This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
We got ready and met up with everyone. I wore this and had my hair in two braids going back with extensions at the end.
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It was so much fun! I got to see some of the friends I made at the black tiktok event. We were on a stage talking to fans. We got to meet fans although that didn’t go so smooth. A fan who happened to be male hugged me lifting me up. Ondreaz did not like that. I screamed a bit surprised. Ondreaz, Tayler, Tony Maiko and I were all in one room together. So Ondreaz was five steps away from me and then everyone just goes down the line like this. Just give you a visual of how everything is set up. He put me down and Ondreaz pulled me in the back of him. Ondreaz: Woah woah! The guy obviously scared backed up a bit. Luna: Everything is fine. I touched Ondreaz’s arm to calm him down. I walked in front of him and talked to the guy. Luna: Hi, want a picture? Peter: Yes please! I’m sorry if I scared you. My name is Peter by the way. I turn 18 today. Luna: Really?! Happy birthday Peter. Do you want to do a tik tok? Peter: Seriously, that would be so cool. I think you’re literally one of the prettiest and coolest girls on the app. Luna: Aww you’re so sweet. He opened his phone and looked up a tik tok dance. Luna whispers: Your fans are waiting for you. I’m fine. He kissed my forehead then walked back over to his fans. Peter and I did the tik tok and I gave him one more hug. I glanced over at Ondreaz still looking at me. I smiled slightly at him.
We got in our room that night, to chill for twenty minutes before heading off to a party. Ondreaz: You seemed pretty cool today. Luna: You didn’t. Peter was simply excited and you scared the kid. Ondreaz: Oh so he’s Peter now? Luna: Ondreaz no not right now. He was a fan, what does it matter if he lifted me up? Ondreaz: Fans aren’t supposed to do that. Then he said right in front of me you are the prettiest girl on the app. Luna: Do you not agree? Ondreaz: You know I agree but he was a bit extra. Luna: How many girls did you lift up or jumped on you? With me standing there Ondre. You don’t need to be jealous or insecure. Ondreaz: I’m not insecure! Luna: You know what I’m going to go to the vending machine because you need to chill. I headed downstairs to the hotel’s lobby. Where I saw Peter dressed quite nicely. Peter: Luna twice in one day, best birthday ever! Luna: Peter you look nice, where are you going? Peter: My boyfriend, John, is taking me to dinner. He’s just late as usual. Low and behold Ondreaz showed up. Ondreaz: Hey babe, you okay? Luna: Yes Ondre. I say a bit annoyed trying not to show it. Peter: Sorry if I was being disrespectful earlier. Before Ondreaz could respond John showed up. John: Hey honey, sorry about that I was double checking reservations. Sorry omg you’re Ondreaz and Luna. Can we get a picture? Luna: Yeah sure. We took a picture and then said goodbye to the guys. After they were gone, I rolled my eyes and brushed past Ondreaz. When we got into our room, I sat on the bed looking through my phone. He sat down next to me. Ondreaz: Baby, I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. Luna: I told you he was just a fan. Admit it you were jealous. Ondreaz: I was a little bit jealous. I looked at him. Ondreaz: I was jealous and I’m sorry. Luna: And if we see Peter you apologize tomorrow. He’s practically a baby and you scared that kid. Ondreaz: Yes I will. Now can you stop being mad at me. I still have my face made up. He tackled me down to the bed and started tickling. I laughed uncontrollably. Luna: Okay, Ondreaz! Stop! He stopped and hugged me. I hugged him back. Luna: Who ever said jealousy was cute lied. He kissed me and I kissed him back. Ondreaz: Let’s go have some fun. He got up and helped me up as well.