I'll Take What I can Get

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Francis' POV

   "John?" I frowned, he looked up and I saw the tears streaming down his face. 
   "Can I come in?" He stammered.
   "Y-Yeah. What happened? Are you ok?" I let him in and he tried to wipe his eyes. "John?" I've known John since Kindergarten. He doesn't cry very often, not even when he fell on the playground. "J?" He opened his mouth but just started crying again. I carefully hugged him and he emptied his tears on my shoulder. 
   "I'm s-sorry. I'm bothering you. I-" He started to pull away but I tightened my grip. 
   "You're not a bother." I smiled, rubbing his shoulder. "Here. Sit down, J." We sat on the couch and he took a deep breath. 
   "What about your parents?" 
   "Dad's staying late and mom'd still out of town." I sighed.
   "What happened?" John sighed and rubbed his neck. 
   "I-...I have a crush on Alex." He mumbled.
   "Oh...shit." My heart sank a bit.
   "Why did I tell him?" John held his head in his hands and I scooted closer to him, wrapping arm across his shoulders. 
   "Tell me what happened."
   "We went to the park after work and we hung out for a bit, watching the sunset. Then Alex randomly asked me if I could marry anyone who it would be and I told him I didn't know. Then I asked him the same question and he said me. Then it got really awkward and he apologized and then I just said it. God, I'm such a fucking idiot. I-"
   "Hey, you're not an idiot." I assured, pulling him into a hug. "You're not an idiot, John." He didn't try to move from the hug so I started to pull away but he wrapped his arms around my stomach.
   "Please don't let go?" He whispered, I wrapped my arms around him tightly and ran my fingers through his hair. He made himself smaller and buried his face in my chest. We sat quietly for a bit before John finally spoke up again. 
   "I hurt him." He spoke quietly. "It's my fault. It's all my fault." 
   "I tried to kiss him! Why did I do that? I told him to forget about it. To pretend it never happened!" He cried. "Why did I do that?" He sniffed.
   "Just stop thinking about it. Let's just watch a movie. Ok?"
   "I have to talk to him!" He started to grab his phone and I sighed. 
   "I have to tell him I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
   "Just stop. He probably won't even pick up." I reasoned, John pouted and I smiled. I gently brushed a fresh tear off his cheek and pulled his phone out of his hands. "No phone. Let's just watch a movie. I'll order some pizza and we can just vibe."
   "Vibe?" John chuckled a bit and I smiled. 
   "Ok." He chuckled, we decided on Brave and I ordered the pizza. We sat kind of awkwardly on the couch as we watched and I twiddled my thumbs. John rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. We cuddled until the pizza arrive and I went to get it. I dropped it on the coffee table and John and I settled back on the couch. 
   "So...When are we gonna catch that movie?"
   "Wait? You actually wanna do that?"
   "Yeah." He smiled, I grinned and sat up a bit.
   "Well...What do you wanna go see?" John shrugged and I chuckled. 
   "How are you with scary movies?" 
   "I love scary movies." He hummed.
   "Oh, awesome." 
   "We could watch a scary movie now?" He grinned.
   "Ooh. Yes. How about Annabelle?" 
   "I've never seen that one." I popped it in and he laid against my shoulder. The movie started and shifted, trying to find the right words. 
   "I really like you." He looked up at me and I looked down at my lap. "I know you said you like Alex but I've really liked you for awhile now and-" 
   "Alex doesn't want me." He mumbled, slipping his fingers in with mine. "I can't be chasing after something I can't have." He looked down at our hands and smiled. "This makes me feel a bit better." I lifted his chin and gently connected our lips. He kissed back and I cupped his cheek. I heard his phone buzzing on the coffee table but I didn't care. I don't think he even heard it. When we pulled away John leaned into me and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

   "J, wake up." John stirred and lifted his head off my chest. 
   "Damn it." He sighed.
   "Do you have to get home?" 
   "Probably." He reached for his phone and I sat up a bit. He had been laying on top of me and that's just fine with me. I was definitely not complaining. "Oh...Alex called me." He stared at it for a minute and bit his lip. 
   "Are you gonna call him back?" 
   "Um-...No." He put his phone down and boosted himself enough to kiss me. 
   "Can you stay the night?" I asked, he blushed a bit and my eyes widened. "Definitely not like that!" 
   "I know." He chuckled. "Let me ask my mom." He texted her and I kissed him again while we waited for a reply. His phone buzzed and he smiled. "She said yes." We got up and headed up to my bedroom. I gave John a t-shirt and shorts to wear and his glucose monitor went off. "What? What could you possibly want from me? I swear to god if you tell me my blood sugar is high I'll rip you right out of my body right now." 
   "How about you don't." I laughed, he shot me a glare and I chuckled. He dug around in his backpack and pulled out his insulin. "Come here." We sat on my bed and John administered his insulin while I rubbed his shoulder. I let out the breath he was holding and changed his shirt. We laid down and John sighed. 
   "I'm sorry I dragged you into this." He sighed.
   "Don't apologize." I hummed.
   "But I'm just...us-"
   "I know." I sighed. "I'll take what can get."I mumbled. 

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