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A/N - Keep asking questions loves!!!

A/N - Keep asking questions loves!!!

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Alex's dress^^^

Alexander's POV

   "NO!" I screamed, running from the room.
   "Alex, wait!" George called after me, I ran to my room and slammed the door shut as the tears started to slip down my cheek. I collapsed on the floor and sobbed into my hands. 
   "Honey, what's wrong?" Kitty asked, I just cried and cried. She sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. She pulled my phone out of my pocket and I just let her do whatever. Soon I heard a voice and I sniffed.
   "Hello? Alex?" 
   "J-John?" I sniffed.
   "Are you crying? What's wrong?" I started to cry at the thought and Kitty stroked my hair a bit. "Oh, Alex. Hey, today is my off day so why don't I come get you and we can hang out. Ok?"
   "O-ok." I croaked.
   "I'm on my way. Hang in there, Lex." He hummed, I sniffed and wiped my eyes. The call ended and Kitty helped me off the floor. Meade escorted me to the gate and I tried to pull myself together. 
   "Stop crying. You're gonna be King soon. King's don't care." Meade monotoned, I rolled my eyes and shivered. 
   "I didn't ask for this." I cried.
   "Oh, suck it up. Stop being a baby. It's not that hard. Just pick one." A white Lexus pulled up and the gates opened. John got out and glared at Meade. 
   "He's shivering. You couldn't give him a jacket?" 
   "I'm not his aid. That's Kitty's job." Meade replied cooly.
   "Who shit in your cereal?" I spat as John wrapped his jacket around me. 
   "Come on, Lex." John lead me to the car and opened the door for me. 
   "I guess chivalry isn't dead after all." I teased halfheartedly. 
   "Unfortunately, it is. He killed it." John sighed, closing the door. He got in the driver's seat and pulled off. 
   "Meade has always been a dick." I sighed.
   "Oh, lovely. I'll kick his ass." 
   "I thought you couldn't drive." I frowned, wiping my eyes again. 
   "I have my licence, I just don't have car." 
   "I thought your family was wealthy?" 
   "Yeah...They just didn't get me a car." He shrugged.
   "So Meade is rude to you?"
   "Yeah...I guess. I give him hell just cause and I guess that's his way of getting me back." I huffed. 
   "Are you cold? Do you need the heater?" 
   "No...I'm fine. Thanks." I smiled, John pulled into a driveway and helped me out of the car. He opened the door for me and I stepped into the warm home. His family certainly was wealthy. 
   "Mom?" John called, I continued looking around as a woman with light brown hair and brown eyes entered the room. "Who all's home?" 
   "It's just me and Mary. James is at a play date and Henry is at a friend's house. Martha went to the mall with a few friends." 
   "Ok, we're just gonna go up to my room a-" His mother gasped as she noticed the tiara on my head and I bit my lip.
   "My goodness. Your Highness." She curtsied slightly and I stiffened. "It is an honor-"
   "Please stop?" I begged, she frowned slightly and John bit his lip. "My name is Alex. I'm just Alex." I sniffed. 
   "Of course, honey." She smiled.
   "Come on, Alex." John lead my up the stairs to his room and I smiled. "Sorry it's a mess." He sighed, stuffing food trash in a small bin. "You never saw this." 
   "Saw what?" I giggled, John chuckled and we sat on his bed. 
   "So what happened?" John asked, I sniffed and leaned against the wall. 
   "George was pressuring me to choose." I huffed. "I can't just choose! This is the person I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with! I want to love them!" 
   "Well...Run through the pros and cons." John offered, I sighed and John leaned against the wall next to me. 
   "Um-...Thomas is hot but he's a fucking creep."
   "Nope. No creeps." 
   "Angelica is nice and we got along but she didn't seem all that interested." 
   "Eliza was sweet and funny but she only really talked about feminist issues." 
   "Is that bad?"
   "Not really. I mean I support that and all but I don't wanna hear about it twenty four seven." I shrugged.
   "Maybe she was just nervous. She seemed to really like you." 
   "I guess." I shrugged. 
   "So what's holding you back?"
   "I don't want to marry some on I just met. Elsa was fucking right!" John snorted and I huffed. "I wish I was never adopted." I growled.
   "Don't say that."
   "Why not? This is fucking ridiculous! I'm fifteen and I'm getting married! I wish I wasn't royal!" I snatched the tiara off my head and threw it at the wall opposite, watching it clattering on John's desk. It landed on a sketchbook and a few drawings of his. John smiled sadly as he watched the tiara clatter to a stop. Tears slid down my cheeks and John wrapped me up in his blankets. 
   "You can be normal with me. Forget about it. Ok? I don't wanna hear it anyone unless you're willing to talk about it." John hummed, I sniffed and he smiled. "Why don't we just watch a movie?"
   "Ok..." I sniffed, John grabbed his laptop and opened up Netflix. We settled on a movie and I found myself wanting him to hold me. His strong arms wrapping around me and holding me but I knew he wouldn't do that. He was sitting very still because of his glucose monitor and I didn't wanna sound like an ass. I sighed quietly and John glanced at me. 
   "What's up?"
   "Nothing." I mumbled. 
   "Come on. What?" John chuckled, I rolled my eyes and he smirked a bit. "Your Highness-"
   "I thought you said I could be normal." I grumbled, John pulled me into a hug and I sniffed. 
   "I'm sorry. I like calling you that but I can stop."
   "I was just messing with you." I smiled lightly, John started to pull away and I grabbed fistfuls off his shirt. "Can I stay here for a moment?" John paused and I sighed. "I haven't been hugged in so fucking long."
   "I thought you and Kitty were close?"
   "She doesn't count." John chuckled and held me in his arms. I

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