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A/N - Hey, y'all! Ask questions! I want ten and I have two! For those of you who are new it's a Q&A! You can ask the characters questions and they'll answer! 

Alexander's POV

   "Ow!" I whined as the tailor poked my torso with a pin once again. 
   "Well, stop squirming." I huffed and George entered the room. 
   "Everything alright in here?"
   "Yes, sir." 
   "I'm a pin cushion with a tiara." 
   "Well, don't move so much." George hummed, I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What do you want for dinner?"
   "Then why are you even asking if you're gonna say no?" I grumbled, George sighed and left the room. The tailor poked me again and I glared at him. Gil bounced into the room and I smiled. "Hey."
   "Hey, Alex." 
   "How's Hercules?"
   "He's good. We're good." He grinned.
   "Cool." I smiled.
   "Stop what?" I frowned.
   "That. I know you're mad about this whole ball thing but don't come after me. I have nothing to do with this."
   "Really? That's a load of bullshit." I grumbled.
   "If you didn't fall for him then you'd be in line for the throne." I snapped.
   "I didn't come in here to fight. Dad thought you might want some company." 
   "Yeah, not yours." 
   "Alex, please-"
   "I'm fifteen, Gil! I don't wanna get married! This is all your fault!" Tears came to my eyes and I tried so hard to keep them at bay. "Just go away!" Gil sighed and left the room. I took a shaky breath and the tailor straightened up. 
   "All done, your Highness." I hopped off the small platform I had been standing on and rushed off to my room. I slammed the done closed and Kitty jumped. 
   "Alex?" I threw myself on the bed and drew the curtains. "Alex? Why don't you get out of that?" Kitty asked, opening the curtains a little. I crawled over to her and weaseled out of the dress-like thing, leaving me in boxers. Kitty folded it nicely and I grabbed my stuffed lion. "What happened?" She asked, getting out a sweater and pj pants. 
   "It's all Gilbert's fault." Kitty sighed and handed me the clothes. I put them on and buried myself in blankets and pillows. 
   "It's really not that bad."
   "You're not getting married at fifteen!" I snapped, huffing as Kitty crawled into the bed with me. The tears started to fall and Kitty pulled me into a hug. 
   "Hey, it's ok. At least you get to choose and it's not arranged." He hummed, I chuckled a bit and huffed. "How about some Starbucks?" 
   "Oh, yes. Please?" 
   "Alright, I'll be back."
   "Talk to the hot barista!" I poked her cheek and she chuckled. 
   "I told you. He's probably gay." 
   "Ooh! I call dibs then!" Kitty laughed and slipped off the bed. 
   "I'll see you in a bit. Try not to cry too much." I rolled my eyes and sunk into my blankets as she left. 

   "I'm back!" Kitty called, I rose my head from my blankets and pillows and sniffed. "Oh, honey. I got up a venti and a cupcake." I smiled weakly as she sat next to me and started sucking down my drink. Kiki started pawing at my cup and I pet her so she'd stop. She forced herself into my arms and I sighed. 
   "If only you were human. Then I could marry you." I smiled, petting Kiki. Kitty laughed and handed me my cupcake. "So did you talk to the barista."
   "I did."
   "And he's gay." 
   "Aw, I'm sorry." 
   "Nah...It's cool. I didn't really like him anyway. He's not my type."
   "What's he look like?" 
   "He's got blonde hair and blue eyes. He's hot but not my type."
   "Ooh. Too bad I gotta marry someone royal." I sighed. 
   "I'm sure one of the princes or princesses are blue eyed blondies." I giggled a bit and laid on Kitty's shoulder. She's my only friend and my best friend. She sat with me through a lot of breakdowns and panic attacks. She just turned eighteen and she started working at the palace to save money to go to college. She wasn't my aid at first. She worked in the laundry room. It wasn't until she found me hiding from George in one of the bedding closets that we became friends. She made me a cup of hot chocolate and we watched movies until bed. When I asked her to be my aid she gladly accepted and we've been best friends ever since. 
   "I hope so." I mumbled, leaning into her embrace. 
   "Hey, it'll be ok. I promise. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out." I smiled a bit and closed my eyes, petting Kiki and sipping my drink. 
   "Tell George I won't be at dinner."
   "Please? I just wanna go to sleep." I mumbled,discarding my empty cup on the nightstand and laying down. 
   "Ok...Sleep well, Alex." She hummed, she pulled the blankets over me and I smiled. She turned off the lights as she left and Kiki nuzzled my cheek. I smiled softly and kissed her furry head. 
   "Goodnight, Kiki." I smiled, she smiling meowed in return as I drifted off to sleep. 

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