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A/N - *grumble grumble* I've had a bad fucking day enjoy the content

John's POV
December 30th

   Alex and I have revisited the conversation once and it ended in a fight. He stormed out of the house after that but we made up that night. I know he's scared, he's explained it three times but the fact of the matter is I love him and nothing is gonna change that. So I'm talking a leap and I'm sure we'll fight but I don't care. "Hey, baby." I smiled, kissing Alex as he jumped up on the porch. 
   "Hey, Jacky. Where are we going?" He asked as I lead him back down the steps. 
   "It's a secret." I smiled, Alex rolled his eyes as we crawled into the limo and I handed him a blindfold. 
   "What kind of kinky shit-"
   "Just put the god damn blindfold on!" I laughed, Alex giggled and put it on. I made sure he couldn't see before motioning to Meade. Yes, I planned this. I limo started moving and Alex slipped his hand with mine. I smiled as he laid his head on my shoulder and kissed the top of his head. We rode in silence as Meade played, what I would assume was, Minecraft. Obviously a man of culture. 
   We pulled up to the palace and I helped Alex out. "Where are we?"
   "Shush. Don't ask questions."
   "Oh, so you're kidnapping me."
   "Yes." I hummed, helping him up the palace steps. Alex giggled and I smiled at him. I motioned for Meade to leave us and he stayed behind. I entwined my fingers with Alex's as we walked and he started to swing our arms. I laughed and he bounced down the hall. 
   "Can you, at least, tell me where you're taking me, Mr. Kidnapped Sir?" 
   "No. If you escape they'll find me." I teased, Alex stifled a laughed and one of the servants opened the doors for us. I guided Alex into the room and smiled. "Come here." I chuckled, pulling his blindfold off. He blinked a couple times and looked around the dark ballroom, the only light flooding in from the windows lining the room. 
   "What are we doing here?" 
   "Alex, from the moment I saw you at the top of those steps I felt something for you. I watched you dance with all your stupid suitors and I wanted to make you smile for just one moment. I wanted you to be able to look back at that day and have, at least, one shining moment that you could smile at. I decided to give you a break and it was right here, where I asked you to dance for the first time." I smiled, pulling him into my arms and swaying us slowly. 
   "I thought you were another Prince." He giggled.
   "Yes, we meandered in circles." I smiled, kissing him gently. "I knew right then that I wanted to be your friend. You're funny and cute and an enjoyable person to be around. I like hanging out with you and I love you. Now...I know we're going to fight but I don't care. I love you, Alex. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want you wake up next to you everyday and hold you." I reached up and pulled his tiara off his head. "To me, you will always be just Alex." I got down on one knee and Alex gasped. "So..." I pulled the box out of my pocket and popped it open."Just Alex, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Alex sunk to his knees and tried to blink back the tears in his eyes. He crawled forward and pushed my hands down, cupping my cheeks instead. 
   "I love you, John." He kissed me and I took one of his hands in mine. "Yes, I'll marry you." He cried, I grinned and kissed him deeply. I slipped the ring on his finger and smiled.
   "I love you, Alexander." I grinned, hugging him tightly as we laughed and smiled. 
   "I'm sorry I was so against it. I love you, John. I was just scared. I don't wanna be scared anymore." He cried.
   "I know. I know, baby. I love you. I'll never ever leave you."
   "We have to tell George. Like, right now." He sniffed.
   "Because I'm supposed to be married by tomorrow...technically."
   "Fuck. C'mon." We got up and ran through the halls to the throne. We burst into the room and the King looked up from speaking with my father. 
   "What's going on here?" The King asked. 
   "I raised you better, John." My father muttered.
   "George, can we talk to you privately?"
   "Um-...Henry, will you excuse us?"
   "Of course, Your Majesty." My father bowed and left the room. 
   "What is it, Alex?" Alex held out his hand and grinned, showing off the ring. It was an emerald ring that has been passed through my family for a few generations. My mother gave it to me after Alex and I started dating. "Finally. You need to get to the tailor like right now. You need to be married tomorrow or there's no heir. John, you too." 

   I stood awkwardly on a small pedestal as a man was taking measurements of almost every single part of my body. I glanced at Alex and he grinned at me. He was my fiance. I smiled and I was allowed to get off my pedestal. I checked my phone and sighed. "Baby, I have to be home for dinner."
   "Ok. Have Kitty get you a car. I love you." I pressed a gently kissed on his cheek and he smiled. 
   "I love you too. Bye, baby." 

   "John, honey. Take your insulin." My mom hummed, I nodded and sat down at the table. My dad looked up and smiled. 
   "Congratulations on your engagement, son."
   "Oh, really!" My mom grinned. "Yay! When's the wedding."
   "Tomorrow." I chuckled awkwardly.
   "We'll be there, honey." 

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