[38] The train platform

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"So this is nice, no arguing- no shouting... we even have a relationship going on across the table," My mom commented looking over at Billie and I as we tried to ignore her and continued to eat the food she had made.

But only for Ollie to agree. "I knew you both wouldn't fall out for long,"

"What makes you think that?" Billie asked her, a mouth full of his food as I could perfectly see through his lips the half chewed piece of chicken.

"You were both raised together- there's too much to throw away there," she replied, confident in the answer she gave.

"Well the argument we had wasn't just a silly one like our normal ones," I interrupted. As Billie nodded in agreement finishing chewing the food in his mouth.

He swallowed fast, I saw in his face he swallowed too fast but managed to push it down. As he spoke. "Yeah- we argued over the table. You guys must've known it was serious,"

"Serious? It was stupid I'll give you that word," Tom laughed slightly finding his snotty comment just absolutely humorous.

"It wasn't stupid Thomas, don't be rude," my mom scolded looking over at him with a 'don't start another argument' face.

He blew out annoyed, continuing to push the food around on his plate with his fork.

Ever since the girl from New Jersey hadn't been in touch, he was such a dull person to be around.

It wasn't even just her- it was how it 'made him realise so many more things'. What things? I don't know, he won't tell me.

But he's been super rude. My moms patience was at a thin strand, maybe even thinner than a hair strand, with Tom. It was every day he was starting unnecessarily arguments with stupid little comments.

"Kay." he mumbled. "Although I am right,"

Exactly like that one.

"Whatever- as I was saying. It was serious- to me it was anyway." I tried to pick up where I left off with my sentence. "And that was probably the biggest argument me and Billie have and will ever endure,"

Billie looked over at me dropping his fork on the plait creating a clink. "Don't jinx it Phee!"

"Oh you don't really believe in jinx's do you?" Tom piped up again, with his eyebrows raised trying not to bitterly laugh at Billie. Which I will admit, pissed me off.

"Shut up you ass," I grunted.

My mom looked over at me, a look of warning in her eyes. "Ophelia, language,"

"I only said ass?"


"Right... sorry,"

"I'm done," Billie announced. As there was another clink of the plate when he dropped his knife and fork. He pushed his chair out as it made a squeak on the dining room floor boards.

I looked down at my plate, I wasn't really feeling like eating anymore... and I normally always finished when Billie was, before copying his actions. "Me too,"

"Go on up then." my mom sighed. "But first, take your plates u-"

"-bye!" I shouted quickly running out the room.

"Thank you for dinner!" Billie thanked, with the same idea in mind as he followed not far behind me. We raced up the stairs, so fast we was near enough using our hands too. Before bursting through my bedroom door and turning to fall on our backs on my bed laughing.

I heard him chucking beside me, making me laugh more.

"We do it every time," He breathed out.

"She hates us for it,"

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