New friend?

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Twenty-Fifth Chapter

Dear Diary,

Let’s go back to Ondreaz and I.
Luna: Want to come to the doctor with me?
Ondreaz: Why are you going to the doctor?
Luna: It’s nothing. Every month I get a checkup to make sure I’m staying healthy. I also need to go on birth control.
Ondreaz: You’re not on birth control? He looked scared.
Luna: Relax, I took the morning after pill. 
Ondreaz: Okay. 
Luna: Coming with me? 
Ondreaz: Yeah of course. 
Luna: Are you free all day today?
Ondreaz: Yeah.
Luna: Wanna make a youtube video with me? It’s a fun one. 
Ondreaz: On our day off, yes babe what do you want to do?
Luna: I have a few things to do today. So starting From 12 until 12 tomorrow I’m only going to be speaking to you in spanish.
Ondreaz: That’s funny because I don’t speak spanish. 
Luna: Yeah that’s the funny part.
Ondreaz: Only because you’re so cute. He kissed me. I reach over and grab my phone.
Luna: I’m telling everyone right now to stop sending those to me. I open up my phone, go on tik tok and start recording.
Luna: Hey guys, can you please stop sending and tagging me in Tony’s leaked? It is extremely disrespectful to me. Tony’s like my brother and more importantly he is the blood brother of my boyfriend. I know it’s funny and fun for you guys but we’re real people behind these screens. You guys need to understand that it’s disrespectful to me, Tony and Ondreaz. Stop and don’t start sending me Tony’s nudes. Thank you and love you guys! I stopped recording.
Luna: Do you think this could backfire? 
Ondreaz: Yes, more people might send it for attention. I post it and hug him. Then his phone rings from someone named Emily. He panicked and let go of me.
Ondreaz: I have to take this. He didn’t even let me reply, just walked out of the room. That was weird right? He comes back into the room like that didn’t even happen.
Ondreaz: What are you wearing babe?
Luna: Who is Emily?
Ondreaz: One of my friends. She has been going through a lot lately. 
Luna: Aww you’re so sweet. He shook his head and we went into my closet to find an outfit first. Then we got changed. 

When he got back we started filming

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When he got back we started filming.
Luna: Hello everyone, today we have a special guest. ONDREAZ! 
Ondreaz: Hey how it’s your boy Ondreaz.
Luna: Ellos saben. (They know)
Ondreaz: I have no idea what you just said. 
Luna: So as you guys can tell by the title. I will be speaking spanish to this white washed latino for twenty four hours
Ondreaz: I don’t know how this is going to work but I know some things. 
Luna: We’ll find out today guys. Let’s go. We get everything we need hop in the car and the first place we’re going is to the hospital.I setup the camera.
Ondreaz: Where is the hospital?
Luna: En serio… Lo no se pero dame tu teléfono. (Seriously ... I don't know but give me your phone)
Ondreaz: Telefono? Phone, you want to put the instructions in my phone.
Luna: Si. (Yes) He hands me the phone and I laugh. I’m going to put in the instructions and I see a message pop up from Emily. *sorry just really needed to talk to you* I unintentionally open and the message before was from Ondreaz *What happened to only talking at night you almost got us caught?* Why would he be scared of getting caught if he’s just helping her out. I’m just being paranoid, right? Sometimes I wish you could talk back Diary. I ignore it and put in the directions. We do everything we need to do and then go shopping.
Luna: Bebé necesito ropa bonita para mi viaje. (Baby I need nice clothes for my trip)
Ondreaz: I have no idea what you just said. Just bebe and bonita.
Luna: Dame besos. 
Ondreaz: Kiss? You want me to kiss you?
Luna: Ya no más por qué lo dijiste así. (No more why did you say it like that) I laughed walking off. He caught me up, putting his arm around my waist kissing my cheek. I turn the camera off.
Ondreaz: Can you speak English now?
Luna: ¿Dónde está la diversión en eso? (Where is the fun in that?)
Ondreaz: I guess not. I love you.
Luna: Te amo cariño. 
Ondreaz: Finally a sentence I can understand. We finish doing everything and on our way back home the funniest thing happens.

