This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
We woke up and got ready. I put on this to try and get out of my comfort zone.
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Ondreaz was sitting on the bed waiting for me and I was in the mirror looking at the outfit. Luna: What do you think? Ondreaz: You look cute babe. Why do you look so uncomfortable? Luna: My boobs are too big like I wish they were really small and I should really start doing core workouts again. I sighed. Luna: Just trying to show more skin trying to not feel so self conscience. Ondreaz: Aww I’m so proud of you baby and you look perfect. He walked up behind me putting his hands around my waist. Ondreaz: There is nothing wrong with this outfit. Luna: You sure it’s not too much? I started walking away. Luna: No I should just change it’s too much. Ondreaz grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him. His hands cupped my cheek and I held his hands. Ondreaz: I don’t care what you wear but if this is something that’s going to help you then I support it 1000%. It’s not too much. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He smiled at me and I felt like everything was okay. Luna: Okay but I’m bringing a hoodie just in case. I walk away and grab his hoodie. Ondreaz: Not yours. Luna: What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine. He laughed and we went out to go to the studio. On our way to the studio we got breakfast.
When we got there we met the team and everything. We were doing a lie detector test which was so funny. John Grogan, who did the test, made it a lot more funny. I got tested first and here are a few questions I got asked. Ondreaz: Luna Fuego have you ever checked out other guys when with me? Luna: What do you mean like hey this guy is cute? Ondreaz: Like looked at another dude and went damn he fine. Luna: Yeah but it’s like boys and girls. Lie Detector Guy: True. Ondreaz: Okay, next question. Ondreaz: How many American laws have you broken? Luna: Seven laws. Ondreaz: What, when? Luna: You would be surprised how many times you break the law in a day. Ondreaz: Something everyone wants to know. Are you pregnant after only three months of dating the cutest guy in the world? Luna: Cutest guy maybe but I’m not pregnant after dating you for three months. We all laughed. John: Not true. Luna: Wait what?! Hold on wait I am not pregnant! John: True. Ondreaz: Aww you think I’m the cutest guy in the world? Luna: No. John: Not true. Luna: Next Question?!?! Ondreaz: Luna am I really your first love? Luna: Yes, baby. John: Truth Ondreaz: Aww and you think I’m the cutest guy in the world. Luna have you ever thought about cheating on me? Luna: No? John: Not true. Ondreaz: Luna? Luna: Not the way you think. In the first two weeks of us dating I started falling for you and I got really scared. So I called one of my friends and was like what if he cheats on me and she was like just cheat back. Yeah and I thought about it for a really long time that night. Ondreaz: Haha. Your friend was just like no worries cheat back it will be fine. Luna: After thinking about it, I realized it made no sense. I would just kill you. John: True. Very scary how accurate that was. We laughed, did more questions and then it was Ondreaz’s turn.
We switch places and Ondreaz immediately starts laughing nervously. Luna: Are you in love with me? Ondreaz: Yes completely. John: True. Ondreaz tries to kiss me and I dub him. Ondreaz: She never kisses me. John: Lie. Luna: Ha, to all the people that think I’m a bad girlfriend. Have you ever thought about your ex while with me? Ondreaz: What do you mean with you? Luna: What else can that mean? Ondreaz looks at me. I laugh. Luna: No, not like that like since the day we became boyfriend or girlfriend. Ondreaz: Then yes but in a form of me just thinking about the past and she is a part of the past. John: True and nice save. We were laughing so hard. Luna: Okay, do you find any of my friends physically attractive? John: Heartbeat is racing and pressure is going up. Luna: I’m going to kill you. Ondreaz: No wait let me explain. Your friends are all beautiful but at the same time the only girl I’m attracted to is you. John: True. I was scared for you there bud. I almost died laughing. Ondreaz: No but she is beautiful. Luna: Yeah. Okay last one. Have you ever regretted dating me? Ondreaz: No. John: That’s a lie. Ondreaz: What?! The only thing I could think of is when we first started out dating probably just because of the situation we were both in at the moment I was like what are we doing but I wouldn’t change anything for a second. L.D.P: True Luna: Aww same. Producer: Okay if that’s your last question great note to end on you can wrap it up here. Luna: Thank you guys for watching. Our channels and socials will be down below. Ondreaz: Like, subscribe to awesomeness and comment who you think won this. Luna: That was obvious. Bye! Producer: Cut! How are you guys feeling? Ondreaz: I don’t know why I was so nervous I think that went amazing. Producer: Thank you guys for coming!
