Winter's Ball

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A/N - Sorry for being inactive! I have a lot of requests and school starts tomorrow (the 24th)! I will try to keep Coveted Love consistent but no promises. THIS BY NO MEANS MEANS I AM ENDING/TAKING A BREAK/GOING ON HIATUS! I will continue to post. Good luck with school y'all!

 Good luck with school y'all!

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Alex's dress^^^

John's POV

   "His Highness, Prince Alexander Hamilton." The oak doors opened and it felt like the first time I saw him. He was so beautiful. The way that his dress fit him and sparkled in the light was mesmerizing. He descended the steps and shot me a can-I-please-drink-poison look. I smiled and winked and he huffed, gliding to his seat next to me at the table. 
   "I hope you know if I have a panic attack tonight I blame you." He whispered bluntly, I chuckled and smoothed out my tie. 
   "And I will hug you until you feel better." Alex blushed a bit and kicked my leg under the table. "Hey, that's mean."
   "Tragic." I snorted and tried to contain my laughter as the King began his speech. Alex started getting fidgety as the King spoke and I found myself holding his hand under the table. 
   "As you all know Prince Alexander has been tasked with choosing a suitor and this ball is to announce his choice. Alexander, if you would, please?" Alex stiffed and I squeezed his hand. He rose from his seat and smoothed out his skirt. He glance down at me and I gave him an encouraging smile. 
   "I choose..." Part of me wanted him to say my name... "Princess Eliza Schuyler." The other part of me wanted to stand up and stop the whole thing. Not for me. For Alex's sake. This isn't good for him. Something about Eliza just doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what it is. I just don't like her. Alex made his way to the dance floor and Eliza scurried over to him. She curtsied and they began to waltz around the dance floor as the music played. Alex seemed to be terrified of everything around him and I so desperately wanted to go hug him. I saw someone sit in Alex's chair out of the corner of my eye and I turned to face the King. I flushed and bowed my head. 
   "Your Majesty." I straightened up and the King smiled. 
   "Thank you for everything you've done for Alex. I'm sure he's a lot to handle and we appreciate you befriending him." 
   "Oh...It's my pleasure. He's a bit of a handful but I have to hands and he's fun to hang out with." I smiled proudly.
   "That's good to hear. You are welcome at the palace anytime."
   "Thank you, Your Majesty." I smiled.
   "No, thank you." He smiled, we shook hands and he returned to his seat. He called for everyone to the dance floor and I sat back, watching Alex dance with Eliza. Someone blocked my view and I looked up. 
   "Francis?" I frowned, sitting up. "What are you doing here?"
   "You forget my dad is a member of Congress." He laughed, I chuckled and he shifted. "You seem lonely." I shrugged and he chuckled. "I see Alex is having fun." I smiled at the Prince bounced around to the music and Francis blushed a bit. "Wanna dance?" He asked as a slow song began to play.
   "Um-...Sure." I shrugged, I took Francis' hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. I've always lead but I let him lead this time as my mind wandered elsewhere. (And by elsewhere I mean Alex but that's not important) I found myself staring at Alex as he danced with Eliza and sighed. Francis pulled my waist a little closer to his and I looked at him. He wasn't too much taller than me, I didn't even have to move my neck to look him in the eye. He had maybe half an inch on me. His eyes were pale blue and nice to look at. His features were similar to mine, pointed nose, defined cheekbones, and a strong jawline, but his were slightly rounder. He wasn't an unattractive man and I was quite fond of him to begin with. He was kind and calm. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He blushed deeply and wrapped his arms around my waist. 
   "Hey-um-..." Francis bit his lip and I frowned a bit. "I li-" My glucose monitor went off and I huffed. "Oh...Do you need to-"
   "Yeah. Sorry. What were you gonna say?" 
   "Nothing important. Go take your insulin." He smiled.
   "You sure?"
   "Yeah." He smiled.
   "Ok. I'll see you later." I smiled, heading to the bathroom.

Francis' POV

   I watched John walk off and huffed. I was so close. I almost-...I sighed and trudged back to my table. I sat down and put my head down. I was so fucking close. He even seemed open to it! I can't believe I chickened out at the last second. I wanted to go find him and just tell him but he was probably going to hang out with Alexander. I know he feels for that boy, I'm not sure how but he does. He can't be with Alex. I don't want him to be upset when the Prince gets married. I just want him to be happy.  

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