The Halloween Ball (Part 2)

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A/N - Corpse Husband having a mental break down over opening aluminum foil and using a knife is my entire mental state right now. Also I can do the thing where you grab the fan blade and stop it the only problem is I have to stand on a stool to reach my fan and it takes away from the dom factor :)

John's POV

   Alex grabbed my arm as I came out of the bathroom and towed me back to the ballroom. I frowned at him and he grinned. "She's doing it!" He cheered, pointing to Kitty who was talking to Francis. She was bright red and clearly flustered. She paused and bit her lip before Francis smiled and nodded. Kitty grinned and Francis offered his hand. They shared another dance and Alex leaned against me. He held out his hand and I slapped it, giving him a high five. 
   "I hope he's happy." I smiled, Alex nodded and I swayed us slowly. "He deserves to be happy." 
   "He looks happy." 
   "Yeah...I just-...I feel really bad about what happened." I sighed, Alex kissed my hand and I smiled. "You're just too cute." I grinned, kissing his head as he giggled. 
   "I know." He hummed, I chuckled and kissed his cheek. "I'm sure Francis forgives you, Jacky." I shrugged and sighed. I turned Alex's head and pressed kiss on his lips. "Do you wanna stay the night?" 
   "Um-...Never mind. Sorry-"
   "I'd like to, Alex, but-" I sighed and shifted. "I don't really like spending the night over at places. It's not you or anything. It's just cause of my diabetes." I huffed.
   "Oh...Ok...Sorry I asked."
   "Oh, no. Don't apologize, baby." I cooed, rubbing his shoulders. Dinner was served and we sat down together. A reporter was talking to the King and Alex and I minded our own business until the reporter spoke specifically loud enough for us to hear. 
   "Is it true that the common boy has Type Two Diabetes." She asked rather rudely. Alex frowned and looked at me, mouthing 'I thought it was one'. I nodded slowly and rolled my eyes. 
   "Um-" The King started. "I'm not entirely sure." The King replied, the reporter appeared in front of me and I jumped a bit. 
   "Is it true that you have Type Two Diabetes?" She asked curtly, I opened my mouth to correct her but Alex cut in. 
   "First of all, he has Type One. There's a difference. Second, we're trying to enjoy our dinner. Scram, lady." I smirked as the reporter glared at Alex and he glared right back. "I said scram." He growled, the reporter backed off and Alex sat back. "Oh, I'm sorry! I should've asked about the diabetes. Are you mad?" 
   "No. I was gonna correct her anyway." I hummed, Alex sighed with relief and shifted. 
   "Are you sure? I just feel like it's something you didn't want people to know. I'm so sorry." He squished his face and I chuckled.
   "I didn't want people to know but I rather them know I have Type One instead of people thinking I have Type Two." I hummed, kissing his cheek and smiling. 
   "Are you sure?"
   "Yes." I smiled, Alex smiled and returned to his food. "I'll stay the night if the invitation still stands." Alex's head snapped up and he grinned. 
   "Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He cheered.
   "I just have to run home and get some stuff."
   "Oh, I can send Kitty-"
   "No. I'll get it and come back." I smiled.
   "Ok." Alex smiled, clearly happy that I was gonna stay the night. I smiled, totally ready to have him fall asleep on top of me and wake up next to him. We finished eating and mingled with guests as the party started to wind down. When it was just a few people we snuck out to the garden and I wrapped my arms around him as he shivered. We swayed in the silence and I smiled lightly. 
   "Alexander?" Alex frowned a bit as he looked up at me and I pulled him into a passionate kiss. 
   "What was that for?" He frowned, blushing as we swayed in the pale moonlight. 
   "I love you." I whispered, kissing his forehead and pulled him in closer to my chest. "I don't need you to say it back. I just want you to know how I feel about you. That no matter what I am dating you because I love you, not for any other reason the media could possibly come up with." 
   "John, I...I think I love you too." Alex whispered, I smiled and Alex tightened his grip around my neck. We continued to sway in silence for a few minutes before a sharp beep broke us apart. Alex snickered as I pulled my glucose monitor out of my jacket and glared at him. 
   "It's low." I muttered, Alex grabbed my hand and towed me to the kitchens. We got some cookies and Alex walked me to the gate so I could go get my things. "I'm sorry we were interrupted." I whispered, keeping my voice down so Meade couldn't hear. 
   "It's ok. I don't mind." Alex smiled.
   "I wish I could just turn it off so we didn't have to be bothered by it." I huffed.
   "Oh, Jack. Don't say that. I really don't mind. It makes you unique." Alex smiled, bouncing on his toes and kissing me. "You're hot and sexy just the way you are and I wouldn't change anything about you." 
   "You haven't seen me shirtless yet." I grumbled.
   "I'm sure it won't make a difference."
   "Yeah right."
   "Shut up and go get your stuff. I'll be waiting, pretty boy." 
   "Alright, alright." I chuckled, kissing him goodbye and letting Meade open the car door for me. 
   "Bye, babe."
   "Bye, baby." 

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