This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
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I texted my mom letting her know I was okay. Before I left my room Avani came in. Avani: Hi bestie. She sat down on the bed. Luna: Avani, what's up?! I flopped on my bed. Avani: I don't know you tell me. I looked at her in confusion. Avani: Cute hoodie where did you get it? She said lifting up Ondreaz's hoodie from the bed. Luna: Okay how did you even notice that? Avani: Because all of your clothes are in the closet and this is the same hoodie he was wearing in this photo that was in my feed and I saw him walk out of your room shirtless. Luna: I have a feeling it's the last one. We both laughed. Avani: Serious pretty fast. I knew it from the moment you told me he Dm'd you back in November. You sounded so excited. Luna: I wasn't excited I was uh surprised! Avani: Yes okay let's go with that uh huh. Avani opened her phone and scrolled through her gallery. She then pulled up the conversation we had from the night Ondreaz first dm'd me. Luna: I have photographic memory. I don't need a reminder. I said "Avani guest what Ondreaz just dm'd me." Then we started just talking once in a while now I'm here and his girlfriend. Happy? Avani: Very. Luna: Tonight I'm going to tell you all about the embarrassing moments I have managed to build up, trust me there are too many. We went downstairs and sat down at the table. Ondreaz sat directly next to me and I smiled at him. He reached over and held my hand under the table. Where no one could see but Avani. She leaned over and whispered. Avani: I see that. I laugh and lightly push her shoulder. I whisper over to Ondreaz. Luna: Not really being discreet now are you? He whispered back. Ondreaz: Not really trying to be. Who would want to keep you a secret? I laugh a little. Then Thomas sits down and we get into the meeting.
After the meeting I go to my room to check my emails and go through my video ideas. I have three meetings today including one at tik tok headquarters. I call to reassure my meetings. Ondreaz knocks on the door. Luna: Come in Ondre. He came in. Ondreaz: How did you know it was me? Luna: I heard you. No one can knock the exact same unless they obtain the skill. I wasn't thinking to compare the last time. Ondreaz: Okay. He sat down on the bed. Ondreaz: Tony, Michael and I are going back to Vegas for a bit. Pick up the last of our stuff and do some collabs while we're there. Luna: When are you guys leaving? Ondreaz: Tomorrow but we'll be back in a week. Luna: Okay. Well I have some meetings to go to but then I'm free around six. Ondreaz: I don't know if I'll be home by then we have a lot of stuff to handle today. Luna: What time does your flight leave? Ondreaz: Around eight in the morning. Luna: Okay no late night then. Ondreaz: I'm free right now, what time does your meeting start? Luna: I have to leave in twenty minutes. Ondreaz: Let me drive you. Luna: You don't even know where I'm going. Ondreaz: I have three free hours unless you're leaving the state we're good. Luna: Okay we're going to tik tok headquarters. Ondreaz: Okay let's go. I put my laptop, airpods, camera and notepad in my backpack. We went downstairs, got in the car and started driving.
Luna: After this week you'll be here permanently, how do you feel about that? Ondreaz: Of Course I'm going to miss my family and it's hard. Going from seeing someone everyday to not seeing them at all but this is everything I have ever worked for. This is where I need to be right now. Luna: Plus this is where I am so that's another win. Ondreaz laughed a little. Ondreaz: Big win. What about you? You've been here for five days. Luna: I love my family but I needed to get away. Being in the royal family is stressful and we all feel it. Imagine living with your parents until the day they die. Every situation in your relationship, with your kids, they know and never are able to escape. Probably what I miss most is my big brother Sol. We turn twenty soon. Ondreaz: All of the questions we went through I never asked, when is your birthday? Luna: February 14th. Ondreaz: Are you serious? Luna: What? Oh yes, that's Valentines Day for America. Ondreaz: That's going to be a fun day. Luna: Normally I don't tell people until either the day before or of my birthday. Ondreaz: So you don't celebrate Valentine's Day I think? Luna: No we celebrate Evaul on March 16th. Same thing except it's more about family than couples. Yes you celebrate your spouse but your siblings, friends, kids and everyone you love. Ondreaz: That sounds amazing. Luna: Yeah every year each village holds a big festival. My favorite part is the day before the festival we have everyone in our village write down on the parade floats what love means to them. One year this little girl, seven years old, wrote love is the way I feel when I'm with my mommy and daddy. It was the most