Lazy Mornings

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A/N - Be sure to ask questions!!!

John's POV

   When Alex told me he thought about killing himself it scared me. I can't loose him. I don't even wanna think about life without him. We talked this morning and he promised he'd talk to me if he's upset and that made me feel better. 
   I sat up and stretched out as Alex ran his hand up and down my back. I crawled on top of him and kissed him slowly. The door opened and I jumped back, pulling the blankets over my chest. . "Good morning, you two." Kitty hummed, opening the curtains and turning on the lights. Alex and I squinted and I yawned. 
   "Does she do that every morning?"
   "Yes." Alex grumbled.
   "I'm so sorry." 
   "It's get him out of bed. Come on. Breakfast is in thirty minutes, John." She hummed, leaving the room. Alex whined and I got up. Alex laid in my lap as I calculated how much insulin I'd need to take and administering the insulin. I laid back down and kissed Alex's head. He had fallen back asleep while I was hyping myself up to take the shot of insulin. I stroked his wild curly hair and smiled at him. After about twenty minutes I had almost fallen asleep and I felt something hit me. I sat up fast and rubbed my eyes. Alex whined and shielded himself. Kitty whacked Alex again and he rose from the blankets and pillows. 
   "I hate you." Alex grumbled.
   "I love you too, honey. Breakfast is ready. Let's go." She left the room and I slid out of bed, throwing on a shirt. 
   "Come on, baby." I smiled, pulling him out of bed. He pulled on a long, lacy, green robe and stretched. We walked hand in hand to the dining hall and slid into our chairs. 
   "Good morning, boys. Sleep well?" The Queen asked. 
   "Splendid." I smiled.
   "Yeah." Alex hummed.
   "Good." The King entered the room and she started talking to him. Alex yawned and laid his head on my shoulder. I smiled and pecked the top of his head. We ate quietly and went back to bed. Alex started trying to tug my shirt off and I blushed. I can't believe he actually likes my body. I pulled it off and Alex laid his head over my heart. I smiled and played with his curls as he traced circles on my chest. He smiled up at me and I grinned. 
   "I love you." I hummed.
   "I love you too." Alex blushed and smiled lightly.
   "You know you don't have to say it."
   "I know. I like saying it." He hummed, crawling to lay on top if me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he traced my scar. "John?"
   "Do you have to be...careful when you do stuff?" He asked, I frowned and he looked up at me. "Because your...ya know." 
   "Ah...yeah. I have to really watch what I eat and monitor my heart rate when I do anything physical." I shrugged, Alex looked like he was trying to articulate something and I chuckled. "I'm not at risk for anything. My blood pressure is fine and I'm ok. You're not getting rid of me that easily, baby." Alex giggled and I kissed him gently. He laid his head back down and pressed a kiss on my scar. I rolled us over and pulled Alex's t-shirt up, kissing his scar. "How you get this scar?" I asked, laying down and pulling him into a hug. 
   "The hurricane. A piece of debris lodged itself in my lung." He hummed, giving a dorky smile. I chuckled and pulled his shirt off. He blushed and I admired his freckled chest. 
   "You're so pretty, baby." I hummed, pressing a kiss on his chest and running my hands up and down his torso. 
   "You really think so?" He whispered.
   "I know so." I hummed, he giggled and crawled on top of me. He kissed me slowly and I put my hands on his hips. 
   "Do you ever think about what might've happened if the law was actually a law?" Alex asked quietly.
   "No, I don't because it's not a law and I don't want to think about not having you." 
   "Would you have stayed with Francis?" 
   "I don't know. I might've." I shrugged. "I wouldn't have stopped being your friend. No matter what. I would've tried to get to you some how." I smiled, Alex giggled and squeezed me tightly. He accidentally pulled on the clear tube and I pulled the slack out calmly. 
   "Oh, sorry." 
   "Don't apologize, dear boy."  I smiled, kissing his head. Alex settled down on my chest and his eyes started the grow heavy. "Just sleep." I cooed. "I'll be right here when you wake up." I hummed, Alex relaxed and soon his was drooling on my t-shirt. I didn't mind. It was cute as fuck. The longer I watched Alex sleep the harder it was to keep my own eyes open. I eventually gave in and felt fast asleep.

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