Dinner (Part 3)

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A/N - Hi, I hate the male species but I want one. *sigh* ANYWAY! Ask questions, my disciples.

John's POV

   "Oh, fuck this!" Alex stormed out and I bit my lip. George sighed and pinched his nose.
   "John, will you-"
   "Yes, sir." I excused myself and Kitty grabbed my arm. 
   "I think he went to the garden. Follow me." I nodded and we hurried outside. She showed me to the garden and I saw Alex sitting under a tree. 
   "Thanks." She nodded and disappeared. I sat next to Alex under the tree and he sighed. "What's wrong?" 
   "I don't know. I just-...I wanna be normal. I don't wanna get married! I just wanna..." He sighed and I smiled. 
   "You know, I've always heard that the palace gardens are the most beautiful in America." I smiled, Alex looked up at me and I smiled. "I've always wanted to see it. Draw it." I hummed.
   "Oh...I didn't know that. I've only ever been here." I stood up and offered my hand. "What?"
   "Dance with me." 
   "What? There's no music. How are we su-"
   "Come on, Lex." He sighed and took my hand, letting me pull him to his feet. We started to dance around the garden and around the fountain in the center.  His eyes sparkled in the moon light and I got entranced in their violet color. The way his body fit in mine was intoxicating and I wanted to hold him forever. He stared up at me and I felt myself getting closer to him. "You look so beautiful tonight." I hummed, not realizing what I was saying until it left my mouth. I didn't take it back. I didn't want too. 
   "Thanks." He smiled lightly, I leaned in and he blushed. 
   "Your Highness!" We jumped apart and Meade strode up to us. "What is going on here?" Alex was as red as a tomato.
   "Nothing. We were just-"
   "Back inside, now." Alex sighed and we headed back to the castle. My face was hot and my stomach was doing back flips as we sat back down at the table. Alex was talking to Eliza and Angelica and I just played with the remainder of my food. Did I try to kiss him? I did...No... Yes. Oh, god. Do I like him? I can't! Fuck! He's gonna be married soon. Dessert was served and I poked at mine. 
   "John?" He frowned. "Are you ok?"
   "Yeah, I'm just being cautious." I lied, smiling a bit. Alex nodded and he continued with his conversation. 

   Alex and I were now walking through the gardens. Everyone had gone home and Alex wanted me to see the garden again. I'm walking quietly next to him. "John?" 
   "Is this about the dance?" 
   "What?" I frowned.
   "I-I'm sorry if you d-"
   "I like dancing with you." I smiled.
   "Then what's wrong? You're quiet." 
   "I'm just tired. I have school tomorrow." I lied.
  "Oh...Ok. Maybe you should go home?" 
   "It's ok. We can keep wal-"
   "You really should go home." 
   "I'll call you a car." Alex smiled, we headed back inside and we said our good byes. "I'm sorry I made you come." He mumbled. 
   "Don't be. It was oddly fun." I smirked, Alex giggled and bounced a bit. 
   "I'm sorry if I made you upset or something. You kind got...distant." 
   "I'm just tired. I promise." I smiled, Alex nodded and I put my hands on his shoulders. Why? I don't fucking know. I feel like a Sims character. "I'll see you later. Text me if you need me." 
   "Ok." Alex smiled, with that I got in the limo and sighed. I have a crush on Alexander Hamilton.

Fuck me gently with ch-

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