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A/N - Hi I hate everything as per usual :) Side note when Unus Annus ends I'm gonna cry

John's POV

   I heard a knock at the door and I frowned. I opened it and Alex smiled up at me. "Hey! What happened? Are you ok? I thought you had lunch with-"
   "It's over. I left her. You were right." He huffed, I grinned and yanked him in the house by the waist. I kissed him deeply, not wasting a second more. Fireworks erupted in my stomach and I prayed he'd kiss me back. Alex leaned into me and I tightened my grip on his waist. After moment he pulled away and touched his lips, looking down. I gently lifted his chin and smiled. 
   "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." I whispered, Alex smiled and blushed hard. I moved to kiss him again and he stepped back. 
   " have a boyfriend."
   "No-...I-...It's complicated." I sighed. 
   "You need to talk to Francis."
   "I know. I just-" I sighed and kissed the back of his hand. "I think I love you, Alex." I whispered, Alex flushed red and shifted. "I know that's weird to say but I need you to hear it. I need you to know that." I explain hastily, Alex nodded slowly and sniffed.
   "I don't know what I want right now, John. I just need some time to think." 
   "Of course. Take all the time you need."
   "Thank you. Um-...I have to go but I'll see you later. I promise."
   "Yeah. Definitely." I smiled, nodding  and shifting. 
   "Bye, Jack." 
   "Bye, Alex." He left and I grabbed my phone, calling Francis. He picked up after a moment and I bit my lip hard. 
   "Hey, John. Everything ok?" 
   " we talk?" 
   "Sure. What's up?" 
   "In person. Can you meet me at the park in fifteen?" 
   "Sure thing."
   "Ok, thank you."
   "See you soon, J." 
   "See you..." I sighed heavily and hung up. I grabbed my jacket and stepped out into the cold. I walked to the park and headed off to the bench near the Starbucks. I saw Francis sitting there and I huffed. I sat next to him and he smiled. 
   "Hey. You ok?" 
   "I-...I kissed Alex." I spat out, Francis nodded slowly and I shifted. "I'm sorry." 
   "John...I told you from the get go...I just want you to be happy. Does kissing Alex make you happy?" 
   "Yeah..." I sniffed.
   "Then kiss him."
   "But...What about you?" 
   "I'll be fine. Go be happy. Marry Alex. Be the King...The queen? Wait-..." I started laughing and Francis chuckled. "Live your life." He smiled.
   "Are you sure?" 
   "Yeah. I love you, John. I just want you to be happy and if you're happy with someone else then so be it." I smiled lightly and pecked him on the lips. 
   "I had fun." I smiled.
   "I had fun too." 
   "Thank you, Francis." I smiled and hugged him. "Also Kitty really does like you." I grinned, he chuckled and shrugged. 
   "Good to know." He smiled. "So...are you gonna marry Alex?" 
   "I don't know. He doesn't know what to do right now. I think he's still scared." I sighed. 
   "Well...If you don't go get him I'll kick your ass, Laurens." Francis nudged me and I chuckled. 
   "Alright, alright. Thanks." I smiled, we got up and hugged once more. "Bye, Francis." 
   "I'll see you Monday." He smiled, I started off and smiled to myself. "Hey!" Francis yelled, making me turn to look at him. "You better invite me to the fucking wedding!" 
   "I will!" I called back, turning and continuing home. I felt a wave of relief wash over me and I felt the tension in my shoulders relax. My glucose monitor beeped and I huffed, pulling it off my waistband. "Holy fuck. I need to relax." I sighed.

   I made it home and ate something to hopefully raise my blood sugar and sat down. My phone buzzed and I picked it up. Alex was calling me, I smiled and answered. "I miss you." His voice chimed when I answered, I laughed and laid down on the couch. 
   "I miss you too. What are you doing?" 
   "Dumb stuff." 
   "What dumb stuff?" I asked curiously.
   "I'm working on my studies if you must know." He hummed.
   "Ah, I see. What are you doing?"
   "Ew." We started laughing and he sighed. 
   "Can I make math illegal?"
   "I don't think you can do that, Lex." 
   "Aw but I wanna!" He whined.
   "Wow! Thanks, nerd." He giggled, I smiled and shifted.
   "So...Are you gonna start wearing skirts again?" 
   "Yes. In fact, I'm wearing one now." He hummed.
   "Good. I don't like it when you wear pants. It's like a painting that's only slightly crooked and no matter what you do it's just crooked."
   "Wow...That's an explanation." He giggled.
   "Yeah. You look amazing in dresses." I smiled.
   "Th-Thanks." He stammered. 
   "Hey...Do you maybe wanna go out some time?" I asked nervously.
   "Oh...John...Um-" I bit my lip and sighed. "I'd like that...a lot." He hummed, I grinned and sat up. 
   "Great. Um-...when are you free?" 
   "Uh...I'm free tonight...If that's ok with you."
   "That's perfect." I smiled. "I'll see you tonight." 
   "I'll see you tonight. Bye, John." 
   "Bye, Alex." He hung up and I grinned. We have a date. 

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