Best Friends

632 43 46

A/N - more short chapters. I'm sorry. It will pay off I promise!

Alexander's POV

   I jumped as I heard the door open and sat up. Eliza stormed in and frowned. "Eliza? What's wrong?" 
   "That ungrateful bitch said I couldn't come in here!"
   "Who?" I frowned.
   "Katherine!" Eliza snapped.
   "I asked Kitty not to let anyone in."
   "Well, she should've known that you didn't mean me!" She snapped, my eyes hardened. I was tired and I just wanted to cry and sleep. 
   "I especially meant you." I growled. 
   "Excuse me?" Eliza glared at me and I slid off the bed, drawing myself up to my full height. 
   "I asked Kitty specifically not to let you in! I'm upset! I need my space! I can't have anything because of you! JUST GIVE ME MY SPACE!" I yelled, Eliza's dark eyes hardened and she glared daggers at me. She raised her hand and, before I could even react, slapped my across the face. I heard it before I felt it. A loud smack followed by a stinging sensation that made my eyes water. 
   "You will not speak to me that way. You need to learn to grow up! You're going to be King soon, you can't keep acting like the whole world revolves again you." She growled, storming to the door. "By the way, I fired that wench." She slammed the door behind her and I sniffed. I sunk to the floor, cradling my cheek as hot tears slid down my face. I reached for my phone before realizing I had no way of contacting him. Oh, how I so badly wanted to fall into his arms and let him tell me everything was ok but I couldn't. He was with another and Eliza is a vulture. I felt something soft brush against my arm and smiled a bit. 
   "At least I have you, Kiki. You'll never leave me...Right?" She just stared at me as I pet her. I sighed and picked at the carpet beneath me. "Maybe I can find John's Instagram?" I asked Kiki, she meowed and I grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my insta and sighed. I hadn't checked it in ages. I saw one like on a picture I had taken of my writing. I squinted at the profile picture but couldn't quite make it out. Instead, I stared at the picture. It was just an aesthetic picture of me holding one of my pens. There were a few likes but nothing too major. It was just a nice picture of my freckled hand holding a beautiful pen. I scrolled around for a bit before giving up and turning off my phone. I took a shower and changed into my nightgown, examining my red cheek. I shook it off and laid down in my bed. I buried my face in my pillow and pretended it was John. I missed him so much. 


   "Do you ever think about what would've happened if you hadn't have danced with me?" 
   "No." I frowned and looked up at him. 
   "Why not?" 
   "Because I danced with you. I wouldn't change my decision and I don't wanna think about it."  
   "You're my best friend."

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