides him up.

"You kissed him...?" Tom slowly asked confused, as I turned around to face him. Nodding nervously.

"Well- actually he kissed me,"

"But you kissed him back?" The look on his face and in his eyes made me feel as if I was being heavily judged on my choices.

"I know it was stupid, vut just listen. You don't even understand how long I've been hiding these feelings for him... and now I don't have to! They're out in the open and even better he feels the same,"

"So you're.... you're just gonna ignore the fact that he literally has a girlfriend and her name is Ella,"

"She cheated too!"

"Two wrongs-"

"-Don't make a right blah blah blah I know, I know trust me. But we've got that sorted,"

"And the plan is...?"

"He's gonna confess to Ella, Ella will confess to him. They forgive, forget, move on and go sperate ways," I briefly explained to him.

"And what if she-"

"-If she doesn't confess I'll drop her in it,"

"No, Phee no. What if she realises through this period of time spending it with Miles that that's in fact not what she wants,"

"What... and she wants to stay with Bill?"

he nodded.

I bit my bottom lip harshly as I turned to look straight ahead. At the other Plane seat in front of me. "I didn't think about anything like that..."


Billie and I got out the car as we made our way over to Mikes front door, knocking on it excitedly to see him and Tre. They knew we was back home today, they knew what time, they knew we would come see them but they didn't know what had occurred back in new Jersey.

What happens in New Jersey stays in new Jersey? I was hoping that wouldn't be the case, I wouldn't even mind if Billie told Mike and Tre what happened. Just as long as I knew it was coming back home with us and not getting abandoned in another state.

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