This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
I come over to the bed and wrap my arms around his shoulders. Luna: Hey guys, I’m Luna. Ondreaz: I think they know that. I want to tell you that we are dating. Luna: I think they know that, thanks to me. I kiss him on the cheek and then lean backwards out of the camera’s view. Ondreaz leans forward reading the comments. Ondreaz: Why did you guys keep it a secret? I pop back into the camera’s view, Luna: Social media tends to twist things and we wanted to find our relationship first. If I’m being honest I didn’t want to “expose” us yet because having a relationship on social media is so stressful or at least I think it will be. Ondreaz: I don’t think it will be. Luna: No? Hm we’ll see. I lay back down. Ondreaz: Can you come into the live please? I sat on Ondreaz’s lap. Luna: How did you guys meet? Ondreaz: So long story short I stalked her on the internet and then insisted on going to the airport with Thomas to pick her up. Luna: That’s funny we met in an airport. After a few more questions we end the live. Ondreaz: Thanks for all of the gifts. Love you guys. He turns off the live. I fully turn around as he lays down and I go down with him. His hands over to my thighs and I tense up at first but then relax. After a few minutes of making out I pull away and peck his lips. I sit up and bring him up as well. He places his hands around my waist and I stare into his eyes for a second. There was only one thing that popped into my head. I’ve never said this to anyone before. Well a boyfriend. I’m kind of nervous but I know how I feel. I know him and love everything about him. Even his flaws. I look at him in his eyes and I can tell he knows I want to say something. I giggled, wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. Then I leaned back up and decided to be brave. Luna: Te amo Ondreaz. I smiled anxiously waiting for his response thinking about what if he didn’t even understand me. Ondreaz: I love you too. He pecks my lips again and smiles at me. Luna: Really? Ondreaz: Of Course I do. You make me smile, I love talking to you and even when we’ve both had a long day just getting to sleep with you is enough to make me feel better. I smiled really hard. Luna: I didn’t even think you would know what that means. I laughed. Ondreaz: I know little things. I'm not that bad. Luna: Okay gringo. Ondreaz: Hey! We both laughed. Then my stomach cramped really hard. Luna: Ouch! I grabbed my stomach. Ondreaz: You want to lay down? Luna: No, I want to get something to eat. Ondreaz: Babe I can go get it for you or we could order in. Luna: I know but I want to go for the drive. I put on some shoes and Ondreaz grabs his keys. We drove to Wendy’s and he held my hand the entire time occasionally looking over at me ensuring I was okay. We ordered our food and headed back home. I thought the drive and walking around a bit would help me with the cramps but it didn’t. We ate and I helped Ondreaz clean up. My stomach pains intestify and I lay down holding my stomach. Ondreaz just rubbed my side. Tears began to flow out of my eyes because it hurt so bad. Ondreaz: Baby did you take the advil? Luna: Yes, it’s just not working. Can you get me some water please?
I hear my phone ring and answer it. It was a facetime from my aunt Vanessa! Luna: Hi aunt Vanessa. I wiped my tears. Vanessa: Honey is it your menstruation cycle? Luna: Yes and it hurts bad. Vanessa: Do you have any Labeh tea? Luna: Labeh doesn’t grow here. Ondreaz came in and kissed my cheek handing me the water. I sit up and drink the water, then put the bottle on my nightstand. Ondreaz is sitting next to me and I hold up the phone so she can see the both of us. Vanessa: And this is the handsome Ondreaz. Your mom has been talking about him all day. Luna: I’m already in tears please don’t bring me any more bad news. Vanessa: Oh no she loves him. Your papa is a struggle as you know. Luna: Ondre this is my aunt Vanessa. Ondreaz: Hola, como esta?! Luna: The english black side of the family Ondre. He made that oop I messed up face. Vanessa: Hello Ondreaz. I hope you're taking care of my niece. She’s the only tough one I got, don’t need you breaking her heart and her going soft on me. Ondreaz: She’ll break mine before I break hers.I snuggle closer to him and every time I have a sharp pain I squeeze his arm tighter. Vanessa: I feel so bad. Whenever I get the chance I’ll send you some Labeh tea okay? Luna: When does the minister of defense have time to pick up some erbs? Vanessa: For you niece I’ll be there in a heartbeat with a personal delivery. Luna: I know aunty. I put my head on Ondreaz’s shoulder and he wraps his arm around me. Vanessa: Aww you two are so cute, reminds me of your uncle and I. Luna: Uncle Carlos. I miss him too! Uncle Carlos is of Filipino descent and makes so much good food from their culture. Talking to my aunt took my mind off of the pain. It’s also nice that she was the first family member Ondreaz met and it went great. After the call my pain came back. The pain felt like it lasted forever but soon enough I was asleep.
