Dusk till Dawn

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Ninth Chapter

Ondreaz and I debated for the next hour. It was so much fun. Sol didn’t really get things like this, none of my friends did. Everyone always wondered why I watched hallmark movies about princesses or read and watch about superheroes. But Ondreaz understands. Then we went from there to talking more about the way we grew up to past relationships to dreams and goals, favorite hobbies, songs, movies, memories all the way to watching the sun rising. We were facing each other when we saw the light of the morning. I turned to see the sunlight reflecting on the ocean. 
Luna: This is amazing, it's a blessing to experience this? 
Ondreaz: I know right. I faced the ocean and looked out the corner of my eye to see Ondreaz staring at the side of my face.
Luna: I can feel you staring. 
Ondreaz: The way the light shines on you is so perfect like the aww moment in movies. I laughed a little.  
Luna: Is everything in our life mirroring a movie? Like what is with us and not going home after a date? 
Ondreaz: Well some couples stay up all night on the phone, we stay up all night on the beach. Same difference.
Luna: I guess so. He turned himself facing forward and moving closer to me. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine. I moved my hand on his, interlocking our fingers. 
Luna: This was so much fun. It’s funny how you could learn so much about a person in one night.
Ondreaz: Do you like what you know?
Luna: At first I felt like I just liked your image or plattform you know? The whole go for dreams don’t let anyone stop you and just spreading love and positivity. To get to know you has been one of the best experiences so far. I’ve never done this before. People think that lavish things are the way to impress me. Princes, dukes, lords and all of them. Trying to buy me what I could buy for myself when these little moments are the ones I’ll remember and hold onto forever.
Ondreaz: I’m glad those guys messed up so this could be our movement. He lifted our hands up to his lips and kissed my hand. 
Luna: I have one more question. If you had a crush on me before I got here why not act on it we’ve had conversations before?
Ondreaz: You mean when you friend zoned me. Ondreaz lifted up his head and looked at me. I lifted up my head as well and we turned to each other.
Luna: I said hey love your dancing, you said thank you great pov’s. Then I said hope I can meet you when I get to LA, because this was before I thought about joining the hype house. You said yeah that would be lit and I said nice to know I have a friend when I get out there. Ohhh. That would explain why you responded yeah a friend. 
Ondreaz: You broke my heart first. I cried that night. He was being so dramatic. I laughed.
Luna: Shut up. I got up and started running back to the car. I heard Ondreaz shout behind me.
Ondreaz: HEY! Then he started running after me. I tried to run faster but then he grabbed me by my waist and spinned me around. I laughed and screamed. He put me down still holding me from behind by my waist. 
Ondreaz: Ready to go home?
Luna: No remember no date is finished without food. Let’s get breakfast. 
Ondreaz: Where do you wanna go? I turned to him and put my hand on his cheek and kissed him. Then I held his hand and started pulling him.
Luna: Ihop that breakfast place that we went to when I asked you out. 

Ondreaz shook his head and smiled. We walked back to the car and Ondreaz drove us there. We ordered our breakfast and while we were eating I stopped.
Luna: You know what’s so funny I used to think the whole meeting someone and instantly clicking thing was like a fairytale.
Ondreaz: Well if you would’ve told me I would date a princess six months ago I would laugh.
Luna: I guess life is full of surprises and this is one of the few good ones.
Ondreaz: I agree. I looked down on the table and smiled. I got an idea when I saw the whipped cream on the table.
Luna: Ondre close your eyes please.
Ondre: Why?
Luna: I have a surprise for you. He closed his eyes.
Luna: Give me both of your hands. He put both hands on the table and I sprayed a little bit on his nose. He just opened his eyes.
Ondreaz: Funny thing is I saw you look at it. He went to wipe it and I stopped him.
Luna: Wait. I took up my phone and took some pictures of his cute face. 
Ondreaz: Are you done? I put my phone down.
Luna: No just wait. I wiped my finger over his nose and licked the whipped cream.
Luna: Never been sweeter. He laughed and wiped his nose. We finished our food and walked into the house holding hands. We walked inside my room. I looked at the time.

It’s 6:30 in the morning and we have a meeting in three hours. 
Luna: Mira que hora es? (look what time it is) We need to go to sleep. 
Ondreaz: Yeah um I’ll see you in three hours.
Luna: Okay, thank you for the late night breakfast date. 
Ondreaz: Thank you for being there. Ondreaz just stood there.
Luna: Are you going to stand there awkwardly or get in the bed? Only two options I’m offering. 
Ondreaz: Option two please? I laughed. I took off my shoes and coat. 
Luna: I’ll go to the bathroom to change. I know you’re a little conservative. 
Ondreaz: I think I just cursed myself. I just changed into some shorts and when I came back Ondreaz’s shirt was off. He was stretching and yawning. 
Luna: When I said get in the bed this is not what I meant. He smiled.
Ondreaz: No, I think tiredness is catching up to me. I shook my head. We both got in bed and . I set an alarm and we went to sleep. 

A few hours later the alarm went off. I lean over and turn it off. I look over at Ondreaz. I rub his arm that’s wrapped around me. 
Luna: Wake up, we need to get ready for the meeting. 
Ondreaz: Mhm. He turns over. I roll over and kiss his cheek then I get up out of bed.
Luna: Seriously wake up. 
Ondreaz: I am awake. 
Luna: Then get up. Come on. Ondreaz got up and ran his hand through his hair. He looked at his phone and flopped back onto the bed. 
Ondreaz: I’m going to my room to get ready.
Luna: You have to move off of the bed to do that. He stood up and I walked over to his side of the bed. I gave him a hug. Then we released and I gave him a kiss. He took up his phone, shoes and smiled on his way out. Before he completely closed the door he peeked his head back into the room.
Ondreaz: I’ll make sure it’s closed. I laughed a little. He closed the door and I went into the bathroom. 

Ondreaz Lopez: Six Months with You Where stories live. Discover now