The Halloween Ball

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A/N - Hi, I'm alive. Rona update, if you find my brother's body in a ditch it might be my fault and for legal reasons this is a joke.

 Rona update, if you find my brother's body in a ditch it might be my fault and for legal reasons this is a joke

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Y'all know what's up

Alexander's POV

   Let me get something straight, John didn't pressure me into saying yes. I wanna be with him publicly, I really do. I'm just a little scared. I really like being with John and he makes me so so happy. I want people to know about us. We're announcing it at the ball tonight and I'm excited but nervous. John should be here any moment now. Since it's the Halloween Ball my family decided to go in masquerade masks. I can't wait to see John in his, I bet he looked very handsome. Kitty gently put my tiara on my head and smiled. "You look beautiful, honey." She smiled.
   "Thank you." I smiled. "You look awesome, Kitty!" She was wearing a simple light pink dress  that suited her very well. There was a knock at the door and I jumped up. I rushed to the door and threw it open. John swept me off my feet and spun me around. 
   "Oh, I missed you so much, baby!" He grinned as I giggled and hugged him tightly. 
   "You saw me yesterday!" I laughed.
   "I don't care." He hummed, kissing me. 
   "Did you bring him?" I whispered.
   "Yes, I did." John hummed, stepping out of the way to reveal Francis. 
   "Hey, Francis." I smiled.
   "Hey, Alex." I turned and grabbed Kitty's arm. 
   "This is Kitty. My aid." I hummed as she blushed and smiled. 
   "H-Hi." She stammered.
   "We've met. Nice to see you." He smiled, shaking her hand and smiling. John glanced at me and I glared at him. 
   "John and I have to go but we'll see you two in a bit." I smiled, grabbing John and my mask before rushing into the hall. We hurried down the hall and to the lobby before the ball room. "Hopefully, that'll get something going." I smiled.
   "Yeah. You look beautiful, baby girl. Absolutely amazing, my dear boy." He cooed, pressing our foreheads together and pushing my curls off my shoulder. 
   "You look very handsome." I giggled.
   "Oh, shut up." He sighed, starting to pull away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him back down. 
   "You're very handsome, John. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true." I smiled, John blushed and smiled.
   "Thanks, baby." He hummed, taking my hand and kissing it. I giggled and the door opened behind us. George and Martha stepped in and Martha beamed. 
   "Oh, darling! You look wonderful!" She fawned, I giggled and John entwined out fingers. 
   "John, so nice of you to join us." 
   "Yes, sir." John smiled, shaking his hand. Laf and Herc entered the room and the servant left to go announce us. George and Martha went first, followed by Laf and Herc, and John and I were last. "Ready, baby?"
   "Not really." I sighed, putting my green and black mask on.
   "You can say no." John slipped his royal blue mask on and smiled comfortingly at me. 
   "I want to do this." I smiled, linking our arms as the doors opened. 
   "Then let's do this." John chuckled.
   "His Highness, Prince Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens." 
   "Don't trip." John whispered as we descended the steps. The ball room felt quiet and I glared at John.
   "I'll kill you." I whispered, John smirked and we continued down the steps. Flashes started from every direction as John pulled my chair out for me and I sat down. John sat in his seat and I tried to blink away the black dots clouding my vision. 
   "Congrats on not falling."
   "Why thank you." I giggled, we chatted a bit and George stood up. 
   "We would like you to turn your attention to the dance floor." John and I stood and John followed me to the dance floor. My palms were sweating and I looked around nervously, John just smiled and winked at me. "My son has finally choose his suitor, John Laurens." George announced, people gasped and whispers erupted around the room. The orchestra started up and John bowed, offering his hand. I giggled and took his hand. We started dancing and John smiled down at me. 
   "This isn't so bad, is it?"
   "No...People are still whispering though." 
   "I don't care, baby. Let them whisper." He spun me and I giggled, smiling up at him. As the song start to end John leaned down and pressed a slow kiss on my lips. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck as the cameras went crazy. "You are everything to me, Alexander Hamilton." I blushed and smiled.
   "You're my everything, John Laurens." I gushed, smiling brightly. Our guests joined us on the dance floor and John broke away to talk to Francis. 
   "Hey, guys." He smiled. "Congratulations." He smiled sincerely.
   "If you don't go dance with Kitty I'll never forgive you." John deadpanned, Francis chuckled awkwardly and sighed.
   "I don't know, J-"
   "Oh, please! You deserve to be happy! Maybe you two will hit it off!" John begged.
   "Yeah, Kitty really likes you." I added, Francis glanced over at Kitty and bit his lip. 
   "Oh...Alright, alright. I'll dance with her but no promises!" 
   "Yes!" John pumped his fist and Francis rolled his eyes as he went to go ask her. We watched him asked and soon they started waltzing. Kitty grinned at me and I gave her a thumbs up. I tugged John to the dance floor and wrapped my arms around his neck as the song played. "You're right." John hummed.
   "About what?" I frowned.
   "They are very cute together." I giggled and John kissed me gently. 
   "John? I'm happy we made it official." 
   "I'm glad you're happy and I'm sorry that I sort of pushed you." 
   "You didn't push me." I smiled. "I want this."
   "Good." He hummed, kissing me again and swaying us side to side. Soon John had to go take his insulin and Kitty grabbed my arm, towing me to the hall. 
   "You sent to ask me to dance!" She hissed.
   "I did and you're welcome."
   "He said he's willing to give it a shot. Just ask him!"
   "I cannot do that and you know that." 
   "He knows you like him. Just go for it." 
   "Ugh! Fine. You're gonna be the death of me." 

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