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Second Chapter

My heart is racing because it’s time to tell them the truth.
Luna: I think you should all know the truth. 
Thomas: Luna is leaving in June. 
Luna: I am the crowned princess of a land called Asilo de Seguro. Which means Safe Haven. 
Charli: You’re a princess? What are you doing here?
Luna: In six months I am to take over for my brother. I am to rule over my country for the next ten years. As a tradition I am allowed six free months and I wanted to spend it abroad. 
Thomas: After we all talked I dm’d her and after speaking to the King and Queen, we came to an agreement. She’s here for six months then she leaves. Everyone just takes it all in then Addison breaks the silence.
Addison: Well I guess we better have the best six months of your life then. Everyone cheers and crowds you in a group hug. You smile relieved that everyone is so accepting. 
Charli: Okay, the first american experience is shopping and boys you're coming.
Nick: Noooo, please no. All of the girls looked at Nick and he surrendered. 

Avani and I are making tik toks in her room.
Avani: Yup that’s a good one. 
Luna: It’s going to be fun living here.
Avani: I know and now everyone can learn about your cool culture.
Luna: Yeah, speaking of. Did you tell Ondreaz about beautiful?
Avani: No, why?
Luna: I said that I was feeling beautiful and he said yes you are. 
Avani: No that means he called you beautiful.
Luna: That was very nice of him I guess. I look down smiling and biting my lip slightly
Avani: You like him!
Luna: Shhh… I was just watching a few tik toks of him and his brother and then just him. 
Avani: You really like him! 
Luna: Shhh.. I put my hand over her mouth. And then remove it. She lowers her voice. 
Avani: When and how did this happen?
Luna: Like I said I just liked his dancing and facial expressions, he intrigued me. I followed him, he followed me and we occasionally commented on each other’s videos.
Avani: That’s so cute. What are you gonna do?
Luna: I don’t know but I need to think of something fast. I’m gonna go change. 
Avani: Okay, I’m carpooling with Adi, Charli and Dixie if you want to join. Or maybe Ondreaz can drive you? I laugh walking out of the room.

I changed into more casual clothing. I wore this.

Someone knocked on the door

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Someone knocked on the door.
Ondreaz: Hey, again.
Luna: Hi, please come in. Ondreaz walked in and I closed the door from the noise downstairs.
Luna: Thank you for the compliment earlier.
Ondreaz: What?
Luna: Earlier you misinterpreted what I meant by beautiful. In our land to feel beautiful is like to feel like everything is good. It’s like I’m feeling amazing but more.
Ondreaz: Oh so guys say it too.
Luna: Yes. So it’s like when you came in. At that moment I was getting along with everyone, excited about the photoshoot. Therefore I felt beautiful.
Ondreaz: Ohhh either way I don’t take it back. Ondreaz blushes and I smile slightly. Um... do you want to ride with me? I looked at him in confusion.
Ondreaz: It’s just that everyone else is carpooling. 
Luna: Are you asking me to ride with you as in go on a date with you? Ondreaz gave a nervous look.
Ondreaz: I’m asking you if you want to drive in my car. I drive and you sit in the chair next to me. I laughed. 
Luna: I’m not completely foreign.  
Ondreaz: Okay, are you ready to go or?
Luna: Why is there something wrong with my outfit? Do I not look ready?
Ondreaz: No, no that’s not what I meant at all. I laughed, grabbed my bag and walked past him.
Luna: Are you coming? Ondreaz came out of the room and walked ahead of me. He opened up the car door and did a slight bow. 
Ondreaz: Your highness. I laugh and walk around to the driver’s seat. I held out my hand for the keys. Ondreaz looked in the car confused. 
Ondreaz: You can drive legally in America? 
Luna: Yes, one of the advantages of being a princess. I got it before I arrived. Now, keys please. Ondreaz got in and gave me the keys. 
Luna: Which mall are we going to?
Ondreaz: Right here. Ondreaz showed me his phone. I zoomed in on it and gave him back his phone. I started driving to the mall. 
Ondreaz: You know where it is? 
Luna: Photographic and echoic memory.  
Ondreaz: Seriously, you have to be an amazing dancer?
Luna: I thought you above all people would understand its about more than that. It's about coordination, rhythm and passion like you and Tony. You guys are awesome.
Ondreaz: You actually watch our videos? 
Luna: You followed me before I reached one million followers and I followed you before two million. I am what you call an OG fan. 
We both laughed and then just started asking questions. He always loved dancing, he’s very close to his family and single. I don’t know how that last thing came about but it did, I’m not complaining. I talk about the funny differences between America and the rest of the world. 

We get to the mall’s parking lot. We get out of the car and join the rest of the group. Avani takes my hand and whispers into my ear.
Avani: I see someone got a ride. I laugh lightly shoving her off. 
Avani: Okay, what do you know about American stores?
Luna: Forever 21 and Hollister. 
Addison: So we start out with the basics. What’s our budget here?
Luna: I have been saving for months so unlimited?
The girls' eyes widened and the boys all hung their heads sadly. We all went in and what I learnt is that I hate shopping. There were so many clothes and I had to try them on. Sometimes one shirt in five different colors and sizes. 

We finally left and I couldn’t think about anything but food. We went out to this Asian style restaurant. 
Avani: So if you're a princess have you met any princes?
Luna: I’ve known one my entire life, my twin is one. 
Charli: She means have you met any princes that you aren’t related to.
Luna: Oh… Yes, I know quite a few. Not many but they are my closest friends.
Charli: Why is your country called Safe Haven?
Luna: The land was discovered by slaves and masters who fell in love. It became a safe haven for many different cultures. Therefore safe haven because that’s what it has become. Imagine a place where everyone originated the same way so judgement is limited.
Tony: So why did you learn so many languages? Is it a custom for you guys to learn those languages?
Luna: No as a royal you solely need to know Mandarin, Spanish and French. I have a photographic and echoic memory. I never forget anything I see or hear. So I pick up languages pretty quickly. It’s a blessing and a curse. Especially when your parents forget to lock their door and you're eight. Everyone laughed and you continued eating. Ondreaz drove us home and I fell asleep on the way home. 
Ondreaz: Hey, we’re home. He nudges me a few times. I faintly wake up until he starts talking.
Ondreaz: I guess you’re really out huh? A few conversations, seeing you laugh and smile is enough to let me know I have a crush on you. But you don’t need to know that, not right now. 
I could hear Ondreaz but didn’t wake up. He likes me, I know and I won’t forget it literally. Ondreaz begins lightly tapping me on my arm and after a few taps I “wake up”. 
Luna: We’re home! Thanks for the ride. 
Ondreaz: No problem. We got out of the car and I went straight to my bedroom. I take off my clothes and put on some comfortable clothing. 

I didn’t confront Ondreaz because my brother had one small piece of advice

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I didn’t confront Ondreaz because my brother had one small piece of advice. Don’t get into a relationship it only makes it harder to leave. Ondreaz was so different though. I have seen that line in many movies but now I understand it. 

I’m tired now but diary, what am I gonna do about this?

Ondreaz Lopez: Six Months with You Where stories live. Discover now