Q&A #3

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For Alex
- I know you will get pissed but hear me out; you, John. Everyone ships it just be honest with me, I can keep secrets ;)

Alex - I can't...sorry

For Kitty

- Do you ship John and Alex? P.S. your name is epic.

Kitty - Yes. Yes, I do and thank you!

For Lyn

*sigh* yes. Hello. lol

For Eliza

- What the actual fuck like why did you say that to Alex? Seriously? *whispers* bitch...

Eliza - ...GUARDS!

For Eliza
- Picture this: You're walking down a street near wherever the fuck you live. It's twilight. Everything's normal, you don't suspect a thing. Suddenly, your erupts in your lower right leg. You look down, it's covered in blood but you don't feel it after a few minutes because adrenaline is flooding your system. Nobody's around to hear you if you scream for help so that's out of the question. You look around, searching for the sniper. You see nothing. Suddenly, another projectile, as silent as the first, hurls toward you and plunges into your chest. You collapse to the ground, blood polling around you. You don't even have time to scream in pain. Your vision fades to black and you feel no more. Would you like this to become a reality? Btw I used a Verpine Shatter Rifle instead of my Deece, hence the silent shots :D

Eliza - What the fuck! GUARDS!

For John
- Is there another way for you to maintain your insulin without having to always inject yourself everyday?

John - Not that we've looked into. I've been doing this since I was six.

For Francis
- Thanks for being such a sweetheart to John and just wanting to make him happy. Here's something for you for being so sweet *kisses him on the cheek*

Francis - *frowning* K, don't touch me. *wipes face off*

For Meade

- If you wanted, would you quit working for the Royal Family.

Meade - No, my family has been working at the palace since it's founding. 

For John

- How fit and muscular are you? Like really fit with rock hard abs and strong abs or just normal fit like not too big but not too small either. 

John - Um...I just I'm fit. I mean...I have abs but-*shakes head and shrugs*

For Alex and John
- Since John doesn't want Alex, due to his last answer in the last Q&A, would you mind if I did this to Alex, John? *kisses him on the mouth*

Alex - *traumatized and wiping his lips*


Francis - *hold*

For Kitty
- W H Y  A R E  Y O U  S O  A M A Z I N G???

Kitty - Awe, thank you!

For Eliza
- Why must you you be so toxic?

Eliza - I am not toxic. You are. 

For Alex and John
- *gives Alex a cookie* John, imma steal your title as Alex's best friend :3

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