Bickering and Deceit (Part 2)

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A/N - First football game of the year!!! WHOO!!!

Alexander's POV

   "I guarantee they never loved you!" A tears slipped down my face involuntarily and Eliza smiled with satisfaction. I stood up wordlessly and left the room. Once I was in the hall I let the tears fall freely and ran. I threw the doors opened and ran out into the courtyard. I collapsed on the bench and sobbed into my skirt. I heard the door open again and a pair of arms wrapped around me tightly. I turned and cried into John's shoulder. 
   "I'm sure they loved you very much. She's just trying to get to you. Don't let her win." He whispered.
   "She's right." I cried.
   "What are you talking about?" John frowned.
   "M-my dad. H-He left my m-mom when I was little. H-he said we were a-a b-burden and h-he n-never loved u-us." I sobbed, John sighed quietly and squeezed me tightly. 
   "I don't think you're a burden." He cooed, I smiled lightly and sniffed. 
   "Thanks." I laid my head against his chest and John chuckled lightly. 
   "Part of me just wants to tell her to rub it in her face." He sighed, I giggled a bit and sniffed. 
   "She'd bitch at me about your status."
   "I don't care. Let her."
   "It bothers me." 
   "Because I'm not from royalty. I wasn't born royal or rich or in America. I'm an immigrant and poor as fuck. I miss my brother." 
   "Well...Let's find him." John smiled.
   "Let's find your brother." 
   "How would we do that?"
   "I'm sure the palace has resources. Let's do it." I smiled and hugged him. 
   "Thank you." I whispered, John kissed the side of my head and we sat there a moment. "I refuse to apologize to that piece of shit."
   "You said she hit you...Is that true?" I hesitated.
"I asked Kitty specifically not to let you in! I'm upset! I need my space! Ican't have anything because of you! JUST GIVE ME MY SPACE!" I yelled, Eliza's dark eyes hardened and she glared daggers at me. She raised her hand and, before I could even react, slapped me hard across the face. I heard it before I felt it. A loud smack followed by a stinging sensation that made my eyes water. 
   "You will not speak to me that way."
I shivered and sniffed. 
   "Yeah." I whispered, John swept my up into a tight hug and I held on tightly. 
   "I will never ever let go near that witch again."He breathed, I smiled and relished in his warmth. I hadn't realized but it was rather cold. 
   "John, I'm cold. Can we-" John slipped his coat off and wrapped it around me, kissing my temple. "Not what I had in mind but ok." I giggled, John chuckled and cupped my cheeks. He kissed me softly and I giggled. 
   "You're so beautiful." He whispered, tucking a loose curl behind my ear. 
   "You're very handsome." I giggled, John blushed a bit and I grinned. "Don't hear that a lot, do you?" 
   "No..." He sighed. "Only from Francis." 
   "Well...I'll say it a million times if I have too because you are very handsome." I giggled, falling on him and knocking us over. John laughed and rubbed my back. 
   "C'mon. Let's go eat before my blood sugar decides to die it's self." I giggled and John hauled me up. He spun me around and kissed me deeply. We walked inside and I gave John his jacket back. We sat down and John started eating immediately. I giggled and he smirked at me. Eliza scoffed and I ignored her. 
   "John, how are your studies going?" George asked randomly, John looked up and I snorted at the bewildered look on his face. 
   "Pretty well considering things." He smiled awkwardly, I giggled and he kicked my foot. 
   "Good. What is school like?" I perked up and looked up at John. 
   "It's kind of boring but sometimes there's fights and stuff." He shrugged.
   "My goodness. Fights? What about?" 
   "Just petty stuff like girls fighting over boys and vice versa."
   "Well that's dangerous. Do the teachers stop it?"
   "We have police officers on campus that stop it." 
   "Oh, yes. Of course. Alright. Alexander has been trying to catch up on his studies. His curriculum is a little tougher than yours but maybe you two could help each other out." George smiled, I blushed and John chuckled awkwardly. 
   "Why is he behind?" George glanced at me and I shifted. 
   "He had a bit of an episode but he's alright now."
   "An episode? What ever for?" 
   "Your daughter was no doubt the cause." 
   "Excuse me! I did nothing of the sort! How dare you even accuse me of-" George held up his hands and Eliza shut her mouth quick. 
   "You verbally abused my son and, frankly, I'm glad he is not marrying you." Phillip opened his mouth to say something and George glared at him. "I don't care what you think of that statement. It is the truth and you can deal with it how you see fit." He hummed simply.
   "Girls...We're leaving." Phillip and Eliza stood quickly while Angelica and Peggy looked annoyed, finishing the last of their food. The Schuylers left and George sighed heavily. 
   "So sorry for that." George smiled at John who was grinning ear to ear. 
   "Don't apologize! That was great!" He grinned, the table erupted in laughter and I smiled up at him. We finished eating and I walked with John to the front gate. He took my hands and I smiled, shivering a bit. He took his coat off and wrapped it around me. "Don't listen to anything that bitch says. You are a strong, sassy, adorable, Femboy Hooters ass, bitch and I like you just the way you are." John hummed, I giggled and he kissed me softly. "Can I see you tomorrow?" 
   "I don't know. I have a lot to do tomorrow." I sighed, thinking hard. "If you didn't have school but-" John smiled lightly and kissed my forehead, hugging me. 
   "I'll FaceTime you then."
   "Ok." I hummed, enjoying his warmth. 
   "Bye, Baby." I blushed at the nickname and looked up at him. 
   "Bye, Jacky." He kissed one last time and I waved as he disappeared through the gates. 

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