Q&A #1

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A/N - WOAH First Q&A my lovelies!!! Here's how it works! Y'all asked the characters/me questions and now they're gonna answer them! I'll list the questions then have the characters answer! Yay!

For Lyn

- How long are you planning to make this?

I'm not sure yet. At least more than thirty chapters? We'll see where it takes us :)

For Lyn
- What are you so amazing?

I'm not but thank you for thinking so :')

For Alex
- How desperate are you to leave the palace and be free? Are you desperate to find love maybe?

Alex - 1,000%. I don't really care about love. I mean, I do. I'd like to be in love one day but I'm fifteen and I've been here six months. I just want some fucking friends.

For The Royal Family

- How many subjects do you have in the kingdom? How many kingdoms are you allied with? How many soldiers do you have in your armies? Are you a superpower kingdom like an empire or just a normal peaceful kingdom?

George - I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Mostly peaceful unless we have to fight. 

For The Royal Family

- Could you just let Alex choose what he wants for himself and shut the *censored* up!

George - A lot of times we don't get what we want. I was in an arranged marriage with Martha and I learned to love her. I'm sure Alex will choose someone and be happy. 

For  Lyn

-  What's 2+2? I can't remember, haven't been to school in months.

Fuck, man. Idk, 27 maybe?

For  Lyn
- *points DC-15A Blaster Rifle* Why must you threaten me with a water gun?

*brandishing machine water guns* Because apparently asking normally doesn't yield as many results. 

For Lyn
- Are these all the characters in this book or are there more coming?


For Alex

- What is the first thing you're going to do when you get out of the palace?


For John
- Do you think you're parents would accept you if you came out? 

John - I do not fucking know. We go to church every Sunday and it's uncomfy when they preach about the gays. I love my family but it's just terrifying.

For Alex
- What rule do you have to follow that you think is stupid? 

Alex - *loads up a single slide presentation* *shrieks* ALL OF THEM!

For John

- Who's your favorite sibling?

John - What! That's like asking me to choose a leg! That's absurd! I could never-Martha.

For Lyn

- How did you think abut the plot of the story? Also, when you write a story do you usually have all the chapters ready or do you just make it up the story as you go? 

Um...It's just kinda manifested and it started as a oneshot. I don't make it up as I go necessarily. I have an end game. I know how it's gonna end. I know what's gonna happen. I just have to write it :)

For John
- If your shots hurt so badly why don't you just start using an insulin pump? You don't have to do the injections or the blood test.

John - They don't really hurt. They just pinch but it scares the hell outta me. I'll look into that pump though, thank you.

For The Royal Family
- What were you trying to protect Alex from? The press or something like that?

George - Yeah. We were trying to wait until he was ready but he needs to take the throne by the end on January. It's complicated.

For Lyn
- Do you draw your own cover? If you don't, do you ever draw Lams fanart?

THE COVER IS NOT MINE! It belongs to Templeait on tumblr and they're an amazing artist. I drew Lams once and it looked like ass...SO! 

That's the last of 'em! Back to your regularly scheduled aneurysm.

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