Charity (Part 2)

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A/N - Sorry for the long chapter!!! It'll be worth it! Promise! 

Alexander's POV

   Eliza droned on about how refreshing it was to go to some dumb rally this morning and I started looking around. I looked at George and Martha dancing and then Gil and Herc and sighed. Then I caught John's eye. Tears welled in my eyes as we stared at each other and it took everything I had to hold it together. John's eyes seemed to scream at me and I saw his eyes tearing up as well. John said something to him and he looked away. They exchanged a few words and John nodded, Francis brushing his thumb over John's cheek. Francis put there foreheads together and I looked away. I couldn't look anymore. "Alex?" 
   "What?" I looked at Eliza and she smiled.
   "You look a little sad." 
   "I'm fine." I smiled.
   "Ok." Eliza started talking again and I zoned out. Soon food was served and I ate in silence. I was so tired and upset. I hope John isn't mad when he reads my letter. It's for the best. It's for his own good. Eliza is like a hurricane. She won't stop until she's destroyed everything and take complete control of me. 

   "Thank you for coming." I smiled, shaking the man's hand. John smiled awkwardly and I forced a smiled. "Thank you for coming." I smiled. 
   "Thanks for having us." Francis smiled, shaking my hand. John stared at me sadly and my smile faltered. 
   "Goodbye, Alexander." I felt a pang in my heart as Francis entwined his fingers with John and they headed off. I excused myself and I walked away. I went straight to my room. Tears slid down my cheeks as I struggled to get out of those stupid pants. I fell on my bed and pulled Kiki into my arms as I sobbed. I couldn't stop. It hurt so much. I just wanted to stay in bed forever and never leave. 

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