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A/N - Welcome to hell ladies and gentleman! I am back and slightly alive. So this is a modern royal au and (because I'm lazy) pictures of Alex's wardrobe will be posted in chapters have fun loves

 Alexander's POV

   "Alex, sit up straight." George scolded lightly, I straightened up and shifted. 
   "Think as if there's a book on your head." Martha smiled, I nodded and continued dinner. 
   "Father, may I be excused? " Gilbert asked.
   "What for?"
   "Hercules wanted to spend the day with me." 
   "Of course. Go on." Gil grinned and darted off. I sighed and poked at my eggs. 
   "What's wrong, dear?" Martha asked.
   "When can I go out?" I huffed.
   "Why would you want to go out?" George asked. 
   "It's boring here! It's been six months, I know every inch of the palace and I've made no friends!" 
   "Well...What about Katherine?" Katherine Livingston, my personal aid. 
   "She's paid to be my friend!" 
   "Ugh!" I got up and stormed off to my bedroom. I slammed the door shut and Kitty looked up. 
   "Did you-"
   "Why can't I leave?" I groaned, flopping on the bed. 
   "Your Highness-"
   "Kitty, I swear to god-"
   "Alex, they're just worried for you." She sighed, opening the curtains as she tidied the large room. I got on my knees and slumped against the bedpost. "Why don't you get dressed?" I groaned and flopped back again. 
   "What's the point!" 
   "You need to look presentable." I groaned loudly and my cat, Kiki, jumped up on the bed. I pet her gently and sighed. "Come on. Come pick an outfit." I sighed and dragged myself off the bed. I slumped into the closet and picked out a dress. I like wearing dresses. They're comfortable and I think I look nice in them. Let me be clear, I'm a boy. I am in no way transgender. I'm just a little feminine. That's all. I put on a little bit of make up and put my curly red hair up in a neat bun. I slipped into the dress and Kitty fixed my tiara on my hand. 

A/N - This is Alex's dress^^^

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A/N - This is Alex's dress^^^

A/N - And that's his tiara^^^ It will always be that until I say differently

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A/N - And that's his tiara^^^ It will always be that until I say differently.

   I sighed and got up. "Where are you going?" Kitty asked with a frown.
   "The garden to die inside." I mumbled, grabbing my journal. 
   "Ok." Kitty sighed, I made my way to the garden and sat under the tree by the wall. I leaned against the tree and started writing. I wrote about anything on my mind, mostly about not being able to leave. When my hand started to hurt I looked up at the tree and grinned. I made sure I was alone before climbing the tree and sitting on a branch just high enough that I could see over the wall. People bustled through the streets talking on the phone or texting. The chaos was intriguing. It made me want to jump over the wall and explore. I felt like Jasmine in Aladdin. I so desperately wanted to leave it almost hurt. No one seemed to notice me sitting up in the tree and the was fine.

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