pure, innocent and powerful thing I ever heard. Ondreaz: That sounds like the best thing ever. A festival just to celebrate love? I would love to celebrate that. How about the royal family? Luna: What do you mean? Ondreaz: You talk about Safe Haven all the time but when it comes to your family it's always I love them and they love me. What's your relationship with them? Luna: It's complicated. Something happened a year after my brother and I were born. Then when that same thing came up a few years ago our household was shook. Ever since then we have needed a lot of therapy and healing. Ondreaz: Sorry you had to go through that. Luna: Don't be sorry for me. Trust me I wasn't innocent if anything I made things worse. The party princess is my nickname and not very respectful to the crown. Ondreaz: Royals can't party? Luna: Oh no we can and party hard. Just can't leave the country and not say anything for three days. Ondreaz: I would imagine that wouldn't go over so well. We both laugh. Ondreaz and I talk the entire way. We pull up in the parking lot. I look over at Ondreaz. Luna: Thanks for the ride. Ondreaz: It was my pleasure seriously. I love hanging out with you. I lean over to him and give him a kiss. I sit back in my seat. I put my hand on the door and then Ondreaz put his hand on my thigh. Ondreaz: Wait. He got out of the car and opened my door. I smiled and came out of the car. He closed the door and I leaned up against it. Luna: Smooth definitely gives me fboy vibes though. I send him a message. Ondreaz leaned in and kissed me. Ondreaz: Really? Luna: Check your phone. He opened it and smiled. I said "You just kissed me, classic fboy move. Luna: I have to get in there but pass by my door before you leave. Ondreaz: I'll be home around nine, can we watch one movie? Luna: We can watch Spider man homecoming. I started walking off and then I heard Ondreaz's voice. Ondreaz: Yes because he's my favorite superhero. I turned around. Luna: Yes and because Tom Holland is hot. I smiled and walked into the headquarters. The rest of my day was full of boring business meetings.
They weren't that bad honestly better than stupid meeting with council members back in Safe Haven. My meetings didn't finish until around five. I need a manager and assistant. I think I'm going to bring Amber, my royal handler here. Mom and papa would be thrilled to have a babysitter here for me.
While I'm going through a list of managers Avani knocks on the door. Luna: Come in. Avani: I only knock so you know I'm coming in. Okay tell me about all of the embarrassing moments. Luna: Well Ondreaz did this move on me then I walked him out the door and didn't close it and freaked out. You don't know how much I wanted to die when he came back for his phone. Avani: What do you mean freaked out? I acted out the shameful moment and Avani laughed really hard. Luna: Not to mention I thought he was Dixie and invited him in the room. I only had on my big hoodie and underwear. When he came in I was bending over for my shorts that I dropped on the ground. Avani: Did he see anything? Did you want him to see anything? Luna: No I had on underwear and no not so soon. When he said hola I screamed and fell back onto the ground. Avani: Wait but you knew it was him by his voice. Luna: Yes but I was expecting Dixie. Avani: Ohhh. She started laughing. Luna: Favourite one Adi and Dxie caught us making out in my room. I was sitting on his lap and when it was time for him to leave it's like I forgot to move. Literally just sat there in the room of silence and Ondreaz didn't know how to say get off without being rude, Dixie and Adi just laughed in the background. Avani: I would've too. But if you guys were making out there have to be some good moments. Luna: Right before we get into that. I'm free, my parents will no longer require a call everyday. Avani: That's so great. Luna: Yes and just in time. I went out with Ondreaz and forgot about my parents and almost got called back. Avani: Does Ondreaz know why you have to call your parents? Luna: Yes. Avani: You told him about what happened with your parents? Luna: Oh no no Ondreaz can never know. He'll hate me if he ever found out. Avani: You're not that person anymore he should understand that. Luna: And if he doesn't. I can't risk that not right now. Avani: What if it comes up? Luna: It won't he's not even in contact with anyone from Safe Haven he didn't even know it existed. Avani: Yeah you're right. So tell me about your date last night.
Avani and I talked about everything we've both missed. It was nice catching up with her. That thing that we were talking about can never be spoken, especially not written. That is my greatest regret. It can't be repeated or brought up again. Let's leave it at I'm not perfect and I've changed a lot since then through hard work and therapy. Wait till you hear about the night I had although it was so chill but so much fun.