The Ball

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A/N - *points water gun* ASK YA QUESTIONS

John's POV

   "I look stupid." I grumbled, my mom scoffed and straightened my coat. 
   "You look very handsome, honey."
   "You're my mom, you're supposed to stay that." 
   "Oh, hush!" She chuckled, fixing my light blue tie.
   "Is there anyway to hide this?" I whined, trying to hide my glucose monitor. Mom sighed and tucked it in my jacket pocket. 
   "Remember, food is served at nine so take your insulin at eight thirty and don't snack. If your monitor goes off don't be ashamed to ask for help."
   "Yeah, yeah. I got it, Ma." I chuckled.
   "I'm just worried."
   "I'll be fine." I smiled.
   "You look so grown up!" 
   "John, are you ready?" 
   "Yeah, dad." 
   "Henry, watch him-"
   "I got it, Eleanor. I've been watching him since he was born." I chuckled and smiled. I hugged Mom good bye and Dad and I slid into the car. 

   "Wow!" I gasped as I stepped out of the car, Dad chuckled and gave his keys to the valet. 
   "Come on, son." 
   "Have you been here before?" I questioned as the guards opened the gates. 
   "A couple times. Being the head of Congress has it's perks." He grinned, I chuckled and a servant led us to the ballroom. The ballroom was fucking massive and beautiful. The tables were dressed in simple white table cloths with green cloth napkins and light pink peonies in a green vases. The tables were scattered along the walls to make room for a dance floor in the middle of the room. That opposite end of the room was a huge staircase and at the foot a few feet away was the royal family's table. No one occupied it at the moment but other well dressed people were mingling. Men wore suits and the women wore evening dresses of some kind. My dad and I were shown to our table and we took our seats The table was positioned a few feet from the royal table and could see that all the seats were faced toward the dance floor. As I sat down a waiter came by and handed my father a glass of champagne and me a glass of water. A few people came to chat with my dad and I just scrolled through Instagram. I came across a photo of an aesthetic looking pen being able by a freckled hand. It was hard to tell if the hand was female or male but the pen was beautiful. I liked the picture and continued scrolling until a man stood at the top of the stairs. 
   "Ladies and gentleman, if I may have your attention?" The room quieted and I put my phone away. "His Majesty, King George Washington. The large oak doors at the top of the stairs opened and the king stepped out. He wore mostly gold save for a baby blue sash across his torso. Everyone stood and clapped until he held up his hand.  
   "Ladies and gentleman, thank you so much for coming!" The king began. "And thank you to the royal leaders from the smaller states for coming today." He smiled. "I do hope that one of you will be my son's suitor." He descended the steps and the door opened again. 
   "Ladies and gentleman, her Majesty, Queen Martha Washington." A woman with neat brown hair wearing a beautiful golden gown descended the steps and stood beside the king. "His highness, Prince Marquis de Lafayette." A boy about my age stepped out and descended the steps. His straight red hair was tied up in a bun and he wore a purple gown. "And lastly, His Highness, Prince Alexander Hamilton." A third boy stepped out and I gasped. No one has actually seen the second Prince since he got adopted six months ago. No one knows what he looks like but now...everyone does. He had bouncing red curls with a beautiful tiara sat among them and freckles splattering his tan skin. He looked mad, sad, and scared all at the same time. He wore sparkly green ball gown and I felt my cheek flush as his eyes scanned the tables. He began to descend the steps as photographers took an ungodly amount of photos of him. It was like they all put their cameras on sports mode and held down the shudder. He clearly could barely see with all the flashes going off and the servant helped him descend the steps. 
   "Let the ball begin!" The king smiled, gesturing toward the dance floor. I plopped back in my seat and sighed. 
   "John, please don't sit there all night?" 
   "Can I?"
   "No! Socialize! I'm going to go speak with the king. Socialize!" I rolled my eyes as he left and huffed. Now I was all alone...Great. 

A/N - Ask questions plzzzzzz also that's Alex's dress 

A/N - Ask questions plzzzzzz also that's Alex's dress 

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