Freedom (Part 2)

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A/N - Ask questions, y'all! Don't be shy XD In less than ten chapters there will be another Q&A!

John's POV

   I gripped the branch tightly as Alex kicked his legs freely, smiling at the sun and the clouds. "Ok, can we get down now?"
   "Oh, come on! I never get to climb trees!"
   "Can you climb it without me?" I begged a bit, Alex pouted and I sighed. "Alright, alright." I chuckled, leaning cautiously against the trunk. 
   "So do you have-like-a nasty scar or somethin'?" 
   "Um-...Yeah." I mumbled.
   "I have a lot of scars too." Alex hummed, climbing a little higher. "When I was thirteen a hurricane hit my island and I got tossed around like a damn rag doll. I have all kinds of stupid scars." He gasped and I jumped. 
   "I'm fine, dummy. It's beautiful up here."
   "I'm not going up there, Lex." I called.
   "That's ok. I just wanted to see it. He jumped down from the tree and grinned. "Lunch?" He hummed. 
   "You're going to be the death of me." I chuckled, jumping down. 
   "Maybe. What's for lunch?"
   "I know a cute little dinner. Not many people but fucking amazing food." 
   "Ooh! Yum!" Alex giggled, letting me take his hand. 

   "After you, Your Highness." I smiled, opening the door for him. He rolled his eyes as walked inside and we grabbed a booth in the corner. We sat across from each other and Alex scanned me. "What?" 
   "You have too potentially life threatening ailments and you're still fit as hell." My cheeks lit up red and Alex sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. It was rude. I guess my filter is lacking at the moment. Um-"
   "It's fine." I smiled. "I go for a run every morning and I workout on Sundays." I sighed.
   "Wow, look at you." Alex giggled, I chuckled lightly and sighed. "I have to take my insulin. I'll be back." 
   "Oh...Um-...I-" Alex started looking around and I chuckled. 
   "You can come with I guess." I smile, we head into the bathroom and Alex looked in the mirror as I locked the stall. I sighed as I pulled out my insulin and a bit my lip. I took a deep breath and pulled my shirt up. "Hey, Alex?" 
   "Yeah?" He asked. 
   "Can you say anything? Just something?" 
   "Um-...Sure. What?" 
   "I don't know." I huffed. "Anything."
   "I never really actually sincerely thanked you for that dance. I mean-...It was very nice. I had a good time..." He hummed as I pushed the needle into my stomach, hissing a bit. "It was really nice to dance with someone who wasn't trying to get up my skirt." He sighed, I chuckled lightly as I finished up and disposed of the needle. 
   "I'll always be there to not fuck you?" I laughed as I opened the stall door. Alex snorted and kicked his legs as he sat on the counter. 
   "Thanks." He smiled. "I'm glad we're friends."
   "I'm glad we're friends too." I smiled. "Your Highness?" I hummed, offering my hand to help him of the counter. He took and hopped of letting me lead him back to our table. We sat down and ordered, starting to chat. "So...What was the ball for?" I asked, Alex huffed and crossed his arms. 
   "I have to take the throne when I turn sixteen. I can't do that without being married. Which is fucking stupid but whatever. I have to marry someone of royalty and the ball was for me to meet everyone who is eligible and now I have to pick one and marry them." He huffed, crossing his arms and slouching down in his seat. 
   "Damn. Just like that?"
   "Well...We'd get a bit of time to get to know each other so I can yeet them if they're a dick." He huffed. 
   "Wait...You are fifteen."
   "Yeah..." He huffed. "I got a better life for a price." 
   "Geez...You can't just change the rule?" 
   "No. I tried to reason with George but he won't budge on the matter." 
   "I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with someone I may or may not like." He sniffed. 
   "Well...Maybe you can fight it?" 
   "I can't. I tried. They won't listen. They're just old fucking bureaucrats who do nothing but make rules they'll never follow."
   "Hey, my dad is the head honcho of those old fucking bureaucrats." I smirked. "But I agree. What's the point of getting married?"
   "I don't know. I just have to be married. It's stupid as fuck." He groaned, our food was served and Alex started shoving fries in his mouth. "Oh, holy fuck!" He managed through a mouth full of fries. 
   "Yeah?" I chuckled as Alex swallowed his ridiculous mouthful.
   "I have had actual fast food since...I was adopted." He shrugged.
   "Well...Anytime you hang out with me we can get fast food." I smiled.
   "Yay!" He grinned, stuffing his face again. 
   "You're such a dork." I chuckled, I poked at my food and Alex frowned. 
   "Something wrong?" 
   "I'm just making sure I did my math right." I mumbled.
   "You have to do math?"
   "Yeah. I have to figure out how much insulin I need." 
   "Fuck. I'd die if I was diabetic." 
   "Cause math fucks my ass every time." I snorted and Alex giggled. "Can you overdose on insulin?"
   "I don't know." I laughed, Alex giggled hysterically and my phone buzzed. I looked down at it and Alex frowned. 
   "What is it?" 
   "It's my sister."
   "No worries. She was just asking where I left the remote for the tv." I smiled.
   "Oh, ok." Alex smiled, we finished up and I smiled. 
   "So. Where to, Your Highness?" 
   "I don't know. Show me the sights." Alex giggled, so we walked around. I even bought Alex a little Empire State Building snow globe as a joke. As the sunset I took Alex to a bridge and we stood and watched the sun disappeared over the horizon. As darkness fell around us we walked closely back to the palace. "Thank you." He hummed when we stopped outside the gate, it swung out and a man stepped out. Alex huffed and turned back to me. "I haven't had that much fun in ages." He smiled.
   "I'm glad you had fun." I smiled, he hugged me and I chuckled. 
   "Goodnight, John." He started toward the man at the gate and I bit my lip. 
   "Hey, can I get your phone number?" Alex smiled and pulled his phone out of his pocket. We exchanged numbers and Alex disappeared into the gates of the palace with the man. 

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