I wake up around two in the morning and feel so much better. Ondreaz took off his shirt in the middle of the night I guess. I look up at Ondreaz and smile a little. I kiss him on his cheek and I go to the bathroom to get ready. I opened up my vlog camera because I haven’t done a vlog in a while. Luna to vlog: Hey guys it’s two in the morning and I have a flight for five. I haven’t packed or anything so we’re going to do that and we have to wake up Ondreaz because he’s driving me. Then I filmed myself packing my small suitcase for New York. I only had one carryon because it was only for two days. Two outfits, underwear, one pajamas and my personal kit. The shoes I have on will do. I changed into this.
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Set up the camera and then wake up Ondreaz. I shake him lightly. He lets out a sigh. He slightly opens up his eyes. Ondreaz: What time is it? I open my phone to see what time it is now. When I realize that my instagram is flooding with congratulations. I assume it’s about Ondreaz’s and I relationship until I look at the comments. Luna: Seriously, Ondre wake up right now. He lifts up his head and sits up. Ondreaz: What’s going on? Luna: People from the live last night think I’m pregnant. Ondreaz: What? How? Luna: They think I have morning sickness and cravings. Two very big signs of pregnancy. Ondreaz: We’re pregnant. Aww I’m so happy. He laughed. Luna: It’s not funny. Ondreaz pulled me in and kissed my forehead. Ondreaz: You got to laugh at the media sometimes babe. Luna: Ugh! You’re on camera by the way. Ondreaz: Where? I point to the camera. Luna: Come on we have to get to the airport. Are you good to drive? Ondreaz: Yeah, yeah. He puts on his shirt and goes to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom I made sure I had everything I needed and put my suitcase to the door. He came out of the bathroom, picked up my suitcase and grabbed his phone and keys putting it in his pocket. I put my phone in my cute backpack, held my camera in my hand and grabbed his hand. Ondreaz: You have everything? I shake my head. We walk out the house, lock the door and get to the car. Ondreaz opened the car door for me and then put my suitcase in the back. I get in and he comes in the car too. Luna to camera: Okay guys we are heading to the airport. Oh and yeah guys the entire world knows we’re dating. I would rather it not be that way but everything happens for a reason. Anything you want to say? Ondreaz: Hi guys, I’m still kind of tired but we are on our way to the airport. Need any snacks or something? Luna: No I’ll get something off the plane or just sleep. Also I am not pregnant that it was way way too soon like no. I was on my period. So please stop. I turned off the camera. We drove down to the airport. We get out of the car and Ondreaz gives me my bag. I smile lightly. Luna: I’m going to miss you cariño. Ondreaz: Me too cariña. I kissed him and started walking away. I opened up my camera. Luna to camera: Okay guys Ondreaz just dropped me off and we’re heading to the gate now… Then I felt his hand come from behind me around my waist. I turn around in his embrace. Ondreaz: I love you. Luna: I love you too. I gave him one more kiss. He started walking backwards and waved at me. Then I looked at my camera. Luna to camera: Umm yeah I’m going to cut that out. I laughed. Went through security, waited and got on the plane. Luna to camera: We are on the plane to New York and I’ll see you guys there.
That’s it for the day, Diary. Bye! I’m trying to nap on this couch. I mean plane. I'm tired.
Hey this is my first note to you guys. I hope you'reenjoying the book so far. Anything you guys need clearing up let me know. The book is about to go really fast. Also I check out your stories as well. So comment down below of you guys have story suggestions and Lopez brothers fan fiction is preferred.