The Law (Part 2)

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A/N - I'm back and alive! If you haven't seen my message board go look at it! It explains why I died momentarily! Enjoy this chapter and ask questions!

John's POV

   Francis frowned as I got up and opened the door. There he stood, shivering in his night gown as tears streamed down his face. "A-Alex? What are you doing here? You must be freezing! Come in!" I let him in and guided him to the couch. "Francis, could you get him some blankets? I'm gonna make some hot chocolate. How does that sound?" I asked gently, Alex looked up at me and nodded. I hurried off to the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. I hurried back to the living room to find Francis bundling the still crying Alex in blankets. I rubbed Francis' back and he moved back for me. "Hey...What happened? Does Eliza know you're here?" Alex shook his head. "Please talk to me? What happened? You can talk to me, Alex." 
   "They lied to me." He whispered.
   "Who?" I frowned.
   "Everyone. I-I don't have to marry someone of royal decent." He sobbed, I engulfed him in a hug and he clung to me for dear life. 
   "Shhhhh." I cooed. "I've got you. I'm right here." 
   "I'm sorry. It's all my fault! I-"
   "No...Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." I assured, Alex crawled into my lap and shivered against my chest. I rocked him side to side and Francis shifted. 
   "John...Can I talk to you? Privately." I felt my stomach churn and nodded slowly. I shifted Alex back onto the couch and he whined in protest. 
   "I'll be right back. Just hang on a sec." I smiled, making sure the blankets were tight around him. I followed Francis into the kitchen and he sighed. 
   "I'm gonna go."
   "What? Why?" I frowned.
   "John...Don't make this harder than it already is." I frowned and Francis sighed. "I just want you to be happy." He whispered, my heart sank a bit. "I know you still want him. Go get him." He smiled.
   "I-...I'm sorry."
   "I am too. Bye, J." He smiled, kissing my forehead. He turned to leave and I grabbed his hand. 
   "Francis...I do love you...just not the way you want." I huffed, he smiled squeezed my hand. 
   "Goodnight, John." 
   "Goodnight, Francis." We went back into living room and Alex immediately attached himself to me. Francis left and I guided Alex back to the couch. 
   "Can you tell me what happened?" I asked gently.
   "George said it wasn't a law." Alex cried. "It's a precedent. They just wanted to keep the bloodline pure." He managed through shaky sobs. 
   "God, you're freezing, Alex." 
   "I came straight here...I had to see you." He stammered.
   "Come on. Let's get you warm." I started the fireplace and sat Alex in front of it with his hot chocolate. I wrapped him up in blankets and he wiped his eyes. "Better?" Alex nodded slowly and sniffed. 
   "I'm sorry. I ruined your date. I didn't mean to-"
   "It-...It wasn't a date." I sighed. "We were just hanging out." 
   "Oh...Happy birthday." Alex hummed. "I-I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. I-"
   "Hey...That doesn't matter. You're here now. That's the best gift I could ever ask for." I smiled, Alex hugged me and I chuckled. "Still cold?" 
   "Yeah..." He sniffed.
   "So...what are you gonna do about Eliza?" I asked gently.
   "I-...I don't know." He cried.
   "Ok...ok. How about you stay here tonight? We can play Uno or go fish or something." I smiled, hoping he'd agree.
   "I-...That sounds like fun." He smiled, I got up and offered my hand to him. He took it and let me pull him off the floor. We went up to my room and I cleared off a spot on the floor. We decided on Uno and I made sure Alex was buried in blankets. We played few rounds before Alex started to nod off. He slumped against the bed and I chuckled lightly. I cleaned up the game and gently picked in up. I laid him in my bed and tucked him in before going downstairs and sitting on the couch. I told my parents Alex was here and they were cool with it so I scrolled through my phone for a bit, looking at all the pictures of me and Francis. My chest tightened and I blinked back the tears in my eyes. Francis is right. I know that but...I still miss him. Alex could still marry someone else. It would be stupid to think that I could be with Alex. 

   I yawned and tried to roll over on the couch I was sleeping on but something stopped me. I frowned and squinted in the early morning light. I was met with messy red curls and a little bit of drool. I smiled lightly and held back my laugh, trying not to disturb the Prince asleep on my chest. He clung to me tightly despite his slumber and I gently ran my fingers through his hair. After a few minutes he started to stir and I smiled. "Good morning." I whispered as he started sitting up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. 
   "Sorry." He mumbled. "I woke up and you were there and I-" 
   "It's ok. You don't have to explain yourself." I smiled. 
   "I don't wanna be alone anymore." He sniffed.
   "You're not alone anymore." I hummed, he blushed and smiled lightly. 
   "What time is it?" He asked quietly, I dug around and found my phone. I squinted at the screen and Alex rubbed his eyes. 
   "The ass crack of dawn apparently." I chuckled, Alex snorted and I smiled. "Why don't we go lay in my bed? It's more comfortable." I hummed, Alex nodded and I picked him up. He yelped and wrapped his legs around my waist. 
   "I-I can walk, John." 
   "I am aware of that fact." I hummed.
   "Can you put me down?" 
   "I do not have that ability." I grinned, leaving the room.
   "You're weird." Alex mumbled tiredly, laying his head on my shoulder. 
   "Yeah." I hummed, opening the door to my room. I laid Alex down and fixed his white night gown before laying down next to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I kissed the top of his head before falling asleep again.

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