This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
Later on it's time to go to Sway. Luna: Okay Bryce let's go to Sway. Bryce: No you're not going to show me up at my own house. Luna: We're going to do the ultimate sway challenge. Shotgun red bull, tweet something problematic and jump off the balcony into the pool. Now tell me that's not epic. Tayler: Not gonna lie. That's kind of fire tho. Bryce: I know, that's some good content right there. Jaden: I say we do it. Bryce smiles. Bryce: Let's do this! Sway way baby! Luna: Okay, let's do this. I go to my room to change into my bathing suit and shorts.
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Although I have a plan. I come out of the bathroom and Ondreaz is sitting on the bed. Luna: Are you coming? Ondreaz: Yeah I'm driving you. Luna: Do you like this bathing suit? I bought it the other day but honestly it was the fifth store, I just got whatever could fit. Ondreaz: You look sexy. Luna: Hmm, do I want to look sexy? Everyone's waiting for me and I don't really feel comfortable in this anyway. I'll just put on a crop top over this. Ondreaz: Is it a princess thing, to want to be covered? Luna: No, not at all. Quite frankly in my kingdom it's always hot so we wear I wouldn't say very little but not alot. I wasn't all that comfortable all the time. I take up my phone and show him a picture of me at one of our festivals. Ondreaz: That would explain why you don't mind being seen in your underwear. I stood in front of the mirror looking at all of the exposure. Luna: No, I don't mind you seeing me in my underwear. I'm just not comfortable around others. Ondreaz walked up behind me, placing his hands on my stomach. I'm still staring at my cleavage and flashbacking on the nights mom would tell me nothing was wrong with what I was wearing or I was being dramatic. He kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder. Ondreaz: Babe, you look beautiful in whatever you wear. You look most beautiful when you feel like you and you're comfortable. Luna: You're so sweet. Ondreaz: You make it easy. Now, I'm smiling. Ondreaz: You're smile, I don't care what you wear just keep that smile. I put my hands on top of his, holding him close to me. Luna: Okay come on we need to go. I go to my closet and grab a crop top.
We go to the sway house. When I walk in Bryce and I talk for a bit about how exactly this is going to work. We're going to shotgun a redbull. Tweet something problematic and jump off the balcony. 1 point for the first round, another to jump off the balcony and the first person to get posted in tiktok room wins. Jaden turns on the camera. Luna: And look, we're at the sway house and I have on a different outfit. Bryce: Okay Luna and I will be settling this once and for all. Luna: I feel like I've said this twenty times. Okay, we shotgun one red bull, tweet something problematic and jump into the pool. Bryce: Point for the first person to shotgun, point for the first person to get on tik tok room and first person to jump into the pool. Luna: Okay let's go see me win. Bryce: No the only way you will see this is if I win so comment right now #Brycewon if you're watching this. Luna: Or I post the footage any way so comment #Lunawon if you think I'm gonna win. Bryce and I shotgunned the red bull. I almost choked, it went down the wrong pipe. I took my phone and tweeted "People think I actually like Ondreaz ew Tony's much better". Bryce tweeted "F sway honestly they're all fake. Watch my video tomorrow to find out why". Then we climbed over the balcony and Bryce jumped into the pool. I climbed back over and looked at Jaden with the camera. Luna: Bryce wins guys, next clip play now. We go downstairs and Bryce is shaking where he is so cold. Bryce: You didn't even jump! Luna: I just got my hair braided if I jump in that pool, I'll be right back in that chair for another ten hours. Bryce: I win because you didn't complete the course. Luna: Oh no you're wet and cold but I lost. My life is ruined. You are officially the ultimate sway boy and can stop bothering me. Bryce: Wait wtf! Luna: Yeah. Come one let's film the outro stop shaking you're distracting everyone. Bryce just laughed hugging himself. Luna: Actually does someone have a towel? I kinda feel bad. Tayler came out laughing handing him a towel. Tayler: Are you good? Bryce wraps the towel around his shoulder. Bryce: Please subscribe to this channel. I just jumped into the pool and I'm freezing everywhere. Even my d... Luna: Okay guys subscribe to my channel, like and comment on this video. The tweets were just jokes from the both of us. Bryce: No no mine was real. Yo F THE SWAY HOUSE! Sway Boys: F SWAY. I laughed. Luna: I just realised you can't title this video sway house boy challenge anymore. You have to be like telling you guys the truth, watch the full video. I laughed. Bryce: You must watch my channel a lot because that is click bait gold right there. Luna: Wait everyone is going to hate me for my tweet. Bryce: And you can't delete until this video comes out so... Luna: When are you uploading? Bryce: Maybe 6pm? Luna: No social media for 24hrs. That could be my video. Bryce: Did you just come up with a video idea from my video? Luna steals ideas, that's the thumb nail. I laugh. Jaden turned off the camera and we just had fun for the next few hours.
We're driving home and I get a facetime from Sol. Luna: Yes Sol or King Sol what is it you need service for? Sol: Haha very funny. I've not come to bother you, just to check up on you. Luna: Still doing mom and papa's work I see. Sol: How long until you stop being mad at me? I hold up my middle finger. Luna: When that image leaves your photographic memory so... never. Sol: I'm not going to apologize, you already have that in your memory. Luna: Yes I do. Sol you can report that I'm fine. Just really glad I'm not home with you. Sol: Yes and speaking about that are you preparing for the ceremony? Luna: No, why do a ceremony online? That's stupid! Sol: It's our 20th Luna, don't be so stubborn. By law and tradition as princess... Luna: Sol, I don't want to fight anymore. You need to understand I AM NOT PRINCESS LUNA RIGHT NOW! I left to escape all of this. Sol: You are princess Luna, that's who you will always be no matter where you go... Xanai taps his shoulder. Xanai: Estrella is asking for you. I can take it from here. Sol looks at me and then reluctantly gets up. Luna: Xanai! Ugh I've missed you. Xanai: Me too. I came in here to save you guys from yourselves. Luna: He refuses to listen, he just wants to blindly follow our parents with no personal thought. Xanai: Or? Maybe he's scared. This will be his birthday without you, festivals and the longest time you guys have been apart. He thinks he's never going to see you again. Luna: He isn't if he keeps pushing me away. Even if I'm there in person he still won't see me. Xanai: I know honey but be patient with your brother you know how boys are. Luna: Yes I do. Xanai: You guys take the night to cool off okay? Deja que el fuego te guíe. Luna: Let the fire guide you. I hung up the phone and embarrassed me just stared out the window.
Diary I don't know what's going on with Sol and I but we have never fought like this. I hope it doesn't continue for much longer. I miss my big brother.