This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
I walk through the door and smile at Ondreaz. I open up my phone and show him the video. Ondreaz: You saw this? I shake my head. Luna: I didn’t mean to. I’m really sorry. Ondreaz: I know but it’s not your fault. Luna: I know but it’s so weird now. I see Tony like I see Sol. A brother. Ondreaz: Does he know? Luna: I told the punk to tell you. Ondreaz laughed. I lay my head in his lap looking up at him. I reach and bring his face down to mine kissing him. Luna: Hi. He smiled. Ondreaz: How was your day besides your little surprise? Luna: Got a lot of work done and Sol called. We worked things out. I’m really happy too. I missed my brother. Ondreaz: I’m happy for you. Luna: You think he’s okay? Tony? Ondreaz: Yeah that’s still f*cked up though. Luna: It is, I told him if it were me I would kill myself honestly. Ondreaz: Don’t joke about that. Luna: I’m serious. I can’t even go out in a bikini without having something on. I was horrified back in Safe Haven. The thought of so many people watching me, I can’t even imagine. Ondreaz: He’s a strong kid. Plus if that were to happen to any of us it would be Tony. We both laugh. Luna: Let’s hang out with him tonight. Just hang out. He smiled. Ondreaz: I love you. Luna: I love you too. He kissed me and then we went to their room. He walked in first and gave me the all clear. Tony was sitting on his bed. I ran over to the bed and tackled him. I jumped up. Luna: TONY? Tony: Wtf? Luna: WE ARE HANGING OUT TONIGHT, FUN TIME! Tony: Can we have fun without screaming? Luna: Yeah. What do you want to do? Tony: I don’t know, should we go out? Luna: I know of a few parties. Ondre? Ondreaz: I’m down, let’s go out.
Later that night. We get ready to go out!
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This is my first time going out to a party since I’ve been here. Ondreaz goes out but I would rather stay home and edit. Ondreaz: Should we uber? Luna: I can drive or Tony are you drinking? Ondreaz: No Tony is not driving. Luna: Por que no? (Why not?) Ondreaz: No we can take an uber. I call the uber. We go to the party and we’re having so much fun. We were dancing, Tony and Ondreaz were showing off. I did the few moves I knew trying to keep up, I can’t. We met a few people like Jason Derulo, Tyga and Tana Mongeuo. Really cool people to hangout with. It’s coming to the end of the night or morning I should say. I had seven shots still not drunk. A few mojitos still not drunk but my love Ondreaz did get drunk. My best friend Tony did indeed get drunk. I call an uber and we go outside to wait for the Uber. Someone drunk idiot touches my butt. I turn around with a disgusted look. Luna: Wtf are you doing? Tony and Ondreaz sober up real quick. Tony: Wtf did you just touch her? Ondreaz: You need to back tf up right now? Three drunk guys scenario never turns out good. So I stand in the middle of them and I back up Tony and Ondreaz. Drunk Guy: What are you going to do about it? He walked up behind me and grabbed my butt. I turn around immediately. Luna: Don’t touch me. He walks closer to me and I am getting ready to flip him on his butt. Ondreaz throws a swing hitting the guy right in his nose. Ondreaz goes in again but Tony stops him. The guy holds his nose backing up. Then a girl comes at me. Girl: What are you doing? This is my boyfriend and he’s obviously drunk. Luna: You’re boyfriend is a little touchy when he’s drunk, get that in check. She slapped me in my face. I push her back because she looks drunk as well. I look at Ondreaz and Tony. Tony is in a corner with Ondreaz up against a wall trying to calm him down. Turn around and this girl is grabbing a glass bottle to hit me! I’ve had enough of this now. I grab her hand, hit her in the stomach, knee her in the stomach and elbow her in the back. She’s on the ground and I’m on top of her. Luna: Dumb b!tch. Ondreaz grabs me and pulls me off. The uber finally gets here. Ondreaz put me in the Uber. My hair is a mess and I’m embarrassed. I lean my head on Ondreaz’s shoulder and he kisses my forehead. Ondreaz: Are you okay? Luna: Yes, I just want to go home and forget about tonight. I look over at Tony. Tony had my purse. Tony: You good? He shakes his head. I went to bed with the mentality if we’re okay then everything is okay. Oh no no because that’s not how this city works.
