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A/N - I'm alive. I promise lol Also!!! Ask questions!!!

John's POV

   Alex fell asleep a couple minutes ago and he looks so peaceful. He's curled up on my chest as I lean against the wall and I'm playing with his curls. It's fun to watch them spring back into place. His hair is very soft. I made a mental note to ask him what special shampoo they had for him. He stirred a bit and I felt him catch the tube connecting  my monitor to my body. I froze immediately. Cat laws apply it Alex but I'm afraid he's gonna accidentally pull on it. I bit my lip and carefully took his hand away from the tube. His fingers closed around mine and I smiled lightly, listening to his soft breathing. There was a knock at the door and Alex woke quickly, gasping slightly. He slid of me and rubbed his eyes. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.
   "No, it's cool." I smiled, missing the way his body fit like a puzzle piece on mine. My mom opened the door as Alex pushed his curls into place. 
   "Your Highness, your escort is here." I frowned and Alex huffed.
   "Thank you. Tell him I'll be a moment, please?" 
   "Of course." Mom disappeared and Alex sighed. 
   "What's wrong?"
   "There's a dinner with all the suitors tonight. I think I'm gonna die."
   "I doubt that."
   "I'm not gonna make it, John!" He gasped, dramatically flopping into my lap and letting me rub his back. 
   "You'll be fine." 
   "Maybe if you came!" He grinned, bouncing a bit.
   "If I beg George will let you come! Oh, please?" He begged, giving me puppy dog eyes and pouting.
   "Alex-" He sat back and sighed. I bit my lip and sighed. "I need to know the exact amount of glucose in everything so I can take my insulin." I hummed.
   "Wait...Really?" He grinned.
   "Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He cheered, squeezing me tightly. "I'll have them send a car for you." 
   "Ok, dork." I chuckled, smiling as he celebrated. "I still have to ask my mom." 
   "Ok." Alex and I headed downstairs and my mom smiled. 
   "Hey, mom. Can I go to a dinner with Alex tonight?"
   "Sure, honey. Just make sure to-"
   "Take my insulin. I got it, Ma."
   "He wasn't invited." Meade interjected from the living room. 
   "He is now." Alex snapped, smiling at me.
   "Get in the car." Alex glared at Meade and they started toward the door. 
   "Thank you for having me, Mrs. Laurens."
   "No problem, dear." Ma smiled as Meade closed the door.  "Those two don't seem to like each other."
   "Oh, given the chance I'm sure Alex would have him put to death." 
   "Put to death?"
   "I'm kidding. He doesn't like Meade but he deals with it." I shrugged.
   "He seems like a sweet kid. It's good of you." I frowned a bit and she smiled. "Being his friend and all. I'm glad you're being a bigger person." 
   "What? He's my friend, Ma. I'm not just hanging out with him because I pity him or something. I'm friends with him. He's cool to hang out with and he's funny."
   "Ok, sweetheart."
   "Mom, I'm serious! He's cool. We are friends." I hummed.
   "I believe you, honey. He seems like a cute kid." Ma chuckled, I headed upstairs and found a text from Alex. 

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
Car will be there at 8

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
Thank you again!!!

No problem :)

   I smiled and tossed my phone aside, getting out my suit. I stole one of my dad's gray ties to look like I have more than one and started getting ready. I realized Alex's tiara still sat on my sketchbook and smiled lightly, grabbing my phone. I put the tiara on my head and stuck my tongue out, taking a picture.
You left your royalty (image attached)

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
Oh fuck 

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
Can you bring it. I kinda need that shit lmao

Ur a dummy

I'll bring it

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
I have a profile pic for you lmao

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
You look like a princess lmao

Oh shut up

   I laughed and took the tiara off my head. I tucked my glucose monitor in my coat pocket and straightened my tie. "John! The car's here!" My mom called, I grabbed the tiara and headed outside. It was a fucking limo. Holy shit. The chauffeur opened the door for me and I climbed in. I rode in silence, tracing the details of Alex's tiara. There was a lot of press and people taking pictures at the gate and the chauffeur quickly ushered me inside. I was escorted to the dining hall and handed off the Kitty. She lead me through the palace halls to Alex's bedroom. She opened the door and Alex grinned. He looked stunning. He wore a beautiful green dress and his hair was tucked in a nice braided bun. 
   "Did you bring it?" 
   "Yup. Here." I gently situated the tiara on his head and smiled. "You look amazing." I smiled.
   "Thanks." He blushed and Kitty glanced at her watch. 
   "Alex, it's time." He huffed and I smirked. 
   "Kill me?"
   "Not a chance, Your Highness." 
   "How dare you." Alex pouted, I chuckled and we headed out to the dining hall. All of Alex's suitors stood mingling and chatting and Alex bit his lip. I offered my hand and lead him through the hall and too Eliza. She blushed and Alex fiddled with the ruffles on his dress. 
   "Your Highness." She curtsied and Alex smiled awkwardly. 
   "If you'll excuse me, Alex. I need to find Kitty." 
   "I'll kill you. Don't you dare-JOHN!" I walked off, leaving him alone with Eliza. Kitty smirked as I approached her and I smiled. 
   "Nice move." 
   "Thanks. Can I talk to the-"
   "Oh, yeah. Follow me." I talked to the chef and my phone started blowing up. 
His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch

No, talk to her

You can do it

His Royal Highness, Dumbass Bitch
Fine >:(


Alex's dress

Alex's dress

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