I miss you

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Twelfth Chapter

I got ready to face my weary day.

I leave the hat home, dont really need it

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I leave the hat home, dont really need it.  I spent the entire day in interviews and meetings. Listening to what I can do for you and how I can help you is really tiring. I didn’t get home until round seven. After the stressful day I had I need some twin time. I text Sol’s personal assistant and conveniently he’s free for like five minutes before he starts his day. I call him.
Luna: Hola Sol
Sol: Hi Luna, how’s my favourite twin sister?
Luna: I’m doing fine, just stressed and tired.
Sol: Must be the twin telepathy. Running a kingdom is no joke but I honestly love ruling. I meet so many amazing people everyday and hear the stories. Helping out the village is all I really want to do.
Luna: Wow Sol, that is beautiful. Makes me sad to rule. I don’t feel the same way about the village that you do. I love our people, the village and our culture. Being queen just is not my dream job.
Sol: I hope you’re not trying to back out. Luna, you know how important this is.
Luna: I know Sol, you sound like papa. 
Sol: I’m just looking out for you. You can fool everyone but I know you left because of Victoria. 
Luna: I left because even after Victoria left that’s all anyone could talk about. I felt like everyone was just watching me constantly, waiting for another mental breakdown. It happened three years ago, can we get over it?
Sol: It’s not something you really just get over, you practically ruined her life. 
Luna: I GET THAT! Sol you don’t think I understand that. I didn’t call you for a lecture or a guilt trip. You can tell mom and papa I’ll do six months and be back since you’re clearly on their side.
Sol: It’s not about sides Luna. It’s about tradition and respect. Two things you have no good history with.
Luna: Yes, history, as in past. Funny no one wants to leave this there but no one ever wants to talk about the fact that papa made the biggest mistake of them all.
Sol: Don’t deflect the situation. 
Assistant: Your majesty, we need to get you in there now.
Luna: Right in time. Bye Sol. 

I was so mad I just hung up the phone. I need to distress. Stretch exercises always help me feel better. I put on my sad playlist. Yes I have one we all do. I changed and did the exercises. I was wrapping up when Ondreaz face timed me. I put my phone up against the bed. I answer in a handstand. 

Ondreaz: Well hi Luna.
Luna: Hi Ondreaz, one second. I did the splits while in the air and then brought myself down slowly. I picked up the phone and sat down.
Luna: Hi how are you?
Ondreaz: I’m tired, we had to get some stuff done today. 
Luna: I feel you on that. It has been a long day. 
Ondreaz: What were you doing?
Luna: Stretch exercises help me relax when I feel myself getting upset.
Ondreaz: What were you upset about?
Luna: I just had an argument with my brother. Just twin getting on twin nerves.
Ondreaz: Tony and I do the same thing but we get over it quickly.
Luna: Well, we don’t really fight that often. Mainly it’s about the crown because him and my parents feel the need to constantly baby sit me and remind me of my duties. It’s like they wait for the moment I make another mistake so they can fix it. Fix me. I’m sorry sorry I didn’t mean to get into that…
Ondreaz: No it’s fine. I don’t mind you letting it all out. I want you to let me in. 
Luna: Really? I mean cool, fine. Actually no I don’t know why showing someone how happy and excited they make you is an embarrassment. I took a deep breath and then I told him how he makes me feel.
Luna: You give me butterflies and it’s like everything you say I want to hear and love that I can never forget. I really like the fact that you listen to me and want me to feel special.
Ondreaz: Awww thank you. Ugh I don’t know what to say. 
Luna: It’s fine your red face says it all. 
Ondreaz: You just made my day for the third time today.
Luna: What were the other two times?
Ondreaz: Waking up to your face and being the first person you talk to.
Luna: See, cute things like that make me like you more and more. I wish I could give you a hug right now. Oh is that what it’s like to miss someone.
Ondreaz: Yes and I miss you too. 
Luna: Tell me about your day. How was it being with your family and working?
Ondreaz and I talked for the next hour until I looked at the time and remembered I had dinner with Addison, Avani, Bryce, Josh, Jaden and Anthony. 
Luna: Okay I need to get ready for dinner tonight. So I will talk to you later.
Ondreaz: Miss you bye.
Luna: Miss you too bye. I hung up the phone. 

I texted Addison. “Hey where are we going tonight”. Addison. “This cute little restaurant not too  far from the house, I’ll come pick you up on my way.” Luna. “Okay what should I wear?” Addison. “Nothing over the top, just cute casual hangout with friends” Luna “Okay see you when you get here”. Okay she’s going to be here in like forty five minutes. I took a shower, did my hair and looked through my outfits. I put on an outfit and facetime Ondreaz. 

Luna: Hey, I’m going to dinner with Addison, Avani, and some of their friends Jaden, Josh, Bryce and Anthony

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Luna: Hey, I’m going to dinner with Addison, Avani, and some of their friends Jaden, Josh, Bryce and Anthony. 
Ondreaz: Jaden, Josh and Anthony are really cool. You should get along fine.
Luna: Okay, do you think this is fine? Too much or too less. I put my phone on my ring light and stand back.
Ondreaz: No it’s perfect. You look beautiful.
Luna: I was going for cute but I guess beautiful is good too. He laughs and so do I.
Ondreaz: You’re going to turn heads even if you were in a hoodie, sweatpants and hat.
Luna: Aww that’s sweet but Addison will be here in ten minutes so are you sure this is okay? 
Luna: Thank you. I’m really bad at this whole outfit thing. My poor stylist had to drag me out of my pajamas. He is so sweet, I don’t know what he did to deserve that punishment. We were amazing friends just not when it came to outfits. I’ve been friends with all my stylists.
Ondreaz: Oh you’ve had multiple.
Luna: Yeah I’ve had three. My favorite is definitely Stefan though, he is amazing.
Ondreaz: What about the other two?
Luna: The second one is not really important and the first one moved on to another kingdom.
Ondreaz: Sometimes I forget about the whole princess and servants thing.
Luna: I put it far at the back of my mind. It is a relief not to hear Princess Fuego, Princess Luna, Ms. Fuego or my favorite royal highness. Ondreaz laughs. 
Tony: Ondre we gotta go. Meeting fans at the park remember?
Ondreaz: Yeah, I’m coming. I got to go. Hold on, check out the fit. He showed me his outfit that he looked so cute in.
Luna: Damn, you look good. I hear the car honk. Without even thinking I grab my bag and head downstairs. I hop in the car. 
Luna: Hey Adi.
Addison: Hey Ondreaz.
Ondreaz: Hi Addison.
Luna: Bye Ondre talk to you later. He waved and I hung up the phone. 
Addison: Missing bae? 
Luna: Yeah but it’s not that bad. 
Addison: You look cute.
Luna: Thank you Ondre helped me out. You look cute too.
Addison: So you guys are picking out outfits now. She gave me a smirk.
Luna: Shut up.
Addison: How was your day?
Luna: Too many meetings.
Addison: Yeah today was a long day for me as well. 
Luna: People think we just sit down and hit the woah all day.
Addison: Not just that we throw it back too. We both laugh.

I’m so tired now. We had a lot of fun that night. I’m going to sleep and fill you in on everything later diary.

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