The next morning I wake up to all of the drama. Someone did see it and record it. It has been spun in so many different directions. I know I have to address this and while we’re at it people have also found out I saw Tony’s nudes. Today is a really good day. Now I have to wake up the boys so we can address this. I slept in their room last night. I wake them both up. Tony: What is up? Luna: People are saying we attacked the people. At the party last night. Ondreaz: What? Luna: This is the video. I show them the video. It only shows Ondreaz punching the guy and then me beating up the girl. I make sure they’re fully awake by making them walk to my room. I set up my phone on my ring light. I sit on Ondreaz’s lap and Tony sits right beside us. I go on instagram live. Luna: Okay, we literally just woke up to see all of this drama going on. Basically, we went out last night to have some fun. At the end of the night we were going home. I wasn’t drunk in the slightest. A guy came and stuck his hand up my dress grabbing my butt. I obviously reacted and asked him what he was doing. He was obviously drunk. Tony: That doesn’t matter. No guy should touch a woman like that. Luna: Right not making that an excuse just saying what his state was. Ondreaz: Tony and I obviously weren't going to let that fly. So what the video doesn’t show is us getting in face. Then Luna didn’t want us to fight so she stood in between us. After she did that he got bold and asked us what we were going to do about it and did it again. Yes I did punch him in his nose. I won’t apologize for that. That was disrespectful to her and if any other guy was in my position they would’ve either done the same or worse. Luna: That’s sexual assault. Ondreaz: Yeah. Tony: I didn’t want them to get into a full fight so I pushed Ondreaz back to calm down. Luna: His girlfriend I’m assuming came at me thinking I hit her boyfriend for no reason or being drunk. I honestly don’t know. She slapped me and you guys saw what happened. Ondreaz: She slapped you? Luna: Why did you think I was fighting her? Ondreaz: Right now all I remember is Tony having me pinned to a wall shouting at me and I’m not even f*cking with it. Tony: When you hit him the guy looked like he had realised what he was doing. It didn’t need to go no further. I just heard the bottle fall and we look over to Luna about to knock the sh*t out of this girl. Luna: I was pissed, to be honest. I don’t like when people hit me for no reason and she had no right to do what she did. Tony: Ondreaz grabbed her then we left. Don’t listen to everything you hear on the internet. We were all just defending ourselves. To that guy who got punched, stop getting drunk and touching girls you don’t know. That’s disgusting. Luna: We just wanted to tell you guys our side of the story. I put arms on Tony and Ondreaz. Luna: Just needed to clear things up really quickly. Have a nice day. I lean forward and when I’m about to turn off the live I see a bunch of people spamming helicopters. Luna: Why is everyone spamming helicopters? Tony and Ondreaz start laughing. Ondreaz: Turn off the live. I turn off the live. Luna: What’s the helicopter for? Tony: I’m going back to sleep. He went to his room. I turn back to Ondreaz. He’s laying down on the bed. I sit on his lap and he puts his hand on his thighs. Luna: What does it mean? Ondreaz: Remember the video? Luna: Yeah. Ondreaz: Remember when Tony went…. Luna: Oh! Yeah I got it ew ew ew! Ondreaz: You’re so cute. He holds my hands and brings me down on him. We started kissing and he moved his hands over my butt. Ondreaz looked up at me. Luna: What? He sat up. I got off of him sitting next to him holding his hand. Ondreaz: That guy should’ve never been able to touch once not even twice. He got up and stood against the wall looking at me. Luna: Baby it’s not that serious. Ondreaz: No it is. That is not okay. Luna: And no one is saying that. Ondreaz: No I should’ve been more alert and had you closer to me or… I walked up to him quickly and kissed him to stop him from rambling. Luna: Cariño what happened last night was no one’s fault but his. When you saw what was happening, you stepped in and defended me. Other guys would’ve told me not to wear that again or told me to just brush it off. Trust me I’ve heard about these things. You did everything you were supposed to do. Okay? Don’t worry about me I’m fine. I kissed his forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist. I held him close to me. I thought it was sweet how much he cared to protect me. Luna: I love you. Ondreaz: I love you too.
Diary I wished things would’ve ended here highlight of my day but no. Let’s talk about it some more when I get home. As in not on a break from meetings. You get the idea by diary.