We said bye to the crew and then went out for lunch. Ondreaz: What else are you doing today? Luna: Hanging with Victoria, wanna get a piercing or a tattoo? Ondreaz: Why? Luna: I’ve been wanting one of those for a while. Probably get your name tattooed right here on my arm you know just Ondreaz Lopez. Ondreaz: Haha. Don’t do that. Luna: It would be cool. Ondreaz: I’m not getting a tattoo of you or your name on my body. Luna: Hmm interesting. We finished lunch and walking back to the car. I ran ahead and locked him out. Then started recording on my camera. Luna: Hey guys, I just ran to the car to film this intro as you can see in the title I’m pranking Ondreaz. He’s actually outside right now walking to the car. We were talking and he said never get a tattoo of his name so that’s what we’re doing. Ondreaz tapped on the window and I put it down. Luna: You’re really cute but I have a boyfriend. Ondreaz: Haha very funny. He leaned in and kissed me, unlocking the door secretly. Luna: Hey! Ondreaz: Come get out so we can go. Luna: No I don’t want to. I set up the camera facing me. Ondreaz: You want to drive? I shook my head no. He slipped in under me and I laughed. He put his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I looked at the camera. Luna: So how are you doing? Ondreaz: I’m very comfortable, are you vlogging today? Luna: I should, shouldn’t I? Okay guys! Welcome to my vlog! Ondreaz: I have to drop you off babe, let’s go please. He kissed my cheek. Luna: Fine since you’re so sweet. As I moved over to the passenger seat he slapped my butt. I laughed and sat down. Luna: That’s staying in there. Ondreaz: I don’t care. We laughed and he dropped me off to Victoria’s house.
Victoria opened the door and I hugged her. Victoria: How are you doing? Luna: I’m doing great. Victoria: Looking great, nice to see you embracing the boobies. So what do you want to do today? Luna: I want to get my second piercings Victoria: I’m getting my belly piercing today. Luna: Oooh and we can get a tattoo! Victoria: You know I don’t do non ceremonial tats. Luna: Okay, I’m kidding but Ondreaz doesn’t like the idea of me getting a tattoo of his name. So I’m thinking of a fake tattoo right there on my shoulder. Victoria: That is such good content. I love it! Luna: Okay let me film then we can have sister time before it’s prank time. Victoria: Yes let’s do it! I turned on my camera and started recording us. Luna: Hey everyone I’m with my sister Victoria! If you don’t know her then her socials and channel are linked down below. Victoria: Hey guys! Luna: What are we doing today? Victoria: We’re going to be pranking Ondreaz today with the tattoo your name prank. I love you Ondreaz but today we’re going to get you! Luna: Love the energy right now! Okay guys first we’re going to get a piercing. I’m getting my second hole in both of my ears. Victoria: And I’m getting my belly piercing. Then we’re going to go shopping! Luna: I never agreed to that, we’re not doing that. Victoria: Replay this clip right before the mall clip. Luna: There is going to be no mall clip. Guys let’s go! I turned off the camera.
We went to a piercing place and got our piercings. It hurt a lot but it was fine. We went to the tattoo shop and asked them to basically give me a fake tattoo on the back of my shoulder. Then we unfortunately went to the mall. I had to insert the clip. I was recording our entrance into the mall. Luna: Hey guys. Victoria: Why do you sound so sad, we’re SHOPPING! Luna: You’re too loud! Victoria: Get excited! Luna: OKAY I’M EXCITED! We’re too loud, I’m turning off the camera. I turn off the camera while Victoria and I are laughing. Victoria: Now that we’re feeling more comfortable with ourselves I wanna see how far we can push the limits. Luna: Not that far you’re lucky if I don’t buy a hoodie with all of these people here. Victoria: You should do a video on like this journey to becoming more comfortable with yourself. Luna: No that is way too personal no one wants to see that. Victoria: No on a serious note I feel like working in the fashion industry, I found a lot of girls go through what you go through. Feeling self conscience about their beautiful bodies. Think about it but now let’s have some fun. Luna: You mean torture. She laughed and I actually had a bit of fun I admit but it’s prank time.