Chapter 1:

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Sequel to Mistaken.


Even though I said fuck you, I lied, I lied

I thought eventually you would let me go,

That was my insecurities and my ego.

Missed my jump shot, missed my free throw, miss the way we kiss, miss the D yo.

Man it was good while it lasted.

That shit wasn't real it was magic.


Who would protect me if I never hide?

Falling so fast I am afraid of you.

So I lied.



I packed up all my makeup and equipment. I just finished doing the makeup for a wedding. I even earned twice as much by doing all of their hair.

"Thank you so much." The bride said hugging me.

I smiled hugging her back. "You are very welcome." That is why I like to do this, to make people look and feel beautiful. Plus I make good money doing something I'm good at and actually like doing.

I told her congratulations again before leaving they invited me to stay for the wedding, but I just wanted to get home since I spent the whole day on my feet.


"Da da!" Kae yelled using her little feet to run to me as fast as she could as I came through the door. I laughed bending down to pick her up.

"It's mama baby, say mama." I said kissing her little check. She just giggled.

"A'ight I'm out you got Michael for a couple hours?" Mogul asks walking out of the kitchen eating a sandwich.

"Why?" I ask. "I thought Asia wanted him back today."

"She does, but I'm trying to nahmean first." He said smirking.

"Ew." I said making a disgusted face. "You claim you don't even like the girl, but you continue fuckin her."

"I don't like her, but I like her pussy." He said shrugging.

"You are such a fuckin asshole. You shouldn't play with that girl's heart like that knowing she still loves you."

"Bye Morgz." He says opening the door.

"Yeah do what you do best, leave when you know I am about to spit some real shit at you."

"How long everybody done spit some real shit at you about Ron, yet you still hiding from the nigga." He says.

"I'm not hiding from him." I snap. "He doesn't even live in the same state anymore for me to hide from him."

"He always came back here tho and considering the fact that I'm sure Mama K told you he moved back a month ago, you still hiding."

"Wait, what? He moved back?" I ask honestly surprised because this was my first time hearing about this.

"I guess she didn't tell you. I'm out tho, couple of hours Morg." He said before jogging to his car.

I shut and locked the door then leaning against it.

Kahron's back and not just for a time, but permanently. Am I ready for that?

"Auntie you gonna get me some hot cheetos?" Michael asks as we walk through the grocery store.

I needed to get a few groceries and had no choice, but to bring my babies with me. Well Michael isn't a baby since he is eight, but he my baby. While Kae is only one

"You gonna turn into a hot cheeto." I said grabbing a bag and throwing it into the cart.

I only got the chance to grab a few more things before Kae started whining and crying.

"Hold on mama, we about to leave in a few." I said rolling the cart up to the cash register.

She kept pulling on my shirt. I really hate that she is so spoiled because she can't sit still for more than five minutes without crying and wanting to be held.

"She can stand with me Auntie and hold my hand." Michael said while trying to get her to stop crying but she just got louder. I stopped putting stuff on the scanner to pick her up.

She hugged Michael crying when I put her down. She is so damn dramatic.

I needed to hurry up and get out of here because these people looking at us like we crazy.

"Auntie where is my dad?" Michael asks taking off his seat belt when I opened the door to let him out.

"I don't know. Here take my phone and call him." I said handing him my phone.

I shut the door and went around the other side to get Kae out of her car seat. I got her out and she began whining as I placed her on her feet next to me.

"I know mama, hold on." I said grabbing her hand reaching back into the car for my bag and the the three grocery bags I had.

"Shit." I said after I dropped a bag.

"Da da." Kae cried hitting my leg.

"Hold on mama." I said to her. "This is a time when I need a man." I mumbled to myself picking up the bag and the stuff that fell out.

I was getting frustrated. I was gonna cuss Mogul out for leaving me with both of them knowing I have I hard enough time doing everything with just Kae.

"Michael grab her hand and walk her up to the door please." I said as he gave me my phone back.

"Okay," He said grabbing her hand but she only cried louder. "Come on Kae Kae dad's coming."

"Boy, you and ya dad are going to stop making my baby think that's her dad. That's her uncle." I said rolling my eyes. She watches Michael call Mogul dad daily so she does the same, well she calls everybody da da since it is the only word she knows.

I sighed finally getting everything out and shutting and locking the door.

I turned to follow them to the door but then I realized Kae wasn't crying anymore and she wasn't walking in front of me with Michael.

"Michael where's Kae!?" I exclaim looking around beginning to panic.

I turned bumping into someone and a arm went around my waist keeping me steady.

I froze as the familiar scent hit me, the scent I haven't smelled in two years, the smell I missed.

"Relax Mo." His deep voice said.

"Da da." Kae said grabbing my cheek.

Kahron was holding her which surprised me because she doesn't like random people holding her for more than a second.

"Da da?" Kahron asks chuckling. "She calls you that?"

"Yeah, it's the only word she knows, unfortunately." I said stepping back out of his arms slowly as his hand brushed against the nip of my back giving me goosebumps.

"Is that right?" He asks before mumbling damn as he licked his lips looking my body over making me blush.

He nods to towards the house smiling down at me "So you gonna invite me in?

I nod, shrugging. I looked at Kae who was playing with his chin hair. "Uh, you don't have to hold her. Her spoiled ass can walk."

"She's coo, Mo."

I nodded slowly before turning around walking ahead of him.

I spent the last two years wondering how our first encounter would be after all of this missed time between us and I guess I was about to find out.


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