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--------- (dance club)

"YAH LEE CHAEYEONNN!!!!!!" Someone just screamed at me after i walked into the room. "Do you need to scream, yena?" I asked seriously as she answered "YES" "I'LL NOT GIVE YOU FREE ICE CREAMS FROM NOW ON AND WILL NOT INFORM YOU ABOUT THIS BLIND DATE." i said with expressionless face. "Why do you always threated me with my free ice creams?" She pouted. "Ew, pout some where else buddy. I'll tell my story some where else too." I teasingly said.

"Are we complete now? Let's begin the class."
The teacher said and clapped two times, like a chef who wants to make her staff faster. 

(While having class)

"Yah, what happened about your first blind date? Did something happened? Did you guys hug? DID YOU GUYS KISS?!" A girl whispered-yelled at me. "Yo,let's talk about that after class. Alright Minju?" I calmly told her. "Gay, i mean girl, class can wait." She again said. "Can you endure Ms.Bae's ten choreo? You want that Kim Minju? Well do it not with me. Talk to your girl" i irritatilly told minju. "Who's my girl?!" She again whisper-yelled. "I don't know." I said and walk away from her. I know that she's glaring at me, but i did not dare to stare at her since i really don't want to make a 10 choreo to a very hard song. Like, really don't want.

-------- (timeskip loves me too. Jk)
(Ice Cream Shop)

"TWO CUPS OF CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM PLEASE! AND ALSO SHE'S GONNA PAY FOR IT SINCE I GOT HER A BLIND DATE!" yena just freaking yelled at the cashier and pointed at me. 'Why am i friends with her again? I literally want to wish that i'm not with her right now.' "Oh wow, what a good friend.okay just wait for your ice cream." The cashier said. Omg this is so embarassing.

Anyways, we took her ice cream and made it into our table. They just wanted to know about this 'Blind Date' thingy since i don't do those stuffs. Just convinced since she's japanese apparently. "So how's your blind date? Ever since you just shoo me and my future girl friend away you guys are like, already girlfriends." Yena said while smirking. 'Soon' to be girlfriend, not yet since it's kinda weird lol. "We're not girlfriends, but we already agreed about our second date" i said as i happily smiled when i'm imagining what's gonna happen in that date. 'then i'll kiss her an-- no no. The hell chaeyeon?!' "Wow does that mean my bestfriend is good at blind dates even this is her first time?! Girl just like your bestfriend right here!" This baby duck said while pointing at herself. Where did she get her confidence? I wanna know. Know know know what is love? (STAN TWICE)  "I mean, even tho i don't do this blind date shts here i do bumble.jk, ofcourse your friend has ways to make someone fall in love with her" i confidently said while winking. "Lol, you confident feather that we thought will be single forever since she's still waiting for her childhood crush that apparently didn't show up rn. So she just ditched her childhood crush for my japanese gamer friend. Nice one bro you've grown up, i'm proud of you!" She literally said this while patting me like an old man. "So where's the second date gonna be?" She added. "Well, i always saw in those books that second date almost need to be at a amusement park, i mean. I just saw that on some of the books that i usually read, i don't actually know." I answered as i'm also eating my ice cream. "That's a good idea chae,you're really good at this!" She exclaimed and gave me a thumbs up. After that we talked about some stuffs and yena most talked about yuri, well she's gonna confess to her so.... Yeah

----------- (TimeSkip,ChatBox)

Chaewon's Guards

Wazzup famm!! And the two there
that recently went to a blind date,
are they cute? If they are can i just
snatch them? Thanks.

What the??? You really
want to snatch this gurl? Theres no way.

ᵗᵃˡˡᵉˢᵗWhat the, is that freaking Sakuchan?!Did you just dated my famous youtuberBestfriend?! Boi u lucky

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What the, is that freaking Sakuchan?!
Did you just dated my famous youtuber
Bestfriend?! Boi u lucky.

Sis you know her? Can i get her number?

We know that girl, we used to be classmates at japan. We literally
became instant famous when we
be friended with her, and no. No numbers for u dud.

Such a good friend:). Another bread for you;)

Chaeyeon unnie my fav unnie!

Yah you have favorite unnie?!

yeah, all of us have fav unnies.

who chose me? ;)

who chose me?

who chose me?

who chose me?


we chose chaeyeon unnie.....

did we just got back stab by a foreigner?!

I guess so. And btw we're already a couple.


Kwon Eunbi

Who what now?

The one that she meet up earlier,basically
she also met her in a blind date. this cake
monster is fast. faster that the flash.

you not gonna say thank you to
the one who made this blind date
possible??? Eh Kang Hyewon?

thank you:)
gotta go!
I'm gonna go to her house uwu.
bye gays.

ᴄᴀᴋᴇᴍᴜɴᴄʜ Logged out

Well that's fast.
can i have a girlfriend too?
yena unnie!
Set me up!


ʸᵉˢ *Pouty face

not gonna happen, just go out with
hitomi here. U guys look good eh.

never thought of that but they do
Look good after you said that. Nice
Yena unnie!

ʙʙᴀɴɢᴛᴏᴍɪ Logged out.
ᵗᵃˡˡᵉˢᵗ Logged out.

welp, i think they're gonna chat at their
private box.
Where's the maknae line?
they didn't even seen here?!

maybe they're going at their own date too?
give them a break yena unnie, let them havs fun and break their hearts later. Jk.

are you with minju right now?

ssᴀᴍғᴀɪʀʏ Logged out.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴜɢᴀᴛᴏᴏᴏ Logged out.


ʏᴇᴅᴜᴄᴋ Logged out.

What just happened?!

ᴄʜᴀᴇʏᴇᴏɴɴɪᴇ Logged out

yo wazzupp fammmmmm. Another chapter, but i think this contains alot of misspelled words, but yea forget about it.
This is still new so please bare with me while i'm updating at this story. And i will promise to make this story short as possible but detailed. I think. Lol. Okay byee!!
-1092 Words!

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