Unexpected Events

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A/N - Should I be doing school work? Yes. Am I posting this instead because y'all are goblins? Yes. Is my college algebra teacher a blonde bimbo bitch? Definitely. Should y'all be asking questions? Always.

John's POV

   I heard the bell on the door jingle and Francis was in the back but I was cleaning so I didn't turn around. "Hi, welcome to Starbucks! What can I do for you?" 
   "Hey, Jack." I turned and smiled.
   "Hey." Alex smiled, Francis stepped out from the closet and smiled. 
   "Hey, Your Highness." He hummed.
   "Oh...It's just Alex." Alex smiled, Francis nodded and I chuckled. 
   "The usual, Lex?"
   "Please." The bell jingled and Francis moved to the register. 
   "Oh my-Your Highness." The woman bowed and Alex frowned.
   "Please stand." He hummed, she straightened up and Alex moved aside. The woman took her order and Francis prepared it. I leaned against the counter and smiled up at Alex. 
   "So...How was your-"
   "Do not call it a date." He grumbled. "It was not fun. Meade called me a slut and Eliza was a judgmental bitch. I got yelled at for calling you because no one else was gonna deal with my panic and I yelled at Meade." 
   "Wow." I chuckled lightly. "That's a lot...You yelled at Meade?"
   "Yup. It was after you hung up. I told him I wanted to go home and he started saying no but then I yelled at him and told him I'm the Prince." He mumbled.
   "Oh...I'm sorry. Come here." I stepped out from behind the counter and hugged Alex. He buried his face in my neck and I smiled. We pulled away and reached up, gently removing his tiara. He frowned and I smiled, fixing his hair. "I get off in about twenty minutes if you wanna go to the park or something?" 
   "Ok." He smiled.
   "J, heads up." Francis slid Alex's drink over to me and I handed it to the Prince. 
   "Thanks, Francis." Alex smiled, he sat in the corner and scrolled through his phone. I went back to work and I noticed Francis getting antsy.
   "Hey...Um-John?" He asked randomly.
   "Did we run out of-"
   "No...We're good on that." He stammered. "Do-uh-Do you maybe wanna go see a movie or something? Just-...Just the two of us?" He was blushing profusely and my eyes widened. Did he just ask me on a date? "I'm sorry. It's dumb-"
   "No! Um-...It's not dumb. Um-" I glanced at Alex and sighed. He's unavailable...Francis wouldn't hurt...Maybe he could- "That sounds like fun." I smiled.
   "Really? Cool! I'll text you and we can figure out a time." 
   "Yeah." I smiled, Francis and I cleaned up and waited for the next shift to come in before clocking out. Alex came over and I smiled. 
   "Can I have my tiara back?" 
   "I suppose." I sighed, pulling it out of my backpack and plopping it on his head. He giggled and situated it, following me as I headed to the park. Alex went straight for the tree and I groaned. 
   "What! I wanna climb, damn it!" 
   "I'm not going up there. I'd like to keep my feet on the ground."
   "Baby." Alex teased.
   "I will leave you here!" 
   "You forget I have a royal status." He grinned, I chuckled and leaned against the tree. 
   "You forget that to me...you're just Alex." Alex's face appeared upside down next to mine and he stared at me. 
   "Yeah, Lex." I smiled, he got down and hugged me. "You'll always be just Alex to me." 
   "Thank you." 
   "No problem." I hummed, we sat down against the tree and talked as the sun sunk over the horizon. 
   "Hey, John?"
   "Um-...Never mind." 
   "What?" I looked down at him and he bit his lip. 
   "I-...If you could marry anyone you wanted with no conditions who would it be?" I knew the answer to that question. 
   "I don't know." I lied. 
   "What about you?" 
   "That's not an option." 
   "But if it was?" Alex tensed up a bit and shifted.
   "I-uh-You?" He mumbled, I blushed and swallowed. My heart did a back flip and my stomach melted. 
   "I'm sorry." He mumbled. 
   "Alex, I-...I like you." I sighed, Alex's head snapped up and he stared at me. 
   "Y-You do?" 
   "Yeah...I do." I sighed, Alex grinned and I bit my lip. "Lex, you know we can't-" 
   "I know." He mumbled.
   "I'm sorry." 
   "It's whatever." He got up and dusted himself off. 
   "Just leave it." I stood up and sighed.
   "Can we just-"
   "What? Pretend it never happened? I can't just keep pretending, John! It hurts!" He yelled.
   "You don't think it hurts me?" I huffed. "Alex, I like you but I can never be with you. You're getting married!"
   "Then why would you tell me that and just expect me to fucking forget!"
   "Alex, it's better if we forget." 
   "I can't forget, John!" He yelled. "I have no freedom! I am told everyday what to do but with you-..." Tears slid down his cheeks and his voice broke as he took a shaky breath. "With you I'm just me and I can be myself. I don't have to sit up straight or eat slowly! You are my freedom and now you wanna take it away!"
   "Forget it."
   "Forget it, John!" He stormed off and I huffed. I started to go after him but I stopped. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I wiped them away quickly. There were too many tears to wipe away. I couldn't stop them. I changed direction. Alex wasn't going to listen to me and by the time I caught up with him Kitty would be out to kill me. I started walking. Where was I going? I don't know. I walked, letting the world drown out as the pain took over. I stumbled on the sidewalk, tears blurring my vision, and stumbled up some steps. I knocked on the door before me and after a moment it swung open. 

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