Winter's Ball (Part 2)

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Alexander's POV

   Eliza was going on about something and I sighed. I was bored out of my mind. I looked over to the table to see if I could signal John but he wasn't there. I frowned and scanned the crowd. I found him but-...He was dancing with that other boy from the coffee shop. I felt a pang of... jealousy? Was I jealous and sad. Why was I upset. I felt my chest tightened and I turned back to Eliza. "Will you excuse me, Princess?" I broke from our dance and hurried off, collapsing in the hallway. Tears spilled down my cheeks and I pulled my knees to my chest as I sobbed. Everything hurt. It felt like a hole had opened up in my heart. I know that's shitty to say given John literally had a whole in his heart but it hurt. I heard the door open and I gasped. I looked up and John sucked in a breath. 
   "Hey. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked, sitting next to me. I cried harder and John hugged me. 
   "Did you come looking for me?" I asked a little hopefully.
   "I didn't know you were gone. I have to take my insulin. What happened? Was it Eliza?" I shook my head. "What happened, Alex." He asked again. 
   "Nothing." I huffed.
   "Ok. I was just trying to help." John sighed.
   "Don't you need to take your insulin?" I sniffed, kind of hoping he'd go away. 
   "Yeah but I'm not leaving you here." John hummed, pulling out his insulin pen. He pulled up his shirt and started trying to not scared the crap out of himself. 
   "Did you have fun dancing with your friend?" I sniffed.
   "Yeah, actually. Francis is a really cool guy." John smiled, pushing the needle into his skin and squeezing his eyes shut. 
   "He's good looking." I mumbled.
   "Yeah...He is." John hummed, a light pick blush creeping up to his cheeks. Tears spilled down my cheeks and I buried my face in my knees. John sighed and wrapped up the used needle. "Why won't you talk to me? What happened?" 
   "It's nothing, John!" I snapped.
   "Go away please?" I begged.
   "No." He hummed simply.
   "John, just go!"
   "No, Alex. I'm not letting you cry alone."
   "As Prince of the United States of America I order you to go away and leave me alone!"
   "Alex, you know damn fucking well I don't give a single shit about your royal status." John snapped back, I cried harder and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm not leaving, Alex. I told you I'd be right here with you and I'm going to do just that." I leaned into him and cried into his coat. "Was it Eliza?" I shook my head and John sighed. "Ok..." I cried for about five more minutes before huffing and sitting up. 
   "People are gonna come looking for me." I sniffed, wiping my eyes and fixing my tiara. John smiled and pushed tucked a loose curl behind my ear. "Is my mascara running?" 
   "A little bit. Here. Come here." John pulled a handkerchief  from his pocket and gently wiped under my eyes. "All better." I smiled a bit and John stood up. "Come on, Your Highness." He smiled, I took his hand and let him pull me up. We stepped back into the ballroom as the orchestra played a slow song. John smiled down at me and offered his hand. "May I have this dance?" 
   "Yes, you may." I smiled, taking his hand. John can't dance very well so we just swayed the beat and occasionally spun me. We laughed and spun around like idiots as the song played. Everything around me drowned out as we danced. Eliza, Francis, George...It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was John. He made me feel so safe, like noting was wrong. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. Near the end John pulled me into a hug and we just swayed in a circle. "John?"
   "Yeah?" He asked quietly, I bit my lip and buried my face in his chest. 
   "Thank you." I smiled. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." 
   "That's ok." John hummed. "Everyone gets upset from time to time." He smiled, I smiled and the song ended. I sighed as we returned to the table and sat do to dinner. 

A/N - I DEAD! I was writing and listening to my teacher talk and I was in the zone and he made a comment that everyone looked dead cause it's like 9 A.M. and he said 'Like Caitlyn, she looks dead' and I was like bold of you to assume I was alive in the first place lmao

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