This story uses the hype house as a backward setting to the life of Luna Fuego. This is a fanfiction about Ondreaz Lopez of the famous dance duo Lopez brothers. The first few chapters are mainly just the introduction to the story. Hope you enjoy thi...
It’s been a hard working set of days but I love every bit of it. Now I am at the Black History Tik tok weekend. I was called as one of the speakers and I got to meet so many people, it was great. On the first day I met everyone and it was so nice to be surrounded by such power and love. That night it was time to give my speech. I put this on.
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I walk out and everyone claps. Luna: Hey guys. I’m just trying to stop myself from fangirling from all of the Black Excellence present tonight. The melanin is real! Everyone cheers and claps. Luna: When tik tok emailed me to speak I was like what exactly could I have to say? What qualifies me to have anything to say to any of you? Then it said we would love to have you Princess Luna and I got it then. You have no idea how happy I am in these clothes. I don’t really like getting dressed up guys hence the outfit but I do. Don’t worry you’ll get the Fuego effect. But yeah my family rules a nation and I make tik toks. I guess what they do and what I used to do is cool too. Everyone laughed. Luna: Being a princess of such a small, beautiful and united country is not as easy as it sounds. However, it can compete with being black in America. The thing was as princess my team would block all negative comments. I wanted to be grown so the minute I found out, made them turn it off. I make them take off the blocks and boom the comments roll in. Monkey, you were a mistake, black people don’t deserve to be alive and the list goes on and on. I am completely horrified. Never had this problem before. I talked to my brother about it, and talked to Avani, one of my best friends. This is “normal”. I’m confused as to how hating someone for the way they were born is normal. I get over it, thicken my skin. I’m a black belt, skilled in combat and archery. I can take this. Then I get to the ”white house” and they start coming in even more. I just breathe because there was also a lot of positivity and I need to remember that it’s “normal”. It’s not supposed to be normal but in America this society has normalized racism. Talking to you guys today it happens all the time. Everyone in here has been through some type of racism especially being on social media. Racism is not right and shouldn’t be tolerated. We need to stop making levels to racism. Well this one was bad but that isn’t. Racism is racism periodt! Everyone clapped. Luna: When I thought things were okay, settling down. I start dating this guy named Ondreaz. Do we know him, pretty fine right? People started clapping and whistling. Luna: Dennis, relax please. You took Tyshon from me. Leave me with the man I have please. Everyone laughed. Luna: But no I love this man and he loves me but people really hate that we’re together. They can’t stand it! Whereas I have now normalized what’s going on in my comments he hasn’t. He saw a comment and it made him angry. I’m saying but this is normal. It is for me but for a non-black man he couldn’t believe people were saying the things they were saying. So now I have to calm him down and watch how broken the system is. I have my boyfriend ready to beat the hell out of somebody and I’m saying relax this is normal. It’s not that bad, there are a lot worse. So now for him, racism is yet again being normalized when it shouldn’t be. I continued on and ended with this. Luna: Not everyone is going to like you but let’s stop making race a reason. Thank you guys so much, I love you all! I handed the microphone back to the moderator and the crowd cheered.
I walked back stage and met freaking Tracee Ellis Ross. Tracee: Hey Luna. That was great. Luna: Not as great as you were in Girlfriends, Read between the lines and Black-ish. I love you so much. Tracee: Are you kidding, girl you are killing it. Don’t stop being so successful and smart. Luna: Okay can I take a picture please? Tracee: I was about to ask you the same thing! We took a picture together. She had to go but then Tyra Banks walked up to me. Tyra: Hey girl I just heard you up there. Very powerful. Luna: Thank you! You’re Tyra Banks one of the best fashion models in the world. Tyra: Girl you better stop it! We talked for the next five minutes. The rest of the trip was amazing I can’t even explain. The memories and the friends I’ve made there. After all of the fun though it’s time to go back home.
I get back home and say hi to everyone then head straight to my room to see a note on my bed from Ondreaz. It says, “Hi cariña, can’t wait to see your beautiful face tonight. I missed you so much. I know you must be tired so rest and I’ll see you soon. I love you.” It’s so cute. I facetime him. Luna: Awww this is so cute my love. Ondreaz: You’re home, already? Luna: Mhm and I love this. I hold up the note. He smiles. Tony: Ondre let’s go. Ondreaz: I gotta go see you soon. Bye I love you. Luna: I love you! We hang up the phone. I went to sleep, he was right. I did need a nap. When he got home I had been up for an hour. He came into my room and I immediately stood up. He lifted me up, spinning me around. Ondreaz: Did I mention how much I missed you? Luna: No not for the past three hours. I laughed and we kissed. He put me down. He takes off his shoes and we both laid down facing each other. His hand on my waist and mine playing in his hair. Luna: I talked about you at the summit. Ondreaz: I know someone sent me the clip. You looked so cute. Luna: Did you hear the speech? Ondreaz: Yeah it was really good. There were things I didn’t know and we’re dating. The point you made about normalizing racism with me, never even thought of it in that way. Luna: It was so mind opening to me. You have a right to be mad, I shouldn’t take that away and make you think that’s okay. It’s not. It’s totally different from someone calling you stupid or ugly. Ondreaz: I understand and support you a 1000% always. He leaned and kissed me. I bring my hand to his neck, grazing my thumb against his cheek and stare into his eyes for a second. Luna: I know. How was the thing with Jordan Matter? We started talking about our time apart, got dinner and just had a netflix night.
The next few days are a bit hectic. Especially Playlist. I wake up in the hotel room. I walk over to the window looking at the view from the hotel. I feel someone’s hands wrap around my waist. I lean my head back and he kisses my cheek. Luna: Good morning Ondreaz: Hi, how did you sleep? Luna: Great! Ondreaz: Today is gonna be lit. Luna: I get to meet the awesome people who support me. I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck. I kissed him and released him. Ondreaz: I love you Luna Luna: I love you too. I kiss him and we start to make out until we’re interrupted by a knock at the door. Ondreaz: That must be the girls coming to take you away from me. I laugh. He was right. Addison walked right in. Luna: Hey Adi! I grab my outfit, make up bag and hair kit and put them in a mini carry on. Ondreaz put on some flip flops and grabbed my mini carryon which had everything in it. He walked me to the door. Addison opens up the door and right when I’m about to walk through Ondreaz grabs my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. There are some fans in the hallway. They run up to us. We take pictures with a few of them before I head inside. Crazy thing happened actually stupid really tell you about it later!