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A/N - We love crying over the fact that I'm a senior and our marching show was canceled. I miss dying of heat stroke and spending three hours on a bus. 

John's POV

   "Hi, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get-" I looked up and stared into the emerald eyes of Kitty. "Kitty! Is Alex ok?" 
   "I don't know." She sighed. "Eliza transferred me back to laundry. I don't see him anymore."
   "It's bad, John." She huffed. "Gilbert says he's not sleeping and he barely speaks anymore. He lays in bed all day and refuses to get up. I'm worried about him but I can't do anything." 
   "He's not sleeping?" I gasped, getting really worried. Francis came up and Kitty blushed a bit. I smiled lightly, they'd be cute together. 
   "Hey, Kitty." He smiled.
   "Hi, Francis." 
   "What can I get started while you two talk?" 
   "Um-...Just a coffee frappuccino, please?" She smiled.
   "Of course." Francis started on her drink and I huffed. 
   "Is there anyway you can get a message to him?" 
   "Um-...I might be able to have Gil give it too him." 
   "Please?" She nodded and I grabbed a napkin. I scribbled down a note and handed it back to Kitty.
   "I'll try but Princess Bitch Face is cracking down on him." She sighed. 
   "Maybe once they're married she'll cool down?" I asked hopefully.
   "We can hope. In the meantime Meade is keeping a close eye on Alex to make sure he doesn't hurt himself." 
   "Do you think that's a possibility?" Kitty nodded solemnly and I felt a lump gathering in my throat. Francis handed Kitty her drink and she smiled.
   "Thank you." 
   "No problem." He smiled, leaning against the counter and kissing my arm. "I hope Alex feels better."
   "I do too." She sighed. "I have to get back. I'll try to get this to Alex."
   "Thank you." I smiled.
   "Bye!" She waved and I waved right back. Francis looked over at me and I smiled. 
   "She likes you." I grinned, Francis rolled his eyes and leaned over me. 
   "I like you." He hummed, taking my hand and kissing the back of it. 
   "I like you too." 
   "But you love Alexander." I frowned and blushed.
   "No, I-"
   "John...Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to me...It's ok that you love him."
   "Francis, I don't-" I trailed off and sighed. "I don't wanna h-"
   "Hurt me?" I nodded sadly and he kissed me. "Do it. I just wanna be with you while I can." He whispered, I broke from his grasp and turned to the toppings bar. 
   "We need a refill on chocolate syrup." I grabbed the bottle and headed into the closet. I heard Francis sigh and I blinked away my tears. We were pretty much silent the rest of the shift, save for a few questions and awkward conversations. 
   "Do you need a ride home?" Francis asked as I clocked out. 
   "No...I kind of miss my walks through the park." I smiled, turning to leave.
   "Hey!" Francis grabbed my hand and I turned to look at him. "I'm sorry for what I said. I just want you to know that I love you. It's ok if you don't love me. I don't need you to say it back. I just need you to know that." My eye watered a bit and I hugged him. 
   "I'll see you tomorrow morning." I smiled, Francis nodded and kissed me goodbye. 

   "Mom..Dad? Can I talk to you? It's important." 
   "Sure, sweetie. What's wrong?" Ma asked as I sat at the table. Most of my siblings were asleep and my parents had been talking for a bit. They gave me their attention and I bit my lip. 
   "I-um-...You know how you always ask if I've gotten a girlfriend yet?" 
   "Mhm." My father hummed.
   "Well...I don't like girls." 
   "I'm sure you'll find a nice girl-"
   "No...I mean...I don't like girls. I mean I like them. They're nice and some are pretty but I don't like girls." My parents frowned and I huffed. "I like boys. I have a boyfriend." My mother grinned and my father huffed. "I'm sorry. I-"
   "Henry, honey? You owe my twenty bucks." 
   "What?" My father pulled out his wallet and handed Ma a twenty. "You bet on my sexuality." 
   "Not necessarily. We bet on whether or not you'd come out to us before college." Ma smiled, my jaw dropped. 
   "You knew!" 
   "We've know since you were little." 
   "John, you danced with the prince and it was pretty obvious you're dating Francis."
   "You're not mad?" 
   "Of course not, honey!" Ma laughed. "We love you and nothing's gonna change that." I smiled and hugged her. 
   "Francis seems like a good kid." My dad smiled as I hugged him. "I'd like to meet him when you're not shoving him out the door." I laughed a bit and sat down. 
   "So...The Prince-"
   "I really don't wanna talk about it." I sighed, they nodded and I got up. "I should get ready for bed." 
   "Goodnight, Jack." Ma hummed.
   "Goodnight, Son." 
   "Goodnight." I trudged upstairs and smiled a bit. That went way better than expected. I got in the shower and sighed. My thoughts wandered a bit as I let the hot water run through my hair and I huffed. Maybe I do love Alex, maybe I don't. All that matters is I'm with Francis and I'm sure Alex will be ok. He's tough. He'll pull through and maybe one day we can be friends again but for now I'm fine. Everything's fine. 

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