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A/N - Hi! So if you're coming from Words John is gonna be a little similar because I didn't really get a chance to explore that theme and now I'm going to

John's POV

   "Hi, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get started for you?" I chirped as a woman came up to the register.
   "Can I get a-" She placed her order and I sighed. Putting it in. I was alone today because my partner bailed at the last second so I started making her drink. There was no one else in line so I continued making her drink and she huffed at the counter, clearly annoyed. I sighed and she folded her arms. "What is taking so long?"
   "Sorry, ma'am. I'm almost done." I smiled. 
   "This is ridiculous!" She huffed. "I want to speak to your manager." 
   "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm the only one here." I smiled, handing her the drink that took literally only five minutes to make. "I'm sorry for the delay. Have a nice day!" I chirped, she scoffed and stalked out of the store. I sighed and slumped against the counter. A small girl was black hair and green eyes entered and smiled. I've seen her a few times before. She always orders pretty wacky drinks and she's super nice. 
   "Hello!" She grinned. " Can I get a white chocolate mocha with five shots of espresso?" 
   "Oh boy. Studying?" I asked as I rang her up.
   "Oh, no. That's just how he likes it." 
   "I'm really not supposed to say." 
   "Ooh, secrets. Fun." She laughed and I smiled. "Anything else?" 
   "Um...A coffee frappuccino." 
   "Sure thing. Can I get a name for the order?" 
   "Kitty. Like a literal kitty." I chuckled and scribbled it down on her cups. She paid and I started on her drinks. She waited patiently and I handed her the drink when I finished. 

   When my shift ended I decided to take the long way home through the park. It's always been kind of calming and quiet. It's nice the experience nature in the middle of this kingdom. I smiled, inhaling the  clean air of the park and listening to the birds. I passed by the wall of the palace and sighed. People say the palace gardens are the most beautiful gardens in all of New York. I really wish that one day I'd be able to see it. I huffed and continued my way home. I unlocked the door and youngest brother jumped on me. "Jack!" He cheered. "Did you bring-"
   "No, buddy. I'm sorry." He pouted and plopped down on the couch. Sometimes I bring him a hot chocolate when it's cold but not today. I made my way to my room and sighed. I pulled my sketchbook out and started sketching a landscape. My mind wandered as I drew. This was something else that calmed me. I thought about my family some. My dad is a member of Congress and my mom is a nurse at a pediatrics hospital. I have four siblings as follows. Martha, twelve, my best friend. Henry, eight, can be kind of an ass sometimes. James, six, he can be annoying when I wanna be alone. And Mary, one, all she does is scream and spit up on me. We are a wealthy family and we live in a big house but it's nothing compared to the king. I work so I can be on my own when I graduate in a few months. My parents are paying for college but I need to get out of the house. My family doesn't really know I'm gay and I'm really not ready to tell them...ever. So...That's fun. 

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