I have the camera on and we’re driving to get food.
Luna: Tengo una pregunta para ti nena. (I have a question for you babe)
Ondreaz: You’re pregnant! What?!
Luna: No bebe. Pregunta. (No baby, Question)
Ondreaz: We’re having a baby and you're pregnant? Is that what the doctor told you?
Luna: No.
Ondreaz: Can I call someone to ask what you’re saying?
Luna: Si. Llama Bryant. (Yes. Call Bryant)
Ondreaz: Call Bryant? Call whoever tf you wanna call because I don’t understand you. You’re pregnant and we’re having a baby. I laugh.
Luna: Hola.
Bryant:  Como estás? (How are you?)
Luna: Bien bien. Hoy solo habla español con Ondreaz. (Today I only speak spanish with Ondreaz)
Ondreaz: Hey bro. I don’t know what she’s saying. Can you tell me what she’s saying?
Luna: Le dije, tengo una pregunta. (I told him I have a question for him) 
Ondreaz: Is she pregnant? It’s too soon for this sh*t. Bryant and I are both laughing.
Bryant: No, she said she has a question for you. 
Ondreaz: That doesn’t even make sense! We’re all laughing.
Luna: Gracias. Bryant. Tenemos trajes a juego que te gustan? (We have on matching outfits, you like?)
Bryant: Sí cuando vuelvas a casa. Necesitamos fotos. (Yes when you guys come home. We need pictures)
Luna: Bien, adiós Bryant. Nos vemos en una hora. (Okay, bye Bryant. See you in an hour)
Bryant: Adio. (Bye) We get home and Ondreaz gets out and opens up the car door for me. We get home, take the pictures. Have a good day. 

Then that night while we’re sleeping. I get up to see Ondreaz not there but in the bathroom. I go to the door.
Ondreaz: Nah she’s sleeping but you can’t just call me like that. I was out with her today….. Okay, so did you get it worked out…. Yes, nice. I knocked on the door to see what he would say.
Luna: Babe? What are you doing?
Ondreaz: Um… nothing just peeing. He flushes the toilet, turns on the water and then opens the door. I look at him like he’s stupid.
Ondreaz: You okay? 
Luna: Yeah. It was too late to get into a debate but he will hear about this in the morning. Or after 12 pm. He kissed my forehead and went back to bed. I use the bathroom and then go downstairs. I couldn’t wrap my head around what’s going on with him. I’ve never been in this position and it’s 2 in the morning. I uber eat two apple pies from Checkers and I watch a movie. I need to relax. After that I get back in bed. Ondreaz puts his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. 
Luna mumbles: Ya a$$ gon be sleeping alone if you can’t explain what happened. 

When we get up I kind of ignore Ondreaz until 12. I film the outro and then it’s explanation time. 

Luna: Ondre, are you cheating on me?
Ondreaz: No, why?
Luna: Who were you talking to last night?
Ondreaz: I told you Emma just needs me right now.
Luna: So she’s Emma now. You guys have nicknames, how cute.
Ondreaz: Babe trust me when I say I’m not cheating on you. I would never hurt you like that.
Luna: That’s why you can only talk to her at night and when I’m not around right? He takes a step closer to me but I step back. 
Luna: See this from my perspective. There is this girl who I’ve never heard of. Who’s supposedly your friend. You don’t want me to hear your conversations and want to speak to her while I’m sleeping. I’m sorry but I think I deserve a bit more of an explanation.
Ondreaz: Emily is someone who I… uh met here in LA when we just got here. She’s going through some things in terms of her feeling the effects of this lifestyle. As a friend she doesn’t want anyone hearing what she’s going through. I have to respect that.
Luna: Okay, Ondreaz. I’m trusting you, don’t let me down. He shakes his head. Then walks up to me, puts his arm around my waist and leans his forehead on mine. I’m not even looking into his eyes. 
Ondreaz: Mira mis ojos por favor. (Look at my eyes please) I look at him in his eyes and  he smiles making me smile almost automatically. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist giggling. I wrap my arms around his neck.
Ondreaz: You’re good now, we’re good now? I shake my head and kiss him. He spins around.
Luna: You better be good to me.
Ondreaz: I would never cheat on your crazy a$$. That’s two murders.
Luna: Don’t forget it.

I would be lying if I said I believed him 100%. But I said I would take this risk and that’s what I’m doing. Ondreaz has been cheated on before and knows how much it hurts. That shouldn’t be a valid reason but it’s going to be okay. If I keep saying it, that will make it true.

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