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A/N - Uhhhh...yeah

John's POV
January 11th

   Alex barely slept last night and I feel so fucking bad for him. He's nervous. He's sixteen now and tonight is his coronation. He's been preparing for this for a year and he's worried. He's gonna be King tonight and he's been pacing around the room for the past twenty minutes. "Baby, why don't you come lay down?"
   "I can't." 
   "Why not?" I asked, sitting and checking my CGM. 
   "Come here, baby." I stood up and guided him to sit on the bed. Kiki, who had been playing around his feet, hopped into Alex's lap and started purring. We now know that Kiki is a therapy cat and Alex was grateful for her. "You need to relax. You'll do great, baby." 
   "What if I don't? What if I mess it all up? What if-"
   "Stop with the 'what if's. You'll be fine. George didn't know how to do this when he started. I'll be right here with you, babe." 
   "I know." He whimpered. "I'm scared." 
   "I am too but I'm right here with you. I'll be by your side, through thick and thin. I will always be with you. I love you." 
   "I love you too." He smiled, laying his head on my shoulder and tangling our fingers together. I pecked the top of his head and he sighed. "John?" 
   "We're idiots." 
   "I know. In what way are you referring to, my dear boy." I hummed, Alex giggled and shifted so he was looking up at me. 
   "That night we got in the fight...I shouldn't have blown up at you-"
   "I shouldn't have told you how I felt." 
   "No...If you didn't I would've married Eliza. We were supposed to be married on the tenth of November." He mumbled, I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand and kissed his temple. 
   "You're my husband. Not hers. She's a little bitch." 
   "She's gonna be here today." He mumbled.
   "Oh...Haha, bitch! Read and weep!" I grinned flashing my wedding ring to no one. Alex giggled and cupped my cheeks, kissing me gently. 
   "I love you but please don't start a fight?"
   "I won't but I do love you." I chuckled, Alex smiled and laid against my chest. He pulled my CGM off my belt and watched my blood sugar rise and fall. 
   "I love you, Jacky." 
   "I love you too, Alex." 

   "May I present, His Highness, Prince Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens!" The doors opened and Alex and I stepped out into the throne room. I lead him down the aisle to the throne and we stopped in front of George. He smiled down at the wide-eyed Alex and I bowed, shuffling back a couple steps. 
   "Alexander, do you promise to run this Kingdom with grace and sincerity for as long as you shall rein?" 
   "I do." 
   "Well, then. I turn over my crown and bestow upon you the honor of being King of America." George set the crown on Alex's head and Alex turned to face the crowd in the throne room. 
   "His Majesty, King Alexander Hamilton!" The announcer called, I bowed to Alex and everyone followed. I walked forward and stood before George. 
   "John, do you promise to run this Kingdom with grace and sincerity for as long as you shall rein?" 
   "I do." 
   "Then I bestow upon you the title of King as well. Congratulations on making history has both the first commoner elected as King and the first homosexual couple to take the throne." George smiled and placed a crown on my head. I took my place beside Alex and we tangled our fingers together. 
   "His Majesty, King John Laurens!"It sounded funny but it was real. Alexander and I were King. We turned and took our places on the thrones, still holding hands tightly. Pictures were taken and soon everyone had cleared out of the throne room. Alex stood and made his way to the window, staring out at the city beyond. I made my way to stand beside him and he leaned against me. 
   "You think we'll be ok?" 
   "Yeah...I think we'll be alright. I mean...We aren't that stupid." Alex giggled and whacked my chest. 
   "I'm serious, Jack!" 
   "I am too. I think we'll be fine. Trial and error, right?"
   "Yeah, trial and error that could get us killed." 
   "Eh, that's a minor detail." Alex face palmed and I kissed his head. "I love you, Alex and I know we'll be fine because I have you." 
   "I love you too, John." 

Ten Years Later

   "Baby, did you-Frances, sweetie, get down from there!" Alex pulled our little girl off the throne and sighed. "Did you fix your blood sugar? I know you said you weren't feeling well." 
   "I'm fine, love." I smiled, leaning down to kiss him gently. 
   "Are you sure? I'm worried about you." 
   "I'm just fine." I smiled, I scared Alex about six months ago. I had gone into diabetic shock. I was fine but Alex makes me stay hella on top of my blood sugar now. I'm fine with that. I'm an idiot. Alex loves this idiot though. "See? Look." I showed him my CGM and he smiled.
   "Ok...I'm just worried. I love you, John. I don't wanna loose you." 
   "You won't, I promise." I hugged him tightly and Frances stared running around the throne room again. We adopted her when she was little, about five years ago. More recently we adopted a little boy, Phillip. We love them both and I love having a family with Alex. The throne room doors opened and Francis and Kitty stepped in. "Hey! How was the meeting?" 
   "Well, on the record you can't know, pal. Off the record, it went great. I think they'll go for it at the vote this Friday." Francis smiled, he was elected the Head of Congress after my father retired. He married Kitty about two years after we were married. I'm so glad that Francis found love. He's very happy with Kitty and I'm happy he's happy.
   "Wonderful!" Alex grinned, hugging Kitty while Francis and I hugged as well. 
   "Thank you, Francis." I smiled, it was my idea. We're changing the law that requires the heir to take the throne at fucking sixteen. It's out dated and disgusting. We're making the age twenty-one now. The heirs will have their childhood (something Alex never fucking had) and ample time to learn about the Kingdom after becoming an adult. I introduced the idea and Alex (the official King) loved it. We're doing it.
   "Well, Kitty and I should get going. We have dinner with my father tonight. We'll speak tomorrow." We said our goodbyes and we sat on our thrones. Alex situated his crown and smiled up at me. "What?" 
   "Just looking." He smiled. "Royalty suits you." 
   "You've been saying that for the last...ten years." I paused. "Has it really been ten years? Have I loved you for ten years?" 
   "Wow...I guess you have." He smiled, I leaned down and kissed him deeply. 
   "I love you, Alexander." 
   "I love you, John." 


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